August 30th, 2008

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]parabolical

WHO: Peter Petrelli, Sarah Williams, Jareth, Toby Williams, Hoggle, Ludo
WHERE: the Labyrinth, in Jareth's Kingdom
WHEN: Outside regular time.
WHAT: The heart never forgets.
NOTES: Hoggle written by [info]nopoweroverme; Ludo written by [info]no_savior

It might mean death, at the least it would be dismissal. But to never take this chance would destroy him, he knew that to his soul. )

[info]selfpropelled in [info]parabolical

WHO: Toby Williams, Claire Bennet (future), Nathan Petrelli and [OPEN to anyone who'd be in the lobby!]
WHERE: Toby's room; the Hyperion
WHEN: Two full days after Peter's kidnapping.
WHAT: The Powers That Be find someone with information on their Champion.
STATUS: mini-log followed by thread; in-progress

Dear Powers That Be... )

[info]morallydamaged in [info]parabolical

Who: Lindsey McDonald and Bela Talbot
What: Lindsey's looking to do some hiring or contracting
When: A short while after dropping Bela an address on her graffiti post
Where: Moe's Diner
Rating: TBD, but about PGish, unless one of them gets cuss happy

Welcome to the Jungle )

[info]dontyoujustwish in [info]parabolical

WHO: Anyanka and OPEN
WHAT: Arriving in LA- a teleport gone wrong.
WHEN: This weekend
WHERE: The middle of a shopping mall
STATUS: In progress

It was safe to say that Anyanka, Vengeance Demon for woman scorned, was stressed. )

[info]some_kinda_hero in [info]parabolical

Do you remember when we first met? I sure do...

WHO: notsoGabriel!Sylar, Gabriel Gray, & Claire Bennet (the present one?)
WHAT: Claire goes to apologize, yes apologize to amnesiac Sylar.
WHEN: At least a week after the hotel incident.
WHERE: 101 Cafe in Hollywood.
RATING: PG-13 for now. Angst and all that jazz.
STATUS: In progress...

Oh, I had a lot to say, was thinking on my time away, I'm sorry. )

[info]mirtagev in [info]parabolical

WHO: Mirta Gev and Jaina Solo
WHAT: Finding the injured Mando
WHERE: Outside an official looking building
WHEN: Day of Mirta's arrival
RATING: All the cursing is in Mando'a. There may be a fair amount of it though
STATUS: In Progress

[info]doesntwearshoes in [info]parabolical

WHO: Tahiri Veila & OPEN
WHAT: Exploring Los Angeles
WHEN: Late afternoon
WHERE: Random beach
STATUS: In Progress

She'd discovered a beach. That wasn't exactly anything to write home about, considering her home consisted of little more than sand itself... )

[info]loosewires in [info]parabolical

Who: See-Threepio, Anakin Skywalker, Baby Shmi
What: New Programming
Where: Skywalker Penthouse
When: Late Morning
Rating: G

Oh dear! )

[info]ratbarf in [info]parabolical

WHO: ratbarf and OPEN
WHAT: reestablishment
WHEN: Late afternoon
WHERE: Outside the zoo
STATUS: In Progress

A disappointed young man with a blue mohawk sat on the sidewalk in front of the Los Angeles Zoo, playing with a cigarette lighter.  He was disappointed because he had been thrown out of the zoo.  He had been thrown out of the zoo because a security guard had seen him trying to open the lion enclosure.  He had been trying to open the lion enclosure in order to let them into the nearby giraffe enclosure.  He had been doing that to see what would happen.

[info]jedilikemyfathr in [info]parabolical

WHO: Luke, Anakin Skywalker and Padme
WHAT: Meeting his parents for the first time all over again...sort of.
WHEN: After Mara was attacked
WHERE: Anakin and Padame's home
RATING: G, I would think.
STATUS: In Progress

So many things to worry the mind. )

January 2010



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