September 3rd, 2008

[info]patientlykira in [info]parabolical

Who: Kira Ford and Sarah Williams
What: HUGS AND BROWNIES! And you know...talking.
Where: The Hyperion, of course.
When: Nightimes, the best time for brownies.
Rating: TBD, but Kira says the f word a lot as some of you have noticed xD
Status: In progress.

Heaven might have streets of gold, but the rest is made of chocolate. )

[info]dealing_death in [info]parabolical

Who: Selene
Where: Club
Why: Vampires and Bad Guys like places like this, she is just getting a feel for who does what and where they do it. (ha!)
When: Midnightish
Status: Complete
Rating: Pg-13 Mention of slightly adult themes.

A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More ‘Touch Me’… )

[info]ragin_canuck in [info]parabolical

Who: Logan and open.
What: Lookin for a fight.
Where: Wandering around.
When: around 10pm
Rating: TBD
Status: Open

Where's Tyler Durden when you need him? )

[info]robinindahood in [info]parabolical

Who:Jack Landors, Peter Petrelli, Charlie Marquez (posting order?)
What: Second chances and the full story.
When:Wednesday evening
Where:Hyperion lobby
his was the first time he brought anyone officially to the hotel )

[info]newnew_rani in [info]parabolical

Who The Rani and Faith (as always the Master's free to show up since it's his home too)
Where Her TARDIS
What An exchange of goods
When Backdated to last night
Rating TBD, probably not high
Status Incomplete

Like a child on Christmas morning )

[info]sonofajackal in [info]parabolical

Who: Damien Thorn and Jack Landors
When: Evening
Where: Thorn Industries
What: Food delivery
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete


Give unto others your goodwill. )

[info]yourecold in [info]parabolical

Who: Alex Russo and Nick Jonas.
What: Hanging. Out.
When: Middle of the night, because they're rebellious.
Where: The living room.
Rating: Probably not that high. F for fluff. I don't even know.

Trying to find if it's really true. )

[info]desired_results in [info]parabolical

who| Arthur Petrelli and Lindsey McDonald
what| Two morally grey lawyers, and one large bottle of expensive scotch.
where| Bar McRandom; Los Angeles
when| Following this graffitti conversation; Evening.
rating| TBA
status| Thread, incomplete.

He sat and drank as if he had always been there; always belonged there. )

[info]notajedi in [info]parabolical

What happens when you dad is Dark Lord of the Sith?

Who: Darth Caedus, Amelia Solo
Where: Santa Monica Pier
What: Father and Daughter Meeting. Variation Two.
When: 8PM
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Why you should always be nice to your dad, even if he is evil. )

[info]some_kinda_hero in [info]parabolical

-sigh- so many heroes fans it hurts my soul*

WHO: Nathan, Monty, and Simon Petrelli [NPCage goes to Jessi], and Claire Bennet.
WHAT: Family bonding time after the Sylar incident.
WHEN: Early morning; must get there in time in time for animals and you!!
WHERE: Los Angeles Zoo, yo!
RATING: PG-13 at most.
STATUS: In progress...

Would I last forever? You and I together, hand and hand. )
* actual quote from another RPing friend not in this game.

[info]shootsclowns in [info]parabolical

Who: Seeley Booth and Gracie Hart
When: 10 pm-ish
What: Whoops.
Where: Side street near Gracie's apartment
Rating: PG-13

He wasn't even going to bother calling to ask if his rental insurance included incident by hellhound. )

January 2010



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