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Oct. 10th, 2014


Bound Secrets: An Urban Fantasy RPG

Crescent Cove, Maine. A coastal, maritime city with hundreds of years of history, established industry and a typical, if isolated, east coast city. Beneath its outwardly normal appearance, though, it harbors dark secrets.

The real city is the one seen in the corner of your eye, the momentary reflection in the mirror, the feeling of being watched on a lonely street. Founded by witches fleeing the horrors of the Salem witch trials in the 17th century, the city has always been a beacon for the supernatural. Today, vampires, werewolves, witches and other things without names live, work, plot and scheme alongside each other, not always aware of the other but always just under the notice of the mortal world. On the fringes, mortal hunters stalk the magical and the monstrous relentlessly, driven by obsessions both pure and tainted. Greater powers, still, influence events, and an impending feeling of fate hangs over the old buildings and creaking docks of the city.

Bound Secrets is a play-by-journal roleplaying game (RPG), with an urban-fantasy setting. It features daily activity, original storylines and an open-world format. We look for quality plotting, intelligent characterization and creativity in our players, ones who are willing to help build a fun, enjoyable story and community through active participation and friendly interaction. The game is managed by mods with decades of collective experience, and receives frequent updates in terms of species on offer, locations, plotlines and more.

We always welcome new players - check out the information provided, and if it sounds like something you’d enjoy, fire off an application or contact one of the mods if you have any questions.
Rules F.A.Q. Premise Held/Taken Wanted Species Hub Apply Site Map

Sep. 24th, 2014




The sleepy, rural town of Kingwood, California may seem like any other small town, but things are not what they appear. For in this little town in Northern California, the people that live their day to day lives, year after year, are not what they seem.

Imbued with the memories of our most beloved characters out of storybooks, the citizens of Kingwood are living, breathing reincarnations of these legends. No one knows why they exist.

In fact, aside from dreams and memories that sometimes spark up, no one is even aware that anything is different about them or their town. However, they are different and it is the town's magic that sparks the character deep within. And with more and more people moving to Kingwood, the lines between real and make believe continue to become more and more...

F A D E D .

Sep. 9th, 2014


Fade Away: A Post Apocalyptic Storyline

We thought that the end of the world was the worst thing we could live through. We were wrong.

250 years ago, society collapsed in fire. Nuclear missiles rained down on cities, soldiers fought in the streets. Bombs and terrorists and disease ran rampant, leaving the former world in ruins. Entire countries vanished overnight, while others limped into a slow death, and began to fade away.

Small bands of survivors tried to make it work among the devastation, but few made it, succumbing to fallout, radiation, the remnants of plagues or the reavers of the new world. Eventually, even they went quiet.

Some saw the end coming before it did, and prepared. They went into shelters, deep in the ground, only emerging when it seemed safe. But their supplies couldn't last. When they came into the world, they took over the ruins of London, now known as the Hollow, building walls thirty feet high and creating a new society.

Life was hard in the new world, though. Our technology was primitive, scavenged and bolted together from the last advances before the Earth ceased to be. Food didn't grow, plant life was scarce. Even the sky was tainted by what had come before it, the rain now burning what it landed on, the wind carrying viruses we'd never seen before.

The only way to manage the city, which as far as they knew was the only bastion of civilisation left, was control. Thus, the new society fragmented into component parts, each working towards a common goal. The Rangers would be repsonsible for going outside of the Wall, searching for food, technology, anything to help us survive, and for charting the bizarre new life developing n the wasteland. The Guilds would manage the industrial, agricultural and commercial life in the city. The Sages would maintain the knowledge of the city, and see to the health of its citizens. The Justicars would enforce order among the populace, and the Divine, always there even in the darkest hours, would see to the spiritual needs of the people. A governing council drawn from all parts of the city would oversee its civil operation.

The city has been here for over 100 years now, and we are the next generation. We're free within the bounds of the Hollow, but we all have to follow the rules. Otherwise, we're cast out, and become the Forgotten, exiles doomed to a short, brutish life beyond the safety of the Hollow. For many, there is nothing beyond the walls.

