Jun. 2nd, 2011


Who: Open to everyone.
What: Caterina Hensley’s memorial.
Where: Boston Convention Center
When: Saturday, June 4 (forward dated)
Rating: Low to medium.

Hundreds of fans, friends, and family gathered in Boston Convention Center to honor Caterina Hensley nearly a week after her tragic death. )


Who: Calvin, Gio, and OPEN to their friends. (If you’re not sure if your character would be there, IM or email Emily or Laura.)
What: The Calvin and Gio combined birthday gathering.
Where: Calvin’s house
When: Most of the day June 2 (Cal’s birthday) and into June 3 (Gio’s birthday).
Rating: Varying, but I doubt anything too high.

Calvin’s house had been open to visitors for most of the day. )

[ooc: You can tag your character in at any time of day on the 2nd or 3rd – just specify when the thread is taking place in the subject of your comment.]

May. 23rd, 2011


Finding the Truth

Who: Ben & Open
What: Ben goes to check out the stage at Lulu's request
Where: Scene of the PEM benefit
When: Monday, May 23, Late Evening
Rating: Low at this point
Status: incomplete

Scooby Dooby Doooooo )

May. 13th, 2011


WHO: Benny and OPEN
WHAT: Sitting in the break room, looking over the case file.
WHEN: Friday, 05/13, lunch time.
WHERE: BPD break room.
RATING: TBD, likely not that high.
STATUS: Open, in progress.

The thing that bothered her most, however, was that it seemed that all the stones had been turned. )

Apr. 22nd, 2011


Who: Jude and OPEN
What: Stoned Daydreaming in the park after several drinks
Where: A park
When: April 22; a little after eleven O' clock
Rating: PG-13

It's like, I don't care about nothin man. )

Apr. 16th, 2011


a night of making the rock.

Who: Galen Howard and anyone else! OPEN!
What: Friday night bands at the Misty Moon!
When: Friday, April 15, any time after 9 PM
Where: The Misty Moon, downtown Boston
Rating: PG-13 for... uh, a rock show in a bar, c'mon.

They tell me you look pretty when the lights have all gone out )

Apr. 14th, 2011


WHO: Sam and OPEN.
WHAT: Public painting in the park, because she does that sometimes.
WHERE: In the park.
WHEN: April 14th, afternoon.
STATUS: In progress.

A little orange, that was what this painting needed. )

Apr. 10th, 2011


Who: Glory and Priest
What: Glory needs to clear her head
When: April 10, around twilight
Where: An empty parking lot in a semi-private place
Rating: Probably lowish
Status: Incomplete

I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to to dance better than myself )

Apr. 8th, 2011


WHO: Toby and OPEN
WHEN: April 8, early morning
WHAT: Breakfast comes before work.
WHERE: Outside Calvin's coffee shop.

Toby still had a little while before the start of his day. )

Apr. 7th, 2011


WHO: Wolf and ANYONE! Mathis
WHAT: Wolf went to a party last week and got a phone number, but he doesn't know the person intentionally gave him the wrong number. The number of your character!
WHEN: Thursday, April 7

Inbox (1) )


Who: Luke and OPEN
When: April 8 (frontdated), early evening
What: Luke is an accident-prone flyboy
Where: Boston Common
Rating: PG-13 for Luke's mouth

The long fall back to earth is the hardest part )

Apr. 5th, 2011


WHO: Priest & John
WHAT: Walking the dog
WHEN: April 5th, evening.
WHERE: Park.
STATUS: Complete.

I need a shrink just to tell me what I think, but I already know the answer to that one.... )