July 13th, 2011

[info]powerandglory in [info]notionsic

Who: Glory Powers (Solo)
What: A "Eureka!" moment
When: July 12, afternoon, just before this
Where: BPD, Glory's desk
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Maybe there was something to be said for sitting there and staring a the evidence after all. )

[info]powerandglory in [info]notionsic

Who: Glory Powers and Gio Sanfilippo
What: Email
When: July 12, afternoon, about half an hour before this and just before this
Rating: Low

Subject: Follow Up? )

[info]powerandglory in [info]notionsic

Who: Glory Powers and Maggie Gallo
What: Email
When: July 12, afternoon, after this and just before this
Rating: Low

Subject: Possible Lead? )

Who: Glory Powers and Chris Wilde
What: Email
When: July 12, afternoon, after this and just before this
Rating: Medium for Chris's mouth

Subject: Hey Babe )

[info]mediumistic in [info]notionsic

Who: Rory and Gio
What: Gio spies his brother getting worked up on the journals and texts him.
When: During this.
Rating: Probably low

Inbox (2) )

[info]litigations in [info]notionsic

[ WHO ] Allison and Miles.
[ WHAT ] An unexpected sibling reunion!
[ WHEN ] Wednesday evening, July 13th.
[ WHERE ] A random street.
[ STATUS ] Complete.
[ RATING ] Probably low to med.

'Hello? Yes, this is Miles. I mean, no. You have the wrong number.' )