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April 8th, 2012

[info]redheadspy in [info]newalliance

Playing Fetch

Who: Black Widow and Daredevil
Where: Streets of New York
When: Late night April 7th.
What: First Meeting
Rating: PG-13

Fury's Personal Retriever )

[info]nightmareserum in [info]newalliance

Attack on Wayne Manor

Who: Scarecrow, Nightmare, Batfamily
Where: Wayne Manor, Gotham City, NJ
What: Scarecrow leaves presants for the BatFamily
When: April 08, 2012, evening (after his date with Harley)
Rating: PG

Special Delivery )

[info]revmeup in [info]newalliance

Who: Harley Quinn. Jonathan Crane & Edward Nigma
When: April 8, 2012 - 3:00PM
Where: San Chez, Downtown Gotham
What: Harley treats Crane to lunch and that’s when Eddie shows up.
Rating: R - It’s Crane, what else did you expect?
Notes: Scene started in GDocs

Ya weren’t waitin’ long, were ya? )

[info]forgetfulprof in [info]newalliance

Who: Logan and Jean
Where: Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngesters
When: Late 4/8 (/early 4/9)
What: Nightmares at the Xavier Institute means there's cookies.
Rating: Safe for work.
Behold, the power of cookies )

[info]legacysheir in [info]newalliance

Who: Damian Wayne and Selina Kyle
Where: Gotham Rooftops and Alleyways
When: April 8th, night
What: Meetings, possible cat and mouse
Rating: PG (for now)

Casebook Gotham. Entry fifteen. )

[info]son_of_laufey in [info]newalliance

Who: Loki, Ice (Tora Olafsdotter)
Where: SHIELD outpost, not far from Gotham City
What: Loki checks out where Mjolnir is located, and aquatints himself with Tora.
When: Monday, April 9, 2012, evening
Rating: PG-13 for now

If Mjolnir is here, then mine brother is not far... )
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