July 31st, 2008

[info]_sabretooth_ in [info]parabolical

Who: Sabretooth aka Victor Creed (Tag Deadpool and Logan maybe) OPEN to others though!!!
Where: Some seedy, and we’re talkin’ trashy, strip club
When: Two nights after he delivers his first ‘gift’ to Faith. Mmmm Faith.
Why: Lookin’ for somethin’ ta play with. Senseless violence is good to.
Rating: Well…we are talking strippers, drinking, murder(maybe) guess we’ll go R on this one.
Status: In Progress

Drinkin’, strippers and mayhem… )

[info]dealing_death in [info]parabolical

Who: Selene
Where: Headed to her car behind the furniture store she was just at.
Why: She needed to get a few things for the ‘house’. So, she is *cries* shopping.
When: Early evening
Status: Complete
Rating: G

Selene is out and about outfitting the church, to make it more of a ‘home’. This is a picture of the church when you walk through the front doors. I added some text to give an idea of what modifications will be made. To the left and right of the main area are stairs that lead up to the rooms. Anyway…just thought that might be helpful for anyone staying at the church or stopping by.
Confronting a Deep Dark Fear....Selene goes shopping.... )

[info]robinindahood in [info]parabolical

Who:Faith and Jack
What: talking.
When: just before storming the castle
Where:Swanky little bar somewhere in L.A..

now was time for a meeting )

[info]mortalmaster in [info]parabolical

Who: Integra Hellsing & Matthias Cronqvist.
Where: LAIFC, LA Fencing Club.
What: Sabre Fencing Practice.
When: Around 3 PM (Sabre pratice hour for men & women there).
Status: Complete.
Rating: PG-13.

The sword and the invisible enemy were her real concerns this time. )

[info]legalblonde in [info]parabolical

WHO: Elle, open to anyone and everyone
WHAT: Frustrated that she's living in a hotel
WHERE: Hotel lobby/bar restaurant
WHEN: Thursday night
RATED: PG for now.

No snaps for LA )

[info]its_buttery in [info]parabolical

Who: Peter and Bridge
What: Bridge finally makes it to the Hyperion.
When:Right after graffiti.
Where: Hyperion
Okay, here we go..well here I go )

[info]decembervision in [info]parabolical

Who: Lex and Lana
What: Lana comes to see a very different Lex in the hospital.
When: After this and this.
Where: Um...hospital, duh.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

Read more... )

[info]faithinthedark in [info]parabolical

WHO: Faith and Cathy
WHAT: Starting some training
WHEN: Friday evening, around 7pm.
WHERE: Cathy's apartment.
STATUS: In progress

After grabbing some training weapons, Faith headed to the address Cathy had given her. )

[info]ragin_canuck in [info]parabolical

Who: Logan (open to anyone at the church or he can go unnoticed.)
What: Succumbing to exhaustion.
Where: The church
When: A few days after he went feral
Rating: TBD
Status: Work in progress

Trying to get some rest for the wicked. )

January 2010



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