September 20th, 2008

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]parabolical

Who: Sam and Jack.
What: Sam finds out that Jack kissed Charlie. He is NOT happy about this bullshitery.
When: Friday night.
Where: Jack's place.
Rating: TBD. Depends on how convincing Jack is.

He was a hunter, for crying out loud. Not Dr. Phil. )

[info]number_four in [info]parabolical

Who: The Doctor & Sally Sparrow
What: Meeting a future ally
When: Daytime lately afternoon
Where: A quiet spot
Rating: TBD but quite low
Time is a funny thing )

[info]knivesandreo in [info]parabolical

Who: Kira, Jo
When: Last night, after the concert
Where: Some bar by where the show was
Rating: Kira got her heartbroken and they're getting drunk, probably not kid friendly

it had taken a lot of self control for Jo to take Kira out and not go track down Jack and hurt him for hurting her friend )

[info]no_savior in [info]parabolical

Who: Peter (Evans) Petrelli, Nymphadora Tonks, Draco Malfoy, Remus Lupin, and other residents of the Weir
What: Baby time for Tonks and Remus
Where: Tonks' apartment in the Weir
Rating: PG?
Status: thread ; incomplete

Baby Inside )

[info]knifeofsadness in [info]parabolical

Who: Abigail Whistler (open to King, Booth or Brennan)
What: Bout of insomnia
When: around 3am
Where: living area of the firehouse
Rating: TBD
Status: Open

Shooting people in real life is so much easier. )

[info]faithinthedark in [info]parabolical

WHO: Faith and Charlie
WHAT: Trying to sort out Jack's mess
WHEN: after being texted by Jack
WHERE: A cafe. See, nice and public, no chance of weapons...
RATING: two chicks like this? I doubt it'll be kid friendly..
STATUS: In progress.

This was not how Faith wanted to be spending her Saturday. )

[info]betterthanmost in [info]parabolical

Who: Scorpius and Amelia
Where: Hyperion
When: Afternoon
What: First date meeting
Rating: TBD (but PG for now)
Status: Incomplete


And here begins the end of the world.. or not.. )

[info]honestlyronald in [info]parabolical

Who: Percy and Ron.
What: Meeting up after his angstfest.
When: Afternoon.
Where: MacArthur Park.
Rating: TBD.

Killing that muggle family, torturing me, it was all as a gift for you. )

[info]faithinthedark in [info]parabolical

WHO: Faith Lehane and Felicia Hardy
WHAT: ass kicking is comfort food!
WHEN: Saturday night...
WHERE: a cemetery.
RATING: PG13 at a guess
STATUS: In progress.

Saturday night, no date, so what are two girls to do but kick some undead ass? )

January 2010



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