April 2019



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Apr. 7th, 2019


🌸 all day

It’s been a few days since the quiet atmosphere of Miracle Country was left shattered. First, there was the rain of mysterious sand, slowly mounting into a storm. The longer that storm bellowed, the more the ground seemed to rumble. And the more the ground rumbled, the more dangerous everything became.

Soon, it was clear it was an earthquake, shaking the island to the ground in the midst of a sandstorm. The underground areas are no longer safe and, finally, at the peak of its seismic waves, the earthquake levels everything— housing, trees, buildings, everything all around.

You must face the inevitable: the earthquake happened. Now, it’s a matter of how to survive.

Enough days have passed now, the storm sweeping away into the distant horizon, and Miracle Country looks to be only a desert full of ruins. The sakura tree, at least, still stands strong, but nothing much more.

And then the acid rain starts falling. Burning on contact, it’s impossible to stay out in the open for long without burns spreading over your entire body. But there’s so little shelter available.

It might be foolish to venture out... but there might be new people arriving. Surely you won't leave them out there all by themselves.

What will you do?

The Ocean
It might be a simple enough assumption— it’s a desert now, so go to the ocean in order to find food. It’ll be a disappointment, then, to reach the shoreline only to discover that the ocean, too, is acidic, poisoned enough that even trying to touch the water can cause unspeakable pain.

What’s worse, once you’re close enough, you might not realize that the monsters loom out of the water, poisoned by their own environment and frenzied. Perhaps you might be able to fell one of the monsters and use its meat for food and supplies. Or, perhaps, it’ll just be another poisoned thing among the wasteland.

The Forests
It’s true that the forests have seen better days. So many of the trees have been ripped away by the storm and earthquake, and debris scatters everywhere, making it difficult terrain to hunt. However, there are enough trees to offer rudimentary shelter from the acid rain.

The downside, of course, is that there are also animals and monsters here. Animals to hunt, certainly. But also monsters that are hunting you. And they’re so hungry.

The Shrine
Deep in the forests, if you’re lucky enough to find it now with all the devastation and ruin, there was once a shrine, the old bones of an ancient dragon, and the little dragons that live there, guarding a place of peace and calm.

If you actually manage to find your way here, you’ll find that, miraculously, there’s some clean water. Where does it come from? Trying to find a source proves impossible, but perhaps you can figure out a way to carry some of this water back to everyone else.

The Underground
The earthquake has left the area utterly devastated. It isn’t safe to be down in the tunnels, but perhaps desperation drives you here. Where else are you going to find shelter, after all?

This is where the injured have gathered. There’s little first aid to be found, houses swept away with the storm and, with it, most basic supplies. But perhaps those with healing abilities make time to be here, and perhaps the injured are doing their best to grin and bear it.

The Desert
Perhaps you’re foolish enough to brave the open expanse of the desert. Perhaps you’re hoping that there can be something gained from the ruins, some sort of supplies— food, blankets, medicine. Anything. Anything at all.

Be careful. The rain is falling more and more consistently. What good are you if you get hurt? What do you have to show for your efforts?


Mar. 1st, 2019


open 🌸 woltar island

[Around the smaller section of the gardens and the area that changes regularly, there's a collection of rippling plants and flowers that might catch the attention of anyone looking around for something unfamiliar. The colors are light, faintly changing with the slightest breeze but not seeming bothered by whatever lingers of winter here at the tail-end of another cold few weeks. The plants go from white to various pastels, and it overall gives the gardens a look that's probably something between fantasy and alien, some large and small but pleasing to look at.

Not exactly planned for but, all things considered, it feels right. Well - there's a peaceful feeling that goes along with spending time in this area today, maybe it's the light easy scent, or being close to the plants or just a general feeling of a calm day without the unexpected nonsense but...

Regardless, it's a nice atmosphere so why not enjoy it, right? Perhaps the feeling makes it all the easier to have a relaxing time in the gardens today at the very least.]

[Tiny backdated (?) log for Shiro's bday, Keith is around, but feel free to use at your leisure.]

Feb. 17th, 2019


all day 🌸 everywhere

[It's pretty clear once Valentine's Day arrives, as Miracle Country embraces the pinks even more than the usual. Silly heart-shaped decorations over any of the buildings, even framing doors and windows outside the different houses, all sorts of flowers everywhere despite the cold, an increase in the sappiness of the chocolates available by the candy shop...

But more importantly, the Usyagi are joining the celebration. Armed with tiny little pink bows, they're being particularly sneaky today, hiding behind trees and buildings, their tiny beady eyes even more suspicious than usual. Of course, they can't get a good shot if everyone's aware of their presence! And shoo they will - special magic arrows that will help people get in the Valentine's Day mood.

Maybe you'll start to blush and fumble over words shyly while talking to a friend (isn't it easier to realize the warm feeling in your chest this way?), maybe you're more confident and start openly flirting (it's about time, right?), or feel like making a dramatic love declaration out of nowhere (the flashier the better!). Maybe you're feeling oddly jealous in ways you never did before, or feel nervous because that person's not spending time with you and feel like fixing it (set up a special date for the two of you!). Maybe you suddenly trip and end up falling right into that special someone's arms!

