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March 28th, 2012

[info]ringshit in [info]newalliance

To: Ollie
From: Hal
Date: March 28th, 2012

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To: Barry
From: Hal
Date: March 28th, 2012

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To: Jade
From: Hal
Date: March 28th, 2012

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[info]flyingsolo in [info]newalliance

Who: Nightwing and Huntress
NPCs: Thugs
When: Wednesday, March 28th 2012
Where: Bludhaven, NJ
What: Huntress comes across a still upset Nightwing and they team up. In a manner of speaking.
Rating: PG-13ish?

'he struggled to keep his aim steady' )


[info]starhearted in [info]newalliance

Moar Texts.

To: "Rayner"
From: "Jen"
Date: March 28, 2012

you have (7) unread texts )

To: "Roy"
From: "Jen"
Date: March 28, 2012

you have (1) unread message )

[Kyle! Roy!]

[info]firstgreenarrow in [info]newalliance

Who: Oliver Queen (Green Arrow I) and Dinah Lance (Black Canary)
NPCs: Josh, a waiter; a poor woman being brutalized by thugs, thugs.
When: Wednesday, March 28th 2012
Where: Various locations in Manhattan.
What: Oliver calls Dinah to invite her out for coffee to talk about Mia, then that turns into sparring, where the loser buys dinner, which leads to dessert (actual dessert; I know it's Ollie and Dinah, but come on! Get your minds out of the gutter, people!) and after that they go fight crime. It's what they do. And they insist it's not a date. Except it has all the hallmarks of a date, including kissing and agreeing to try the whole relationship thing again. They're just silly. Thorough synopsis is through because this log is really long.
Rating: PG-13

It was nice that they could still consider each other friends—even close friends. It was nice that they could still talk to each other, see each other... not throw things at each other. Yeah, that part was really... well, it was really good. )