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Opus Two RPG

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[Feb. 22nd, 2011|09:01 pm]
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[Mood | blah]

*can't quite believe Celeborn is skipping town so soon* *really can't believe Cel is skipping town to go to Gondolin to learn official ambassador-ing from the Noldor* *it breaks his head a little to even think those words in that order*

*drags himself out of bed way, way too early to meet his cousin at the train station* *is appalled by the security measures this simple jaunt will require, but in the end, decides he would much rather feel like a moron mildly inconvenience a few travelers than let Cel go without saying goodbye* *is not a girl, shut up it's been a rough month*
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[Jan. 30th, 2011|12:09 pm]

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[Mood | working]

*after a hurried conference with the king and queen, and even more hurried efforts to muster a task force made up of a number of Gondolin's best soldiers, travels to dark Menegroth to personally verify some of this crazy shit aid the marchwardens in their fight*

*coordinates with Beleg over the phone on the train and, once in the city, outlines a basic plan of attack with the other lords of Gondolin and their women and men, strictly emphasizing periodic check-ins and cooperation with the local authorities*

We're here at Lady Melian's request, people. I expect everyone to behave like any good guest despite Doriath's history of insane foreign policy, understood? *looking at each person in turn, his eyes lingering on Glorfindel for just a moment (it's dark/are you going to be okay?)* Any questions?
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[Jan. 29th, 2011|07:31 pm]
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[Mood | working]

*in the course of her walkabout, winds up outside one of Menegroth's power plants* *isn't sure what she'll be able to do here, if anything, but she can be of little use elsewhere; she is no Arata to sit in judgement, and Melyanna has not the luxury of comfort just now*

*makes her way inside the station and quietly rematerializes in a corner of the control room, a wide-open space lit only by a dim red emergency light* *wearing her dark blue coveralls and generic nametag (Melinda), draws not one iota of attention from the engineers and supervisors present—they're in too much hurry to look twice (and she doesn't generally attract a second look, anyway)*

*takes an unobtrusive tour of the various switchboards and computer screens, piecing together the information using what she already knows of machinery and electrical energy (which, while not on par with Vána's intricate expertise, is really quite a lot)* *sees nothing glaringly wrong to explain the power loss... possibly it's a mechanical problem that isn't registering on the monitors?*

*melts away, unnoticed, and heads for the generator at the heart of the station*
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[Jan. 26th, 2011|08:31 pm]
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*whilst still in the Palace, touches base with the various precincts and calls the borders to ensure that there is complete lockdown in Delving* *spares a brief thought for Nellas and sends her a text: lockdown in the city. stay inside and lock your doors. stay safe.*

*manages to avoid encountering any robots (she thinks) but ensures that Elrond's information on how to subdue them is passed on*

*finally, makes her way to the bunker with the express intention of discussing Túrin's suggestion with the Queen (Regent?)* *picks up the pace when she sees Mablung and Haleth and her little boy up ahead*
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[Jan. 24th, 2011|08:26 pm]
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*while Vána is relatively subdued by Aulë and Telimektar, steps forwards from the shadows in Vána's workshop* I propose we re-locate. The Children are desperately noisy and this is no place for a judgment.

*projects a clear image of the Halls of Mandos - not the shadowy caverns where numberless ex-fëar mumble and stumble through to the hereafter, or the great tapestries of Vairë, or the Freezer of Ignominy but rather the Great Hall, with seats for each Vala (apart from the accused)*

*speeds his way there, expecting the others to do the same*
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[Jan. 20th, 2011|07:33 pm]
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*isn't entirely sure what's been going on in school today but it's been one helluvan odd day, altogether*

*firstly, that new substitute teacher is weird and, then, all the lights go out*

*does what any self-respecting outcast, half-Noldorin, half-Telerin princess would do and bunks school* *texts the boys as she slips off the school grounds* what the mandos? lights out everywhere. heading back to palace now
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[Jan. 19th, 2011|06:08 pm]

