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May 15th, 2012

[info]mrcrankypants in [info]newalliance

Who: Arthur Curry and Agent Coulson
When: May 15th
Where: Amnesty Bay
What: Coulson recruiting Arthur
Rating: PG-13
An Atlantean Out of Water )

[info]brooklynproject in [info]newalliance

Who: Captain America and Lady Blackhawk
Where: SHIELD HQ; Pizza parlor in Brooklyn.
When: May 15, 2011 [backdated]
What: SHIELD brings in a special consultant to help a recently defrosted Captain America adjust to living in the future. It's Lady Blackhawk.
Rating: PG-13?

Steve wasn’t sure what they meant when they said they were bringing in an outside specialist to help him adjust to his situation. )

[info]arch_archer in [info]newalliance

Who: Clint Barton and Roy Megan Harper
NPCs: --
When: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 - late morning
Where: Clint's "office" (rofl) aboard the SHIELD helicarrier → shooting gallery
What: In which Clint and Roy bicker like an old married couple and then maybe shoot some shit with arrows.
Rating: PG-13? Cussing?

Clint hated paperwork. )


[info]therealcptnmrvl in [info]newalliance

Who: Major Carol Danvers
NPCs: Colonel Greene
When: May 5, 2003 - backdated as fuck.
Where: Karshi-Kanabad Air Base, Uzbekistan
What: Carol gets assigned a recon mission that doesn't end too well. Part 1.
Rating: PG-13?

Missile lock, Colonel! Somebody spotted the unspottable plane! )


[info]redarrows in [info]newalliance

Who: Roy Harper & Black Canary & Batman Cameo!
Where: Gotman City
When: Early Evening - May 15th, 2012
What: Roy is on the verge of a heart attack because omg he's nervous about this conversation hanging out in Gotham, and hoping to catch Dinah before she heads out for the night.
Rating: G

He figured after all this he had to be owed some vacation time. )

[info]somecallmebilly in [info]newalliance

Who: Billy Kaplan and Loki
Where: Billy's rooftop garden practice area.
When: Tuesday night, May 15th, 2012 - 10:30 pm
What: Training
Rating: TBD (should be worksafe)

Focus... )
Tags: ,

[info]lexjosephluthor in [info]newalliance

Who: Lex Luthor
NPCs: None
When: Backdated, Monday 7th, 2012
Where: Chicago, IL
What: Presidential candidate Lex Luthor's campaign continues
Rating: Rated P for Politics (safe for adults, however)

One nation, under the dollar )