October 8th, 2008

[info]zord_savvy in [info]parabolical

Who:Jem and Kat
What: A meeting!..and stalking?
When:Wednesday evening.
Where: downtown
Warnings: TBA. Possibly high considering all the death and destruction.

She hadn't expected to be out so late as she was. )

[info]yourecold in [info]parabolical

Who: Nick Jonas & Joe Jonas.
What: Joe couldn't sleep, so he steals an irate Nick's bed and they seek solace in one another. Something cheesy.
When: Late at night.
Where: Nick's room.
Rating: Really not high. PG+
Status: Log + Comments/Incomplete.

He ain't heavy, he's my brother. )

[info]nomia in [info]parabolical

Who: Sirius and Dora
What: Dora is nosey and decides to go and talk to Sirius
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: the Weir
Status/rating: Incomplete/PG-13ish?

Read more... )

[info]sonofajackal in [info]parabolical

Who: Damien Thorn and Joe Jonas
Where: Gamestop
When: Late afternoon
What: Another run-in between.. friends
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete


He needed some time alone. Somewhere that he couldn't think about the Apocalypse. )

[info]lil_lu in [info]parabolical

Who: Lily Luna Potter (Open to Weir Residents)
When: Backdated to a day or two after Al's death
Where: Her room in the Weir
Rating: S for Sadness.

this was gone and never coming back )

[info]boy_scout in [info]parabolical

Who: Clark and Bart
Where: Streets
When: Night
What: Giving in to anger
Rating: R
Status: Complete


Something was wrong with him. He was very quick to anger, and had little patience for people who are incapable of keeping their mouth shut. )

[info]_cullen in [info]parabolical

Who: Bella, Edward, Nessie Cullen
When: Very backdated, before the Apocalypse and right after Nessie's arrival
What: Bella and Edward are confused, they asked source of said confusion over
Where: The Cullen Penthouse
Rating: Should be fairly clean

so apparently we have a kid... )

[info]scissorwoman in [info]parabolical

WHO: Jem & Drusilla.
WHAT: A meeting of two sociopaths.
WHEN: After dark.
WHERE: Around the city.
STATUS: Incomplete.

A match made in heaven, or something like that. )

January 2010



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