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*finds a high-powered flashlight, fills it with fresh batteries, and goes out into the streets of Menegroth as promised*

*thinks at first that the situation doesn't seem too bad—nothing has obviously exploded many people look a bit panicked in the glow of the emergency lights, their foot traffic somewhat chaotic; but some even look resigned, perhaps having lived through the Great Delving Blackouts of past years*

*wanders down in the direction of his mother's shop, thinking to check on her while he's out* *occasionally points passersby in the right direction or tries to reassure them although more than occasionally (and perhaps understandably), they look terrified to see him*

[Edit] *reappears inside Vána's workshop (now is not the time for social graces)*
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[Jan. 1st, 2011|11:18 pm]

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[Mood | happy]

*it's New Year's Eve, the drinker's holiday (a tried and true Kániday, if you will)!*

*so she really has no excuse for why she still has a half-full glass of wine, except that she's at a late dinner with Ethan and has barely stopped smiling or laughing long enough to drink anything*

*thinks she's earned this night out, given how utterly wrecked she's been these past few weeks (but she's dolled up for the occasion and hopes thinks her makeup covers up the worst of the damage)*

*giggling like a fool* I don't care how epic the Great Elrond Turkey Debacle was. I'm telling you, nothing is as bad as Gil-galad, in Lindon, on his birthday. I try to tell him it's not a sign from the gods that Erumas happens to fall on the same day but he's a lost cause.
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[Dec. 15th, 2010|08:21 pm]
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*is in Menegroth for Erumas break, with no less than two major events on the agenda: the big family get-together, including his dad and Elliott's parents, and his date with Káni (ome he should've brought his other tie, it makes him look smarter)*

*wanders down the concourse at the station, his bag slung over his shoulder, twin in tow* *scans the crowds curiously in search of familiar faces* *catches Elliott's attention* Who's picking us up?
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[Nov. 30th, 2010|10:04 pm]
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*hears from her dad that Erestor's been around and wonders if he's stopped acting weird up for more visiting*

*gets him out for a lunch invite! (having promised her mom to bring him back for tea after)*

*waits by the fountain the park by the B&B he's staying at*

(*possibly catches up on her texts while she waits*)
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[Nov. 21st, 2010|09:02 pm]
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*has consulted with her great-nephew about proper football game attire, and his advice seems to boil down to three tenets: a) dress warm; b) don't wear the opposing team's colors; and c) wear Bobcat colors if possible!*

*researches said colors and, thus informed, sets out to shop for winter-appropriate garb in maroon and gold* *is determined to support her darling grandbaby, even if he's determined to bash his darling head in*

*meanders through one of the upscale shopping districts, chatting to her daughter on the mobile as she window-shops* *was concerned to hear that Mír was apparently ill for a day or so, but Lúthien assures her that that seems to have passed* *does not especially like reminders of her family's mortality*
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[Nov. 1st, 2010|08:45 pm]

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*after days and days of creeping around the inn, with Estë and Irmo shepherding him into a fairly normal pattern of eating and sleeping and talking, is feeling well enough to go for a walk*

*sits on his bed and slips his shoes on for the first time in what feels like forever, murmuring aloud to the wrinkled and smoothed pictures propped up on his bedside table (himself and Doc, himself and Arwen—the photos he swiped from his desk, the photos he found tucked into his book)* Guess I'm going. I don't know if it means anything, but, well. *pauses, shrugs, and doesn't feel at all strange about talking to pictures/himself* At least I'm going.

