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Jul. 19th, 2011


Email: Urgent

Who: unknown sender [Jude Kim, Danny Wojtowicz, and OPEN to email recipients for reactions/commentary]
What: URGENT message to all BDP personnel
When: Wednesday, July 20; afternoon
Rating: TBD

Please note: there is a scheduled maintenance for all servers beginning Thursday. Servers will be down from 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. Thursday, July 21, 2011. Thank you for your patience.

[A few seconds after the above message appears, the recipient's computer screen goes blank; then the following appears:]

You've got mail... )

Jul. 2nd, 2011


Who: Rosa and Dominic
What: Angry confrontation!
Where: Dominic's house
When: July 2, evening (9 or 9:30 PM or so?) about an hour after Rosa finds a bug and calls Leo about it
Rating: Highish for sexytiems, but nothing graphic

She caught it, threading it together with the last strand she'd gotten, weaving them into her own tapestry of fury. )

Jun. 16th, 2011


Who The Martins and Dominic
What Family dinner, combined with celebrating Jack's 68th birthday somewhat belatedly
When Saturday evening, June 18
Where Jack's house
Status In progress
Rating Medium/high

It keeps the family together. )

Jun. 15th, 2011


Who: Dominic and everyone working the Stone, Perkins and Hensley cases; CC Rosa Keating
What: Dominic weighs in on the ghostly development in the Shakespeare case.
When: Wednesday, June 15; afternoon
Rating: Low to Medium

Inbox (1) )

Jun. 14th, 2011


Who: Glory and all the detectives working the Stone case, CC Lt. Dominic Wright
What: Mass departmental email
When: Sent at 11:46 PM, June 11th from Glory's cell phone
Rating: Low, but possible cursing in the responses?

1 unread message )

Jun. 12th, 2011


Who: John and Dominic
What: Discussing Jasper's recent application and Sergeant Examination test score.
When: Sent Sunday, June 12; late evening
Rating: Low, except possibly language

Inbox (1) )

Jun. 8th, 2011


Who: Rosa and Dominic
What: A present
When: June 8, morning

Left on Dominic's desk )

May. 15th, 2011


Who: Rosa and Dominic
What: Dinner at the office
Where: Dominic's office
When: Friday, May 13th, a few hours after this
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

I'm so hungry, I'm so thirsty,
Give me sugar, give me wine
Give me passion, fame, and fortune
Mute my meddling mind )

May. 14th, 2011


Who: John Martin and Dom Wright
What: Catching up to do.
Where: BPD firing range.
When: After hours, Friday, May 13
Rating: Medium (possible language)

Read more... )

May. 13th, 2011


Who: Rosa and Dominic
What: Email.
When: Friday, May 13; during workday
Rating: Low

(1) Marked Urgent )


Who: John and Dominic
What: Email.
When: Friday, May 13; during workday
Rating: Low

(1) Message )

May. 7th, 2011


Who: Arthur and Dominic
What: Conversing at the charity dinner.
When: Sunday, May 8; evening
Where: The Redwater Grille
Rating: Low

Apparently what is bad for the department is good for the city, however. )

May. 6th, 2011


Who: Anyone!
What: BPD Charity event
When: Sunday, May 8 (slightly frontdated)
Where: The Redwater Grille (Lou's steakhouse)
Rating: G-PG-13, if you go any higher please move it to a different thread!

Entertaining, functional, delicious. )

May. 1st, 2011


Who: Alex and Dominic
What: Datus interruptus
When: April 30th (Alex's birthday!), various times throughout the day
Where: Various locations, starting in the park
Rating: PG-13 at the highest
Status: Complete

The angels said I'd smile today
Well who needs angels anyway? )


WHO: Carly and Dominic
WHAT: Email.
WHEN: April 29th (backdated), after this.

Inbox (1) )

WHO: John and Dominic
WHAT: Email.
WHEN: April 29th (backdated), after this.

Inbox (1) )

Apr. 30th, 2011


Who: Rosa and Carly, CCed to Dominic Wright
What: Email
When: Friday, April 29th (slightly backdated) right after this

Subject: Detective Martin )

Who: Rosa and Dominic
What: Email
When: Right after the first email

Subject: As I'm sure you've guessed )

Apr. 27th, 2011


WHO: John and Dominic
WHAT: Dominic has to take Alex to the surprise party Eisen planned and he wants to make sure John will be there.
WHEN: Thursday, April 28
RATING: Low, possible language.

Inbox (1) )

Apr. 23rd, 2011


WHO: Darien and Dominic
WHAT: Dominic discovers that a sample has been contaminated, but thankfully there is enough evidence to do another analysis. Darien happens to be in the wrong right place at the wrong right time, and he gets that happy job!
WHEN: Saturday, April 23; morning
WHERE: BPD Crime lab
RATING: Possibly PG-13 for language, otherwise low

She'd been told off, of course. )


WHO: Eisen and Dominic
WHAT: Eisen is sending a text he should not be sending, Dom walks in. DOES HE GET CAUGHT?
WHERE: Eisen's office.
WHEN: 04/23, early evening.
STATUS: In progress.

Eisen was, in a word, obsessed. )

Apr. 22nd, 2011


WHO: Alex and Dominic
WHAT: Text about Alex's birthday plans.
WHEN: Friday, April 22, after this

Inbox (1) )


WHO: Eisen and Dom (whaaaat?)
WHAT: A text he does not want to send.
WHEN: 04/22, evening

(1) unread message )

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