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Sep. 15th, 2015


Project X34


The United States government has requisitioned a team of top scientists from across the country to work in secret on a classified experiment now known as Project X34. The goal of the experiment is to figure out how to genetically modify humans in a permanent fashion, keep the subjects from perishing due to modification complications, and to fully test the functionality of each modification using different scenarios in hopes that they will be able to implement the procedures into specifically chosen, small, squadrons in each branch of the military. The general public has no knowledge of this experiment nor will they in the future. Subjects are chosen at random and just seem to disappear off the face of the Earth, never knowing exactly why they have been chosen for such a project. To prevent subjects from going rogue, and to keep an eye on the status of each subject through each scenario, each group is placed into a large-scale dome-shaped area that is inescapable complete with twenty-four hour continuous surveillance by cameras that are unable to be discovered.

The first six experiments of this nature have failed; seventy percent of test subjects in each dome expired due to effects of their mutation, twenty percent due to scenario testing, and the other ten percent were properly disposed of by those running the project. This is their seventh and final try before the project is restaffed and the scientists themselves are disposed of to prevent information leaks. They have tweaked their formulas and testing procedures and have decided that by focusing on smaller numbers there was a chance of a much higher survival rate, though they do not expect all subjects to last for the duration. Sixteen people have been selected from various locations though it is unclear to participants if there is a link they all share or if they were chosen by sheer chance and misfortune. Some were kidnapped off the street; some came from places where they were being held against their will.

In a place where survival is key, do you have what it takes to last through Project X34 or will you be among those considered failed experiments?
// Cast // Rules/FAQ
Mod Journal // IC Journal //

Aug. 9th, 2015


Praestare: a preternatural roleplay

Woodhaven was established in 1542 by Pastor Abram of the Lutheran Church, when the town was built around Saint John’s Lutheran Church. In less than twenty years the town managed to quadruple it’s population and moderately wealthy in trade with lumber, coal and produce. Good fortune seems to have smiled on the residents, as there is no history of famine or plague upon record, nor aberrations in livestock.

However, the town has suffered it’s fair share of violent animal attacks or missing persons over the years. Although in the last fifty years this has grown to be far less common.

Woodhaven is not a typical tourist destination, but it still draws visitors from local nearby towns and the occasional straggler who is looking to lose themselves in Devonshire county.


Praestare is an original character roleplay that takes place in the fictional town of Woodhaven, located in the United Kingdom. The primary focus of this game is on character development — be it through choices, relationships, or orchestrated events. This game is played in paragraph storybook format: we do not mind the use of gifs included in your thread, but no one liners, please. Currently, we’re a small group of writers looking to challenge our writing and expand our creativity with other like-minded individuals - if you think this is a good fit for you, please join us!


Jun. 13th, 2015


Hobb's End, a multifandom RPG

Hobb's End
Hobb's End, a rural town that cannot be found, not unless someone or something wants you to be here. Even so, no one is welcome here. Very few people wish to stay, and while nothing is stopping anybody from leaving, not one person seems to get very far.

Those who try to leave are faced with endless roads, never-ending woods or cornfields. This isn't entirely true, because after some time, be it minutes, hours or days, the individual reappears in town: or worse. Their location often changes, and the same can be said for a newcomer's arrival. Some are found wandering in the Marshlands; some wind up in a ditch; and others wake up in a bed.

It's not just the roads and woods that have a strange effect on people. Rumours have been told of buildings that have an unusual effect on tenants, while other buildings seem to choose who is not welcomed inside. Hauntings or not, these can't compare to the other phenomena.

Something is in control of the town and the surrounding farmlands, let alone the townsfolk. Who or what it is doesn't matter, but rather, why does it want with the townspeople?

You're not welcome in Hobb's End.

Rules - Cast - Reservations - Application - Want Ads - Locations - Housing - Player Details - FAQs

Hobb's End, a Horror-themed multifandom rpg!

Table coded by

Gif created by [info]hobb_staff

May. 29th, 2015


Cross Creek

premise rules species directory holds
wanted apply mod threads

Cross Creek, a city built on the shores of a waterway that serves as a supernatural rift between realms: heaven, hell, purgatory and other supernatural dimensions. The more supernatural beings that have settled on the banks of the creek, the wider and deeper the creek has grown.