*dons his jacket and scarf and heads out, thinking he'll wend his way toward the closest shopping district* *the better to get lost in a crowd, really*
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[Oct. 26th, 2010|04:40 pm]
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*finishes up her classes early since she has a last-period spare (yesss, no longer a freshman!) and goes to the plaza near the MHC to kill time before dinner*

*grabs a seat outside a yogourt shop and returns a text to Elladan (math test A. soc studies rep B+. oh yeah!)*

*wonders about going to bug her dad but things are so crazy with planning out the move* *decides to go down the block to check out the bookstore maybe the travel section*
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[Aug. 30th, 2010|06:30 pm]
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[Mood | chipper]

*cannot believe that it's a matter of days before school starts again (and that he's going to be a senior and football captain and everything)*

*decides to celebrate one of his final days of freedom by heading down to a local diner for a burger and milkshake (it's going to be healthy food and high-protein shakes from here on in!)* *arrives way before any of his friends and sits up at the counter while waiting for them to come by*
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[Aug. 27th, 2010|11:40 am]

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[Mood | sick]

*manages to go about her day-to-day in Gondolin for a little while, but quickly comes to the conclusion that what she really needs is to talk to her boyfriend*

*makes sure that her mother is reasonably nearby before retreating to her room to make the call*
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[Jul. 25th, 2010|10:32 am]
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*calls his dad from the relative safety of the hotel and begs asks him to meet them as a matter of emergency* *keeps things as vague as he can without totally freaking his father out (no one's dying yet, nothing's on fire yet, just please? I'll explain in person)*

*follows Celeborn's lead and exits through the hotel kitchen, keeping his head down and moving fast through the back-alleys and storefronts as they make their way to the appointed spot* *finally glances up and sees the sign for the dinky, smokey little diner he and Cel used to haunt when they first got the run of the kingdom together*

*cranes his neck and peers at the few people loitering outside the diner* *distractedly* Do you see my dad anywhere?
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[Jul. 24th, 2010|02:50 pm]

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[Mood | scared]

*has been sitting in an uncomfortable chair in an interrogation room for at least an hour*

*alternates long periods of silence with long and detailed answers to questions which nonetheless seem not to satisfy her captors (probably because they're all lies)*

*through all of it, tells herself to stay calm, that nothing can happen to her if she keeps cool, that they've got nothing on her beyond missing identification papers and vague suspicions*
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[Jul. 22nd, 2010|09:00 am]

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[Mood | stressed]

*having safely returned to Menegroth, splits up from his grandfather (who seems in a hurry to go and talk to Elu, anyway) on the pretense of seeing Lily back to "school"*

*was sweating bullets when they first entered the city and he thought Lily was going to have to show papers, but he kept his arm around her and acted perfectly normal and they walked right through (and of course nobody was going to stop him or his grandfather)*

*turns to Lily once they're out on the street (and at relatively low risk of being overheard)* Now listen. I'm gonna put you in a cab. Go straight to the hotel. Don't get in any trouble. Don't talk to anybody. And for fuck's sake, don't call Mír. I'll track him down and tell him where you are. This was such a bad idea. Got it, Lil? ...Lily?
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[Jun. 7th, 2010|04:13 pm]
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*is pretty pleased with Tilion's progress on-track this season and has been kept so busy that she hasn't had time to think about his progress off-track, so to speak*

*doesn't really realise that her tendency only to contact Tilion about business matters might confuse the poor Maia but, on a rare free weekend, decides to call over to Tilion's apartment with a bottle of wine and maybe some paperwork, relating to a few endorsement deals* *at least makes the effort to dress sexy nice* *has just closed her front door when she sees that Summer is leaving Tilion's apartment* *!!*

*walks over to her and calls out chipperly* Isn't it past your bedtime?
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[May. 20th, 2010|10:44 am]

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[Mood | anxious (what else is new?)]

*has continued on his typical, bewildered way since the day the impossible happened* *isn't entirely convinced it happened at all, mind you, especially when things have mostly gone back to normal—pre-crash normal, that is—wherein he is bumbling and Arien is amusedly annoyed with him most days (and damned if it wasn't so much easier when he could think coolly and clearly about any of this)*

*told Summer nothing of this, of course; he's mostly been working up the courage to break up with her (which does seem sort of idiotic when nothing much seems to have truly changed between him and Arien)*

*at any rate, decides that today is the day and walks next door, finally knocking after several false starts*
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