Jul. 20th, 2011


Who: Sebastian and David
What: Teaching the student proper pronunciations.
Where: Howl at the Moon Tavern
When: July 20, Wednesday; A little after 8PM
Rating: Low?

Where shall we start? )

Jul. 14th, 2011


Who: Jude and David
What: Adding another strike to the list of 'not getting on the cop's good side' list
When: Friday, July 15 (slight forward-dated)
Where: South End
Rating: Medium
Status: Incomplete

'Hello, officer,' Jude said, bringing one hand up and waving toward the officer who was staring at him. 'You have a very lovely car.' )


Who: Officer David Hayes & Detective John Martin
When: July 14 Afternoon
What: A visit from the trenches
Rating: TBD
Status: In Process

Of all the speed traps in the world, it had to blow through mine. )