The wolves were the first to settle, establishing their pack on the western banks of a small creek known for its deceptive and deadly undertow. Next to arrive were the vampires with their secrets and intrigue. Humans, too afraid to cross the water and risk their lives, began inhabiting the eastern banks of the town while other supernatural creatures flowed to the area as if answering a siren's call. The curious fae and fierce merfolk also arrived from their own realms, becoming the first truly visible supernatural inhabitants. The addition of witches, demigods, demons and angels as residents helped develop Cross Creek into a truly supernatural-friendly city. There are now beings residing in this supernatural haven that have yet to be heard of ... .

As the Iron Ridge Pack struggles to recover from the recent murder of their Alpha and a faction of vampires have secretly begun a territorial war for the eastern shore, both the city's human and supernatural residents are being hunted by a serial killer without bias toward his victims. The fae and merfolk, whose blood provides different types of highs for supernatural beings, struggle to defend their individual species from becoming slaves in an underground species trading market. Meanwhile, other supernatural beings and humans alike attempt to maintain their lifestyles and raise families while living in a city settled on a river that is a portal between realms.

A character and plot-driven supernatural rpg, we are currently seeking original, creative characters and species, as well as canon characters from the fandoms of Supernatural, The Originals and The Vampire Diaries. We promote a welcoming environment for writers who enjoy diverse characters, storylines and detailed plots surrounding the supernatural. [info]crosscreek provides an active and fun, yet laid back environment for the creative and mature role-player. Due to content involved in the game, players must be at least 18 years of age in order to apply. Join us with a species of your own or choose from one of the many already established!

May. 22nd, 2015


The Order

Five hundred years ago, the island of Holuan was occupied by the Elentori Empire. The continent of Holuan was relatively small, but strategically important and abundant in resources. The fact that it was already home to many races and creatures was of no importance to the empire. The elves were driven into the forests, the dwarves underground, the dragons into the mountains. The empire fought tooth and nail for control of Holuan, determined to make it their latest jewel. A small colony of settlers became a bustling city. The emperor seated his younger brother in control of his latest province. He came to regret that choice.

Within a year brother waged war against brother. The emperor, a bloody and war-mongering individual, came to hear the whispers of his nobles. Rumors circulated that they favored deposing the tyrant in favor of the younger, fairer brother. The emperor vowed to crush his brother, but in the end Holuan proved too treacherous. The emperor chose reason over the sword, and proposed a peace treaty. He would allow Holuan to secede from the empire and set his brother on the throne of the new kingdom, but in exchange Holuan could never again take up arms against the empire. The bargain was struck, and the kingdom of Holuan was officially founded.

But some wondered how it could be so. The Empire had every possible advantage over the island. How could they be beaten as far back as a truce? The answer may surprise anyone not native to the kingdom. It was all thanks to one man and his order of followers.

The Order of Galchobhar runs strong today. Will you strike a bargain of your own?

The Order is an original high fantasy roleplay. The game is set in a fictional world, on an island continent known as Holuan. All characters are part of the mysterious Order of Galchobhar. In exchange for something they desperately needed, each and every one of them took the oath to follow Galchobhar unto their deaths. Are you ready to take the oath?


May. 15th, 2015


Welcome to Cross Creek

premise rules species directory holds
wanted apply mod threads

Cross Creek, a city built on the shores of a waterway that serves as a supernatural rift between realms: heaven, hell, purgatory and other supernatural dimensions. The more supernatural beings that have settled on the banks of the creek, the wider and deeper the creek has grown.

The wolves were the first to settle, establishing their pack on the western banks of a small creek known for its deceptive and deadly undertow. Next to arrive were the vampires with their secrets and intrigue. Humans, too afraid to cross the water and risk their lives, began inhabiting the eastern banks of the town while other supernatural creatures flowed to the area as if answering a siren's call. The curious fae and fierce merfolk also arrived from their own realms, becoming the first truly visible supernatural inhabitants. The addition of witches, demigods, demons and angels as residents helped develop Cross Creek into a truly supernatural-friendly city. There are now beings residing in this supernatural haven that have yet to be heard of ... .

