July 17th, 2011

[info]powersnothanks in [info]notionsic

Who Autumn Yi-Dahmer and Vincent Dahmer
What Phone call
When Late Saturday morning
Rating Lowish
Status In progress

Hello? )

[info]__kaboom in [info]notionsic

Who: Amelia and Frank
What: Present
When: July 17, Sunday; close to 4am
Rating: Low

The little statue sat on a box so it could be easily noticed by the office door )

[info]lightspeeder in [info]notionsic

Who: Toby and Miles
What: Meeting Winston
When: Sunday, July 17
Where: Miles' house
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

Toby's usual mile-a-minute mayhem ground to a halt when another life was involved. )

[info]blood_noir in [info]notionsic

Who: Sebastian and Mathis
What: I spy with my little eye... something wicked
When: July, 22, Friday (forward-dated)
Where: Three blocks away from the UMBRIA the Nightclub
Rating: High for violence

He's a wolf in disguise )