October 4th, 2008

[info]no_savior in [info]parabolical

Who: Peter Petrelli and Claire Littleton
What: Delivering the worst news
Where: Claire's hotel room
When: After Aaron's death
Rating: PG for child death
Status: thread ; incomplete

The woman hadn't lost a friend, or even a relative. She'd lost her son. )

[info]warrior_xena in [info]parabolical

Who: Xena, Junpei, and War
Where: Random street
When: Midnight
What: Killing
Rating: R
Notes: Character Death!!
Status: Incomplete


She had killed before. But this time she had some help. )

[info]ex_pug279 in [info]parabolical

WHO: Pansy & Draco.
WHAT: She isn't feeling so good.
WHEN: Right after this.
WHERE: Her apartment.
STATUS: Complete.

This is some kind of sick Gryffindor prank, isn't it? )

[info]originalpink in [info]parabolical

Who: Kim and Open to any of the Rangers who wanted to show up
Where: Kat's place and then around LA
When: Around 10pm
What: Patrol, chatting, keeping an eye out sick people trying to escape their beds.
Rating: R, Character Death
Status: Incomplete

As much as she had apprecaited retirement, she'd rather not be here without the Power to defend herself )

[info]kdanvers in [info]parabolical

Who: Katherine Danvers and Walter Sullivan
What: Walter's influenced by War, Katherine doesn't like him. Fight leading to Kate's death.
When: Late, after the Lux closes. Or early if you look at it that way.
Where: Close to the Lux
Rating: R, Character Death

the city smelled of death )

[info]ex_onlygirl487 in [info]parabolical

Who: Ginny Potter and Peter Petrelli
Where: The Hyperion
When: Mid morning
What: Ginny wants to take care of Lavender's service arrangements
Rating: PG 13 for talk of death
Status: Incomplete

No matter how much she tried to prepare herself, Lavender's passing still hit close to home )

[info]indiana_android in [info]parabolical

Who: Mack Hartford and Kimberly Hart; OPEN to Kat Manx, since it's her place
What: Mack is meeting the newest addition to his team: the original Pink Ranger!
When: Backdated to a few days after Kim arrived, afternoon.
Where: Kat's place, aka the Rangers' temp base.
Rating: Doubtfully above PG.

Red and pink, they always get along, don't you think? )

[info]morallydamaged in [info]parabolical

Who: Lindsey McDonald
What: The search for Cathy ends tragically. Grief becomes motivation.
When: After talking to Sarah and Cathy's death
Where: Somewhere between Cathy's apartment and the Hyperion
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete, narrative

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January 2010



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