As the Iron Ridge Pack struggles to recover from the recent murder of their Alpha and a faction of vampires have secretly begun a territorial war for the eastern shore, both the city's human and supernatural residents are being hunted by a serial killer without bias toward his victims. The fae and merfolk, whose blood provides different types of highs for supernatural beings, struggle to defend their individual species from becoming slaves in an underground species trading market. Meanwhile, other supernatural beings and humans alike attempt to maintain their lifestyles and raise families while living in a city settled on a river that is a portal between realms.

A character and plot-driven supernatural rpg, we are currently seeking original, creative characters and species, as well as canon characters from the fandoms of Supernatural, The Originals and The Vampire Diaries. We promote a welcoming environment for writers who enjoy diverse characters, storylines and detailed plots surrounding the supernatural. [info]crosscreek provides an active and fun, yet laid back environment for the creative and mature role-player. Due to content involved in the game, players must be at least 18 years of age in order to apply. Join us with a species of your own or choose from one of the many already established!

May. 9th, 2015


The Order


Five hundred years ago, the island of Holuan was occupied by the Elentori Empire. The continent of Holuan was relatively small, but strategically important and abundant in resources. The fact that it was already home to many races and creatures was of no importance to the empire. The elves were driven into the forests, the dwarves underground, the dragons into the mountains. The empire fought tooth and nail for control of Holuan, determined to make it their latest jewel. A small colony of settlers became a bustling city. The emperor seated his younger brother in control of his latest province. He came to regret that choice.

Within a year brother waged war against brother. The emperor, a bloody and war-mongering individual, came to hear the whispers of his nobles. Rumors circulated that they favored deposing the tyrant in favor of the younger, fairer brother. The emperor vowed to crush his brother, but in the end Holuan proved too treacherous. The emperor chose reason over the sword, and proposed a peace treaty. He would allow Holuan to secede from the empire and set his brother on the throne of the new kingdom, but in exchange Holuan could never again take up arms against the empire. The bargain was struck, and the kingdom of Holuan was officially founded.

But some wondered how it could be so. The Empire had every possible advantage over the island. How could they be beaten as far back as a truce? The answer may surprise anyone not native to the kingdom. It was all thanks to one man and his order of followers.

The Order of Galchobhar runs strong today. Will you strike a bargain of your own?


May. 6th, 2015



Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.

In 1945, Gellert Grindelwald succeeded in defeating Albus Dumbledore, his former lover turned nemesis, after a long and exhaustive three-hour duel.

Great Britain, the last remaining European power to hold strong against his vast armies, fell just one year later.

[info]epilogues is a dystopian Harry Potter game set in 1984 world in which Grindelwald won.

The game opened May 1 and we have many great characters available for play. Come join us!


a dystopian harry potter rpg c. 1984

premise | world guide | taken | holds | apply | contact

[info]epiloguesic & [info]epiloguesooc

May. 1st, 2015


Welcome to Cross Creek

premise rules species directory holds
wanted apply mod threads

Cross Creek, a city built on the shores of a waterway that serves as a supernatural rift between realms: heaven, hell, purgatory and other supernatural dimensions. The more supernatural beings that have settled on the banks of the creek, the wider and deeper the creek has grown.

The wolves were the first to settle, establishing their pack on the western banks of a small creek known for its deceptive and deadly undertow. Next to arrive were the vampires with their secrets and intrigue. Humans, too afraid to cross the water and risk their lives, began inhabiting the eastern banks of the town while other supernatural creatures flowed to the area as if answering a siren's call. The curious fae and fierce merfolk also arrived from their own realms, becoming the first truly visible supernatural inhabitants. The addition of witches, demigods, demons and angels as residents helped develop Cross Creek into a truly supernatural-friendly city. There are now beings residing in this supernatural haven that have yet to be heard of ... .

