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February 12th, 2013

[info]whatever_bitch in [info]newalliance

Who: Rose Wilson, Damian Wayne
Where: Gotham PD Building
When: Backdated -- Evening of Feb. 9
What: Rose is looking for a file on her dad's whereabouts. She probably should not have driven to Gotham and broken in to one of the Gotham PD storage buildings to do so. Robin is out on patrol.
Rating: UM. PG-13

Assassin Babies! )

[info]catouttahell in [info]newalliance

Who: Patsy and Open
Where: Fabric Store - NYC
When: February 12th, 2013
What: Patsy is going to make herself a super hero costume! but first -- she's got to pick out some fabric. And then learn to sew.
Rating: TBA [but low I would think]

Make it work! )

[info]darkknight_ in [info]newalliance

Who: Bruce, Dinah, Hal
Where: Dinah's Apartment, Gotham City, NJ
When: February 8, 2013
What: Dinah and Hal are wasted - Bruce shows up to make sure they don't choke on their own tongues.

Dinah's neighbors were going to have plenty to talk about the next day. )

[info]intangiblepryde in [info]newalliance

Who: Kitty and OPEN
Where: S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters
When: February 12th, 2013
What: Kitty is fixing a computer for one of the other interns who had an 'accident' with some hardware.
Rating: PG

Read more... )

[info]whatever_bitch in [info]newalliance

Who: Bart, Rose and Kara
Where: Bart's house
When:February 12, a couple days before Valentine's
What: Bart wants Rose to meet his super awesome girlfriend, Kara. Both Rose and Kara don't think it's so super awesome.
Rating: PG-13 for ROSE. :|

Valentine's what? Love is for losers. )