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Opus Two RPG

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[Feb. 13th, 2011|08:38 pm]

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[Mood | blank]

*having been to the hospital with her mother to visit her amnesiac aunt (like the obedient girl she is), somehow let the detail slip that she knows sign language*

*was quickly suckered into going out for coffee with said aunt in order to translate for her date or friend or boyfriend or whatever he is* *agreed to this without any fuss (like the obedient girl she is)*

*really, has hardly spent any time at all lately thinking about her boyfriend ex-boyfriend boyfriend ex-boyfriend and his dead grandfather, and how badly Mír must be hurting, and how she would do pretty anything to be with him right now, and how her mother actually gave her permission to text him even though they all know perfectly well there's not a chance in hell it got through* *because she's such an obedient girl...what?*

*wings a quick text to Finduilas (ty 4 the stuff) as she walks* *looking up* No, left, I said. You really don't remember any of this?
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[Feb. 6th, 2011|04:35 pm]
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[Mood | worried]

*is going just a tiny bit out of his mind, having had absolutely no contact with Káni for the past several days (she's not answering emails or texts, and she didn't pick up any of Elliott's calls, either)*

*and then there's the post-blackout mess in Doriath, which is all the more distressing because people are dead, the king is dead, and Káni still isn't answering*

*finally sucks it up and texts Gil-galad, feeling a little like a girl but thinking he has good reason to worry (she's never ignored him before and now would be the absolute worst time for her to start for more reasons than one)* it's elladan. have you heard from kani?
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[Jan. 22nd, 2011|04:25 pm]
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*hears Melian's message, the force of which is like a punch to the stomach and surely Melian can feel, in response, her bone deep shock and sorrow and what was the last thing she said to Thingol? Something inane about the power being out?* *is weirdly grateful for Túrin, in some crystal clear thought, for making her used to this form of transport*

*gets out her phone and breaks into a run* *firstly, calls Haleth and Mablung, ordering them to the Palace instantly (she trusts no one else with this task) and telling Mablung to bring Arandur with him* *arrives at the quarters of Beren and Lúthien and pounds on the door as she lets herself in and realises (heartbroken) that she will have to tell them why she is here*


*having ensure the safety of the Royal Family, immediately seeks out Melian, and when she presents herself before the Queen (Regent?), she bows her head, pale and resolute*
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[Jan. 1st, 2011|11:18 pm]

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[Mood | happy]

*it's New Year's Eve, the drinker's holiday (a tried and true Kániday, if you will)!*

*so she really has no excuse for why she still has a half-full glass of wine, except that she's at a late dinner with Ethan and has barely stopped smiling or laughing long enough to drink anything*

*thinks she's earned this night out, given how utterly wrecked she's been these past few weeks (but she's dolled up for the occasion and hopes thinks her makeup covers up the worst of the damage)*

*giggling like a fool* I don't care how epic the Great Elrond Turkey Debacle was. I'm telling you, nothing is as bad as Gil-galad, in Lindon, on his birthday. I try to tell him it's not a sign from the gods that Erumas happens to fall on the same day but he's a lost cause.
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[Dec. 15th, 2010|08:21 pm]
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*is in Menegroth for Erumas break, with no less than two major events on the agenda: the big family get-together, including his dad and Elliott's parents, and his date with Káni (ome he should've brought his other tie, it makes him look smarter)*

*wanders down the concourse at the station, his bag slung over his shoulder, twin in tow* *scans the crowds curiously in search of familiar faces* *catches Elliott's attention* Who's picking us up?
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[Dec. 3rd, 2010|11:56 am]

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[Mood | crazy]

*it's late in the fourth quarter, tied at 21, third and seven at the Groundhogs' 40, and so he's expertly patched up, bundled up warm and doing what any decent grandfather of a star QB should be doing—blocking the view standing and waving his makeshift Bobcats paraphernalia from halfway up on the 50-yard line, screaming (along with everyone else) at the top of his lungs*

YOU CALL THAT AN OFFENSIVE LINE? PROTECT YOUR QB, YOU PORKY SONS OF BITCHES! *looks down at the woman sitting on the bleacher seat directly below him, who whirls around with a ferocious glare and covers her young son's ears* WHAT.
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[Nov. 29th, 2010|02:12 pm]

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[Mood | exhausted]

*has spent a relatively uneventful couple of weeks hard at work for Vána, her boss not seeming to have made much progress on her own creepy projects lately*

*is feeling awfully drained and listless these days nonetheless, which is a little annoying considering she's not exactly doing hard labor or anything, being mostly cooped up in the shop or a lab during the workday* *thinks she probably should go out drinking a little less and exercise a little more (already eats enough veggies!)*

