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October 5th, 2012

[info]batlanguage in [info]newalliance

If the Suit Fits

Who: Cassandra and Bruce Wayne
When: Mid-September, 2012, shortly after the end of the Mojoverse ageswap fiasco.
Where: Batcave
What: Father and daughter's suiting-up routine turns into a conversation about secret identities, crimefighting careers, and significant others.
Rating: SFW

She was back in her teenage body. She supposed she should be relieved. )

[info]arch_archer in [info]newalliance

Who: Phil Coulson and Clint Barton
NPCs: --
When: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 - happy hour [backdated]
Where: Random Bar, NYC
What: Clint celebrates his recent divorce with beer. Lots of beer.
Rating: Medium

Everyone needed a bad guy, right? Might as well be him. )


[info]starhearted in [info]newalliance

Who: Jennie-Lynn Hayden and Kyle Rayner
NPCs: --
When: Thursday, October 5, 2012 - late evening/early morning; circa midnight
Where: The Three's Company apartment, Brooklyn, NYC
What: Jennie busts in on Kyle. Finally! FINALLY! (Seriously, its been like four years coming now...)
Rating: Medium

It had occurred to her a few days ago how different things would have been if Hal hadn't kidnapped her and brought her to space, thereby standing Kyle up on their date... )

[info]arch_archer in [info]newalliance

Who: Clint Barton and Dinah Lance aka Hawkeye and Black Canary, wot?
NPCs: Goons
When: Saturday, October 6, 2012 - late evening [forward-dated]
Where: THE DOCKS~ Gotham, NJ
What: Clint is going after Interpols top ten, runs into BC, stuff happens, idek. Action stuff.
Rating: High

I know you're there... )

[info]helius in [info]newalliance

WHO: Apollo, Midnighter, Michael and Ted.
WHEN: Friday October 5, 8PM
WHERE: Apollo and Midnigher's Awesome Casa de Bludhaven.
WHAT: It's a double date! A gay hang out! However, one of these things is not like the other!
RATING: PG, for alcohol consumption.

Hello life, it's nice to meet you! )

[info]kreespy in [info]newalliance

Something to Hide

Who: 'Philip Lawson' and Teddy Altman
NPCs: Candace Altman
Where: The Altman Household
When: October 5, 2012 Friday Night
What: Secrets are revealed, and... brothers meet?
Rating: PG-13 most likely.

If I was a Skrull, where would I keep my dirty secrets? )