For others, we wonder if there could be something more.
Fade Away is a play-by-journal role-playing game. Players take on the role of a character and interact with other players through creative writing, or role playing, of various scenarios. Posts can be written in a solo, bilateral or group fashion. The genre of Fade Away is, broadly speaking, science fiction, with a heavy post-apocalyptic bent.


Aug. 17th, 2014


The Lost and Found

"It does not matter where or why, but who we are."

The world is filled with so many types of people, it seems near impossible to keep track of all of them. But that is what "They" do. It's unclear when "They" started, how "They" became so organized, but as long as anyone can remember, "They" have been there in the shadows, watching. Few people know who "They" really are, what "They" are called, but their purpose is well known throughout supernaturals; "They" keep you safe. Safe from the humans, safe from other supernatural species.

Sometimes, safe from yourself.

This is where L'académie des Objets Trouvés comes in. Affectionately called The Lost and Found, it is a school where supernaturals are taught to hone their skills, hide their telling physical attributes, and adapt to living in the world of the humans. Only .03% of the world population are supernatural, and it is only through the close monitoring and assimilation strategy of schools like this that they have continued to thrive undetected.

The Lost and Found is a supernatural school with a complicated history and an easy premise. Players can play as students or teachers, and can choose from a variety of supernatural races (or suggest their own!). It's just like any other boarding school- grades, tests, dances, rumors, crushes, roommates, and bad cafeteria food. The only difference is here, your teacher really is a demon. Well... there is one additional difference, just a small, minor catch.

You're not allowed to leave until "They" decide you're ready.


Game Premise | Wanted Characters | Player Rules | Races to Play | FAQ | Application

Main Community | OOC Community | Mod Journal

Aug. 18th, 2014


Bound Secrets: An Urban Fantasy Original Character Game

Crescent Cove, Maine. A coastal, maritime city with hundreds of years of history, established industry and a typical, if isolated, east coast city. Beneath its outwardly normal appearance, though, it harbors dark secrets.

The real city is the one seen in the corner of your eye, the momentary reflection in the mirror, the feeling of being watched on a lonely street. Founded by witches fleeing the horrors of the Salem witch trials in the 17th century, the city has always been a beacon for the supernatural. Today, vampires, werewolves, witches and other things without names live, work, plot and scheme alongside each other, not always aware of the other but always just under the notice of the mortal world. On the fringes, mortal hunters stalk the magical and the monstrous relentlessly, driven by obsessions both pure and tainted. Greater powers, still, influence events, and an impending feeling of fate hangs over the old buildings and creaking docks of the city.

Bound Secrets is a play-by-journal roleplaying game (RPG), with an urban-fantasy setting. It features daily activity, original storylines and an open-world format. We look for quality plotting, intelligent characterization and creativity in our players, ones who are willing to help build a fun, enjoyable story and community through active participation and friendly interaction. The game is managed by mods with decades of collective experience, and receives frequent updates in terms of species on offer, locations, plotlines and more.

We always welcome new players - check out the information provided, and if it sounds like something you’d enjoy, fire off an application or contact one of the mods if you have any questions.

[info]bound_mod | [info]bound_main | [info]bound_rp | [info]bound_tech | [info]bound_ooc

Rules | F.A.Q. | Premise | Held List | Wanted Characters | Taken PBs | Apply
Species Hub | Magic | Locations | Glossary | Game Recaps
Mod Info | Code Directory | (F-Locked)Friend Button | (F-Locked)Contact List | Site Map

Jun. 29th, 2014


Bound Secrets: An Urban Fantasy Storyline

Crescent Cove, Maine. A coastal, maritime city with hundreds of years of history, established industry and a typical, if isolated, east coast city. Beneath its outwardly normal appearance, though, it harbors dark secrets.

