Jul. 13th, 2011


[ WHO ] Allison and Miles.
[ WHAT ] An unexpected sibling reunion!
[ WHEN ] Wednesday evening, July 13th.
[ WHERE ] A random street.
[ STATUS ] Complete.
[ RATING ] Probably low to med.

'Hello? Yes, this is Miles. I mean, no. You have the wrong number.' )

Jul. 4th, 2011


Who: Allison and Gio
What: It's the 4th of July and they both turn up to the same celebration.
When: Monday, July 4; evening
Where: Larz Anderson Park
Rating: Low

Avoiding crowds was the name of the game on most holidays, but that day was not most holidays. )

Jun. 22nd, 2011


Who: Evan and Allison
What: Evan's failing at life.
When: Thursday, after Frank left Evan's home. (backdated)
Where: Hospital!
Rating: Pg-13 for language
Status: Incomplete

Ramps ramps everywhere and not one to conquer. )

Jun. 18th, 2011


Who: Allison and Gio
What: Allison just keeps popping up in Gio's life, and he's not even complaining.
When: Tuesday, June 21 (forward-dated)
Where: Police HQ
Rating: Low

After the crappy past week and a half he had, it was about time for things to go his way. )

Jun. 16th, 2011


[Log] Reading: It's Crazy

WHO: Calvin and Allison
WHAT: Calvin ghosts out during a random bookstore encounter!
WHEN: Thursday, June 16, late morning
WHERE: Finley's Books on Main

Click. )