*takes out her laptop on her lunch break and opens her video conferencing program, having prearranged a time for a chat* *is all smiles as she dials (even though the makeup doesn't really cover up the dark circles around her eyes)*
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[Nov. 7th, 2010|07:37 pm]
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*has retired to her garden for an evening appletini or four, thinking to relax after a rather full day*

*lounges on an elegant daybed and reads, half her attention on the colorful chorus of birds going about their business in the trees overhead* *hums softly in easy (H)armony with them between sips*

*after a while, is politely interrupted by a servant informing her she has a call* *takes the phone and checks the caller ID before answering, a broad smile on her lips* Domíran!
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[Jul. 25th, 2010|08:49 pm]

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[Mood | cheerful]

*has really enjoyed having Elrond, Celebrían and family to stay and makes every attempt to persuade Elrond that there are enough crazies in Gondolin to make it worth his while moving her (Eru, there are enough crazies in the House of the Golden Flower for that matter)*

*in spite of the failure to keep them here for ever, decides to have a barbeque towards the end of their stay, which will obviously not be on a level with the Fountain barbeque, which is coming up soon* *after some brief dithering, decides to invite Elemmakil and Egalmoth even though he's pretty certain that Elemmakil isn't talking to either him or Ecthelion as yet*

*is, of course, not doing any of the barbequing himself (these people didn't sign up for food poisoning, after all!) and contents himself with making sure that the drinks are in order as he waits for the others to join him out in the garden of the Flower*

*does wish that Erestor was (a) in the vicinity and (b) not on the outs with most of Gondolin because his absence is all the more obvious in such familiar company*
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[Jul. 18th, 2010|04:41 pm]
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*is having a pretty ahh-mazing time in Gondolin, so far, between his family (nuclear and extended) and the high-roller craziness that is the Big City* *plus there are entirely new throngs of fans to schmooze and/or dodge!*

*finds himself and his twin at loose ends one afternoon, with his mother and Glorfindel out to lunch, his father off on his own somewhere raiding a library probably, and Erestor gone MIA (vacation or sick leave or something?)*

*after a brief exchange with Ethan, winds up in one of the Flower's larger sitting rooms with a book and a lemonade* *lounges on the couch and doesn't actually read, but instead watches his brother tinkering with the nearby piano (a bit of melody here, half of a song there, ever accompanied by small notations on the sheet music)*
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[Jun. 27th, 2010|06:48 pm]
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*okay, so family vacations by definition aren't cool, except that his family is sort of awesome and they're in Gondolin for a week (also awesome)*

*has been permanently bug-eyed since they stepped off the train in this shiny, shiny city* *remembers very clearly the stories Glorfindel and Erestor used to tell himself and his brother, back in the day (Ondolindë the Fair) (lords and banners and the fairest princess of all—your great-grandmother, you know)*

*wanders into the House of the Fountain's main foyer with Elliott at his side, the rest of their family right behind them* *signs slowly, awed* This place is... *shakes his head, his expression finishing the sentence (wow) better than any words*
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[May. 10th, 2010|10:08 am]

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[Mood | tired]

*isn't especially nervous the morning she is to defend her dissertation (it's not her way), but is definitely feeling drained afterward, when the post-presentation Q&A finally comes to an end and she is swarmed by other scientists wanting to grill her about some of the stunning revelations she's turned up in her research*

*gamely answers a few more questions as she tries to catch Ethan's eye (help), or Fániel's, but the former appears to be too busy trying to wake up the latter*
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[Jan. 16th, 2010|07:05 pm]
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[Mood | cheerful]

*usually doesn't like to make business trips so soon after Erumas but has absolutely no hesitation in flying out to Ossiriand to check up on a few of her business interests there*

*ensures that there's plenty of food in the Delving family home and leaves the usual in-depth instructions for Elrond and Arwen to look after each other*

*arrives early in the morning and goes straight to a meeting with her Ossiriand-based accountant and lawyer with a view to acquiring a bigger stake in one of the local hotels* *adjourns the meeting promptly at noon to go and meet her boys at the front gate of the university campus so she can spoil them rotten take them to lunch*
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[Nov. 2nd, 2009|03:48 pm]
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*has been in Menegroth for a few days now, and is slowly but surely acclimating to the newness of it all (two fathers and a living mother and a little sister)* *privately suspects he's having more trouble with it all than Elliott is, but then, Elrohir always was the more elastic of the two of them*

*one afternoon, waves Elliott off on an errand with Arwen and their father, leaving just himself, Jason and Celebrían at home* *doesn't feel much like enduring the public squealing his brother's presence causes, even if Arwen is delighted and their father's reactions are priceless, to say the least*

*wanders into the sitting room and settles himself on the piano bench, resting one arm on the closed key-cover* *sighs* *has played a bit for the family, the old lullaby in particular, but thinks there's so much more to be told, and he has no idea how to say it (or even whether he should)*
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[Oct. 21st, 2009|10:13 pm]
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[Mood | weird]