The real city is the one seen in the corner of your eye, the momentary reflection in the mirror, the feeling of being watched on a lonely street. Founded by witches fleeing the horrors of the Salem witch trials in the 17th century, the city has always been a beacon for the supernatural. Today, vampires, werewolves, witches and other things without names live, work, plot and scheme alongside each other, not always aware of the other but always just under the notice of the mortal world. On the fringes, mortal hunters stalk the magical and the monstrous relentlessly, driven by obsessions both pure and tainted. Greater powers, still, influence events, and an impending feeling of fate hangs over the old buildings and creaking docks of the city.

Bound Secrets is a play-by-journal roleplaying game (RPG), with an urban-fantasy setting. It features daily activity, original storylines and an open-world format. We look for quality plotting, intelligent characterization and creativity in our players, ones who are willing to help build a fun, enjoyable story and community through active participation and friendly interaction. The game is managed by mods with decades of collective experience, and receives frequent updates in terms of species on offer, locations, plotlines and more.

We always welcome new players - check out the information provided, and if it sounds like something you’d enjoy, fire off an application or contact one of the mods if you have any questions.

[info]bound_mod | [info]bound_main | [info]bound_rp | [info]bound_tech | [info]bound_ooc

Rules | F.A.Q. | Premise | Held List | Wanted Characters | Taken PBs | Apply
Species Hub | Magic | Locations | Glossary | Game Recaps
Mod Info | Code Directory | (F-Locked)Friend Button | (F-Locked)Contact List | Site Map

May. 29th, 2014


Project Apex

When your eyes open you're staring up at fluorescent lights. The world is hazy and you feel as though you’ve been in this place a long time. Slowly, awareness filters in. You’re lying in a hospital bed, an IV in your arm. You wear a hospital gown and a bracelet identifying you as a subject number.

Not patient. Subject. This is all wrong.

You are not in a hospital room. You sit up and take in your surroundings. The hospital bed is in the exact center of a small room. The floors, ceiling, and three of the walls are solid, bare concrete. The fourth wall is one-way glass. You can’t see to the other side, but you know you’re being watched. The only other thing in the room is a small cardboard box. Slowly you make your way to it and find whatever clothing you were wearing last.

You remember now. You’d been going about your daily life when someone approached you. You had a moment’s warning that you were in danger, and then—nothing. You opened your eyes and found yourself staring up at fluorescent lights.

Why are you here? Who else have they taken? Who is it behind the fourth wall?


Project Apex is an original psychological horror game centering around the abduction of a seemingly random group of people, and the experiments they are subjected to. Every day the characters will be tested against strange scenarios and harsh stimuli. They will have no choice but to live and work with one another in the strange, labyrinthian complex they have been placed in. Play by the rules and be rewarded. Refuse, and be punished. They have no contact with their captors, but one thing is apparent: escape is impossible.

Through the course of gameplay the characters will come to realize their selection for this involuntary experiment isn’t random at all. Each and every one of them has something in common - a secret that’s been kept from them their whole lives...


Project Apex
Multiple character slots and archetypes recently made available.
Grab a spot while they last!

May. 6th, 2014


GODLIKE: An Original Superhero RPG

It's 2019 and, for the past five years, people around the world have begun to display unusual abilities. They've been dubbed real world superheroes; science has yet to explain what causes the phenomenon or if there are factors that decide if a person is predisposed to it. One thing is certain, though: The world will never be the same...

Most countries were quick to set up registration programs for these 'supers', some regulations harsher than others. In the US, any person found to have superpowers must be registered with the government and are given the choice to either register an alias to be allowed to fight crime, or continue on with their normal lives. All registered supers, crime-fighting and otherwise, are required to go to their nearest government-licensed physician once a year for routine checkups and ability tests.

But life goes on and, with the changes, a new way is being established. Once only a thing of comic books, superheroes are now commonplace. They're on the news and in magazines; they're interviewed for television and, by most in the US, adored. They're amazing and different; the hottest new form of celebrity. For every 2,000 people in the world, one is a super. Not every super in the US is registered like they're supposed to be, and new supers are showing signs of abilities every day. Science predicts that in another five years their numbers will have doubled.


Mar. 30th, 2014


Ex Machina

Imagine a world where all the mythological beings which people have ever believed in are still with us. Immortals, demons, gods and monsters walk amongst us every day. They hide from our view, keeping their world a secret, and yet our stories and belief are what sustains them.