As the Iron Ridge Pack struggles to recover from the recent murder of their Alpha and a faction of vampires have secretly begun a territorial war for the eastern shore, both the city's human and supernatural residents are being hunted by a serial killer without bias toward his victims. The fae and merfolk, whose blood provides different types of highs for supernatural beings, struggle to defend their individual species from becoming slaves in an underground species trading market. Meanwhile, other supernatural beings and humans alike attempt to maintain their lifestyles and raise families while living in a city settled on a river that is a portal between realms.

A character and plot-driven supernatural rpg, we are currently seeking original, creative characters and species, as well as canon characters from the fandoms of Supernatural, The Originals and The Vampire Diaries. We promote a welcoming environment for writers who enjoy diverse characters, storylines and detailed plots surrounding the supernatural. [info]crosscreek provides an active and fun, yet laid back environment for the creative and mature role-player. Due to content involved in the game, players must be at least 18 years of age in order to apply. Join us with a species of your own or choose from one of the many already established!

Apr. 30th, 2015



None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe
they are free.
The Council sees to all. The Council will keep you safe.
The Council knows what's best.

Containment is an original post-apocalyptic/dystopian game, set in a world where humanity has developed super powers. The game is based in the city of Haven, walled in from the outside dangers, and believed to be the last city on the continent. Citizens living in Haven are safe, but that safety comes at a price.
Are you willing to pay it?
code by wearestardust @ supersuits

Apr. 3rd, 2015



The Council sees to all. The Council will keep you safe.
The Council knows what's best.

Containment is an original post-apocalyptic/dystopian game, set in a world where humanity has developed super powers. The game is based in the city of Haven, walled in from the outside dangers, and believed to be the last city on the continent. Citizens living in Haven are safe, but that safety comes at a price. Are you willing to pay it?

Mar. 23rd, 2015


The Dark Era RPG



We have pre-mades with existing connections in game. Original Character Welcome.

Late in the Victorian era,the tightly held beliefs started to crack by the perfunctorily of moral disillusion. Anything that could get under and let loose the suffocating principles became a welcome, yet often, secret delight. This was the era of peace, of success, of industry and dark perversions. This, the Dark Era, where magic and mystery were cherished, celebrated and even respected becomes our stage for apocalyptic creativity.

It's time to face the darkness.
Mod JournalApplicationCast Info World Info/Species

Mar. 15th, 2015


Beyond The Veil


The year is 2025. Europe has been swept by conservative governments, both in the Muggle and wizarding worlds. In the United Kingdom, purebloods see their entire world being overrun by Muggle culture. Purebloods band together. Slowly a backlash starts. The Order of Merlin is recreated, but Merlin's message of coexistence becomes a reason for total separation.

The Order is well trained, well prepared and well financed. Soon its members obtain positions of power, taking over the Ministry and the Auror department. Anyone opposing the new Order of Merlin becomes an enemy to be hunted down and eliminated. A new war erupts. The heroes of the last war are killed. Their children and supporters find themselves close to total defeat. With few options left before them, they do the unthinkable. They work out a spell to bring them back in time to eradicate the Order of Merlin.

The year is 2005. The world is a peaceful one, but the time travelers soon find out that time doesn't like it when people interfere. They are not in their own dimension, but a different one. In this timeline, Voldemort was killed in 1981 by Regulus Black. Traditions and progress have found an uneasy truce, bringing about prosperity for all. All of this is about to shatter as Members of the Order cross over, unaware that the rebels' mission has failed.

Game opened April 15th, and the first few weeks will be primarily a social game. The aim will be to get a feel for the characters in this setting and to world build. A major game-wide plot will pick up in May. Prospective players can see this post for more info.

WANTED: Peter Pettigrew, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks, Nymphadora Tonks, Fred, George, Ginny, Percy, Arthur and Molly Weasley, more Maurader era characters, next gen time travelers, and lots more! Contact us with any questions, and we're happy to chat about the game plot, the application, etc.


GAME - MOD - OOC Journal



Feb. 20th, 2015



Feb. 16th, 2015





In a parallel world that looks so much like what you've grown used to, lives another version of you. A version that didn't make the mistakes; break the promises, or find love in another. A version that could have done so much more than what you did. Or maybe it's the other way around?





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profile code and community codes by tessisamess

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