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April 25th, 2013

[info]miaishere in [info]newalliance

Log: Speedy and Batman

WHO: Mia Dearden and Batman
WHAT: Mia does a background check on Jason, Batman finds out and isn't happy.
WHEN: April 25th, night late
WHERE: Titans HQ

From his tone, he may as well have said, ’Why are you sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong?’ )

[info]miaishere in [info]newalliance

Log: Speedy and Red Hood

Who: Mia and Jason
What: The truth is out. DUN DUN DUN. Emotions are weird, yo. The feelz
When: April 26th, Friday night
Where: Gotham

'You just have all the answers, don't you?' )

[info]loislane_ in [info]newalliance

Who: Lois and Clark
Where: their apartment, Metropolis
When: Mar. 15 (backdated like woah)
What: Lois is in a mood. This never bodes well.
Note: Takes place after Luthor's announcement, and Lois' argument with him about it.
Rating: R for Lois' potty mouth

She didn't feel as though she'd ever get clean. )

[info]darkknight_ in [info]newalliance

Who: 1) Batman, Black Canary, Iron Man, Maria Hill, Scarlet Witch (sorry Mel)
2) Superman, Wonder Woman, Zatanna, Green Lantern (Hal), Hawkeye (Clint), Professor Xavier
3) Nightwing, Flash, Arsenal, Raven, Oracle
4) Wiccan, Superboy, Hulkling, Hawkeye (Kate), Patriot, Speedy, Speed, Spidey
Where: Various
When: Apr. (various), 2013
What: Batman and Superman call people together to talk about the Luthor situation.

Note: Remember - you do not have to participate in these scenes if you don't want to, they are entirely voluntary and meant to be fun. If you choose not to, we do ask that you assume your character was there/got the message that we're creating an underground network, we need info on Luthor to get him out of office, and s*&^ just got real.

Do you hear the people sing? )