From the Machine is a mythology-based roleplaying game. It is set in modern America where figures of mythology, folklore and even history continue to live their lives, hidden among the mortals. Some of these beings are worshipped readily, and they remain strong. For others, belief is fading, and they are growing weak.

Accepting new players through the end of April!

Mar. 19th, 2014


Project Apex

When your eyes open you're staring up at fluorescent lights. The world is hazy and you feel as though you've been in this place a long time. Slowly, awareness filters in. You're lying in a hospital bed, an IV in your arm. You wear a hospital gown and a bracelet identifying you as a subject number.

Not patient. Subject. This is all wrong.

You are not in a hospital room. You sit up and take in your surroundings. The hospital bed is in the exact center of a small room. The floors, ceiling, and three of the walls are solid, bare concrete. The fourth wall is one-way glass. You can't see to the other side, but you know you're being watched. The only other thing in the room is a small cardboard box. Slowly you make your way to it and find whatever clothing you were wearing last.

You remember now. You'd been going about your daily life when someone approached you. You had a moment's warning that you were in danger, and then—nothing. You opened your eyes and found yourself staring up at fluorescent lights.

Why are you here? Who else have they taken? Who is it behind the fourth wall?
Premise · Rules · FAQs · Character Requirements & Archetypes · The Institution
Cast & Holds · Application · Drop Box

Mar. 27th, 2014


Bound Secrets: An Urban Fantasy Storyline

Crescent Cove, Maine. A coastal, maritime city with hundreds of years of history, established industry and a typical, if isolated, east coast city. Beneath its outwardly normal appearance, though, it harbors dark secrets.

The real city is the one seen in the corner of your eye, the momentary reflection in the mirror, the feeling of being watched on a lonely street. Founded by witches fleeing the horrors of the Salem witch trials in the 17th century, the city has always been a beacon for the supernatural. Today, vampires, werewolves, witches and other things without names live, work, plot and scheme alongside each other, not always aware of the other but always just under the notice of the mortal world. On the fringes, mortal hunters stalk the magical and the monstrous relentlessly, driven by obsessions both pure and tainted. Greater powers, still, influence events, and an impending feeling of fate hangs over the old buildings and creaking docks of the city.

Bound Secrets is a play-by-journal roleplaying game (RPG), with an urban-fantasy setting. It features daily activity, original storylines and an open-world format. We look for quality plotting, intelligent characterization and creativity in our players, ones who are willing to help build a fun, enjoyable story and community through active participation and friendly interaction. The game is managed by mods with decades of collective experience, and receives frequent updates in terms of species on offer, locations, plotlines and more.

We always welcome new players - check out the information provided, and if it sounds like something you’d enjoy, fire off an application or contact one of the mods if you have any questions.

[info]bound_mod | [info]bound_main | [info]bound_rp | [info]bound_tech | [info]bound_ooc

Rules | F.A.Q. | Premise | Held List | Wanted Characters | Taken PBs | Apply
Vampires | Werewolves | Witches | Demons | Hunters | Humans | Fae | Shifters | Phoenix
Locations | Glossary | Game Recaps | Code Directory | (F-Locked)Friend Button | (F-Locked)Contact List | Site Map

Feb. 21st, 2014


the light of may

Fair folk my ass.
Come see the light.
Celebrating our five-year
anniversary this May!

Feb. 13th, 2014


Bound Secrets: An Urban Fantasy Storyline

Crescent Cove, Maine. A coastal, maritime city with hundreds of years of history, established industry and a typical, if isolated, east coast city. Beneath its outwardly normal appearance, though, it harbors dark secrets.

The real city is the one seen in the corner of your eye, the momentary reflection in the mirror, the feeling of being watched on a lonely street. Founded by witches fleeing the horrors of the Salem witch trials in the 17th century, the city has always been a beacon for the supernatural. Today, vampires, werewolves, witches and other things without names live, work, plot and scheme alongside each other, not always aware of the other but always just under the notice of the mortal world. On the fringes, mortal hunters stalk the magical and the monstrous relentlessly, driven by obsessions both pure and tainted. Greater powers, still, influence events, and an impending feeling of fate hangs over the old buildings and creaking docks of the city.