*has had an incredibly busy week, between proposing to his girlfriend, finding out she's already married, and oh yes, remembering another lifetime (in which he was not an actor) (in which he really did kick a lot of ass)* *actually, busy may not even be the word, but he doesn't have anything comparable to go on*

*in the days following his and Ethan's crash memory recall, stops in to see Amarië and informs her that he's taking an emergency leave of absence* *isn't really surprised when she seems unimpressed by the revelation that he's Elrond Peredhel's son, but thinks she might be a tiny bit impressed when he doesn't fidget or blush even once (she didn't fire him on the spot, anyway)* *also spends a day at his Órë-parents' house wow that's a strange way to think of them, explaining and re-explaining and reassuring the Burkholders that he's still their son, even if he remembers being someone else's, too*

*is in no way prepared for the next part when he and Ethan (and Jason the interpreter) step off the train in Delving, duffels hastily packed and Internet directions in hand* *waits until they're all packed into a taxi before wriggling around to sign to his brother* We're sure they aren't on vacation?
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[Oct. 5th, 2009|07:22 pm]
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*was planted squarely in front of his television on the night of the Cathys, you betcha* *kept a sharp eye out for his twin, and sure enough, got a good eyeful of Elliott on the red carpet, as slick and starry-eyed as any of the celebrities out there* *oh god can't possibly wait to tease him about it*

*had other reasons to tune in, though, and was a little surprised that he didn't get a text or an email afterward (something along the lines of SHE SAID YES or she said no, can I come over for Jell-O?)* *did note that Finduilas apparently wasn't present to receive her Best Actress award or whatever, and can only think that maybe she and Elliott snuck off to celebrate on their own (that dog)*

*texts his brother the following morning just to check in, and is pretty surprised when it goes completely unanswered* *spends most of the day catching up on labwork, checking his phone every half hour or so, becoming more confused the longer the radio-silence lasts*

*has just settled down in his favorite OU music room for the evening, fingers on the keys, when he feels his phone vibrating in his pocket (finally)* *blinks at the short, simple message (where are you?), but dutifully replies, knowing (perhaps instinctively) that Elliott won't be too far behind the text*
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[Sep. 14th, 2009|06:18 pm]
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*has been pretty busy since school started up again, between class, lab sessions, his greenhouse job, and extracurricular studying* *also squeezes in time to hang out with Elliott, of course, although his twin's also been busy with AOT resuming its hectic shooting schedule* *and with his girlfriend-soon-to-be-fiancée-maybe*

*leaves class late in the afternoon with his interpreter and stops off with her at a park bench on the outskirts of campus proper, figuring they can go over the next week's schedule before they part ways* *folds a leg up on the bench comfortably to face her and is soon engrossed in a rapid-fire conversation (which, yes, has somewhat to do with the schedule)(but the prof made such hilarious faces during the lecture, he was having a hard time concentrating, and that third slide was so lame it was practically crippled...)*
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[Jun. 27th, 2009|11:31 pm]
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[Mood | optimistic]

*has had very little to do in the weeks since AOT wrapped up the latest production season* *does have an unrelated TV movie gig slated for mid-summer (actually, he was pretty well slammed with offers from the networks holy cow), but until then is content to take the break* *being a small-screen star is so much more work than anyone ever mentions*

*has been using the downtime to work on his OSL with Ethan, visit his parents, and of course, spend quality time with Finduilas (it's more work now that they're not shooting together almost every day, but he's loved making the extra effort)*

*finds himself installed on Ethan's couch one afternoon, chattering with him in their by-now standard mix of lip-reading, careful signing, and shorthand typing* *may be a little more distracted than usual—hence his thirty-eighth straight death in the same place on Super Moria Bros.—but he really can't complain when his brother has just supplied him with orange Jell-O*
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[May. 25th, 2009|03:08 pm]
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*is rather used to keeping a bit of distance from people (and it's usually not difficult, where most of the world doesn't care to hear him), but after much thought, decides to let his brother and Káni in a little closer, so to speak*

*invites them both to meet him in his favorite piano room at the university early one afternoon, when they're all free* *arrives a little early with his interpreter (Eliza, this time), and if he's a little nervous, it's only because he hardly ever invites anyone to see him play (much less hear him)*
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[Mar. 15th, 2009|11:08 am]
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*turns up at the (pretty posh) hotel several minutes early, interpreter in tow, intending to meet Elliott before they go in to meet Lord(?) Glorfindel for dinner*

*has no idea what to expect, especially after the somewhat confusing outing the previous evening; between Gil-galad, Káni, and Elliott, really didn't interact with Glorfindel himself at all*

*in all honesty, wouldn't have agreed to this dinner, except Elliott seemed pretty keen on it*
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