Bound Secrets is a play-by-journal roleplaying game (RPG), with an urban-fantasy setting. It features daily activity, original storylines and an open-world format. We look for quality plotting, intelligent characterization and creativity in our players, ones who are willing to help build a fun, enjoyable story and community through active participation and friendly interaction. The game is managed by mods with decades of collective experience, and receives frequent updates in terms of species on offer, locations, plotlines and more.

We always welcome new players - check out the information provided, and if it sounds like something you’d enjoy, fire off an application or contact one of the mods if you have any questions.

Premise + The Journal + Contact Us

Disclaimer: Bound Secrets is an original group storyline that was expanded and transferred to insane journal. Elements of other properties are used for inspiration and reference only, with no claim made upon registered trademarks. The game moderators (mods) are Veronica, Jordan, Irish and James. We do not make a profit from anything presented in this game. Coding was provided by Irish. This ad is used for recruiting, and main play will be on the RP journal, located here.

[info]bound_mod | [info]bound_main | [info]bound_rp | [info]bound_ooc

Rules | F.A.Q. | Premise | Held List | Wanted Characters | Taken PBs
Vampires | Werewolves | Witches | Demons | Hunters | Humans | Fae | Shifters | Phoenix | (F-Locked)Friends Button | (F-Locked)Contact List
Locations | Glossary | Game Recaps | Code Directory | Site Map

Jan. 20th, 2014


Ex Machina

Imagine a world where all the mythological beings which people have ever believed in are still with us. Immortals, demons, gods and monsters walk amongst us every day. They hide from our view, keeping their world a secret, and yet our stories and belief are what sustains them.

From the Machine is a mythology-based roleplaying game. It is set in modern America where figures of mythology, folklore and even history continue to live their lives, hidden among the mortals. Some of these beings are worshipped readily, and they remain strong. For others, belief is fading, and they are growing weak.

CURRENTLY SEEKING: Archangels, dead authors, Di Nocti, War (Horseperson of the Apocalypse), MORE FEMALES, and mortals - though we heartily welcome anything that piques your interest!

Nov. 15th, 2013


Bound Secrets: An Urban Fantasy Storyline

Crescent Cove, Maine. A coastal, maritime city with hundreds of years of history, established industry and a typical, if isolated, east coast city. Beneath its outwardly normal appearance, though, it harbors dark secrets.

The real city is the one seen in the corner of your eye, the momentary reflection in the mirror, the feeling of being watched on a lonely street. Founded by witches fleeing the horrors of the Salem witch trials in the 17th century, the city has always been a beacon for the supernatural. Today, vampires, werewolves, witches and other things without names live, work, plot and scheme alongside each other, not always aware of the other but always just under the notice of the mortal world. On the fringes, mortal hunters stalk the magical and the monstrous relentlessly, driven by obsessions both pure and tainted. Greater powers, still, influence events, and an impending feeling of fate hangs over the old buildings and creaking docks of the city.

Bound Secrets is a play-by-journal roleplaying game (RPG), with an urban-fantasy setting. It features daily activity, original storylines and an open-world format. We look for quality plotting, intelligent characterization and creativity in our players, ones who are willing to help build a fun, enjoyable story and community through active participation and friendly interaction. The game is managed by mods with decades of collective experience, and receives frequent updates in terms of species on offer, locations, plotlines and more.

We always welcome new players - check out the information provided, and if it sounds like something you’d enjoy, fire off an application or contact one of the mods if you have any questions.

Premise + The Journal + Contact Us

Disclaimer: Bound Secrets is an original group storyline that was expanded and transferred to insane journal. Elements of other properties are used for inspiration and reference only, with no claim made upon registered trademarks. The game moderators (mods) are Veronica, Jordan, Irish and James. We do not make a profit from anything presented in this game. Coding was provided by Irish. This ad is used for recruiting, and main play will be on the RP journal, located here.

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