Or... maybe it wasn't the special someone, and it's just your friend you don't have romantic feelings for? Maybe you were just trying to buy some food? Well, what's more romantic than a little spontaneity? Who knows what you've been missing out on? Alright, maybe the Usyagi aren't being too careful when choosing when to shoot. You can't blame them for trying to help with the mood a little, and the effects of their special arrows aren't permanent anyway. No harm done, right?]


Feb. 6th, 2019


all day 🌸 everywhere

[it's a quiet, rather chilly day today. It's to be expected at this time of the year, but it feels particuarly difficult to handle. What starts as a particularly biting cold day seems to get worse as time goes by, making it difficult to be comfortable anywhere. You might long for those (now vanished) hot springs from a few days ago and get a nice long hot bath at home, or seek out the comfort of some hot beverage at the café, or cuddle up under a pile of blankets in your rooms or the underground common areas.

While these provide some temporary relief, as the hours pass it'll be more and more unbearable. No matter how many more layers of clothing you add, or how much you get close to fire, or how immune you normally might be to weather changes, it's likely you'll reach the evening feeling uncomfortably cold, if not a shivering mess.

So what's the answer? Seek out others. The more the cold seeps in, the more that being close to someone else helps. The closer the better, and even if they might feel as cold as you, once you're in each others' arms you'll both feel very warm, clearly the work of some odd magic... maybe it's a set up for the upcoming romantic celebrations? Maybe Miracle Country didn't want anyone to be without a date, and felt like nudging them in the right direction. Or in a cuddly direction. Either way, try to at least find a friend to hold you or hang out with you, or spend a sleepless night trying to regain some body temperature.

And no, cats do not count as 'friends'.]


Jan. 25th, 2019


all day 🌸 by the forest

[Forget the cold! Forget the awkward mistletoe! Forget the-- Okay, you get the point. It's time for hot springs! And what better way for Miracle Country to deliver anything than out of the blue and for no reason? Exactly!!

For the duration of the day, the special path to the forests will reappear, and for those who were around early last year, they'll remember what it means. The path takes you directly to a quiet location where natural hot springs are, along with special cabins for changing clothes, washing up before the springs, and relaxing afterwards with some drinks and a meal if you'd like - you could even stay the night if you'd like, or earn a few konpeito by taking on some tasks and help others around.

So time to grab some robes and a towel and enjoy yourselves! And maybe wonder how come the springs seem to all have sakura petals scattered over the water... Well, considering where everyone is, it's not that much of a surprise, is it?]


Jan. 19th, 2019


all day 🌸 everywhere

[It's been a calm beginning of the new year, perhaps too calm, for those accustomed to the world's shenanigans. Today it might seem like Miracle Country's up to its usual ridiculousness, since the snow has piled up and up overnight and created many odd snow sculptures along the way.

Snow Mokona here and there, a snow nine-tailed fox, a snow winged lion, even a snow banana are a few of the odd shapes that can be found all over the place during the day. A few snow forts and an abundance of premade snowballs seem to call for a dumb fight on this weekend, and you might be tempted to go out and be silly for a while...

Until you notice the mistletoe, that is. Showing up fashionably late, our usual festive friends are to be found at all sorts of odd places throughout the islands, trapping people under them until they kiss, or hug, or punch each other, or maybe sing a song? These mistletoe seem to be particularly nitpicky and will come up with creative ways to challenge its prisoners.

Ah, well. At least you can always kick down one of the snow Usyagi after an unpleasant encounter, if you feel like it!]


Jan. 4th, 2019


at night 🌸 the park

[It's finally time to say goodbye to the year, an even more memorable occasion than usual when you're experiencing the clock ticking down to midnight while trapped in a strange world away from home.

Still, Miracle Country likes to celebrate, and so the occasion should be cheerful enough. While it's still rather cold and snowy overall, the day will be clear and tolerable enough. The pavillion by the park will have some heavy curtains set up to protect people from the chill, on top of its already set-out holiday decorations, with the obvious invitation to hang out and share a meal with others as the night falls... Although for once, the Usyagi won't provide the food. Instead, they sent out notes earlier to ask people to collaborate with that as they saw fit, with the addition that everyone should bring something - either food or drinks! Surely with certain skilled coughgodmodscough people around, there'll be enough for everyone involved.

Why bother hanging around if there's no free meals, though? Well, if the company isn't enough of a bonus for you, you might not want to miss out on the massive fireworks display by the time midnight strikes! Or you might be too bothered by the noise and lights, and might as well join in, sure.

On top of that, the Sakura tree by the middle of the park will start to glow, a little after midnight, and hand out not the usual quest options that you'd expect by the time the month changes, but instead special, bright pink cards that read:

One Wish

And, as they say, they're valid for exactly one new year's wish - you could request a photograph from home, for your beloved pet to join your side, a new gadget or toy, some candy for your jar if you're entirely running out, for your home to be magically cleaned up for you, for good luck the next time you go into the forests to explore and so meet less dangerous monsters, and so on. Each person gets a single card, so make sure your wish is a good one! You wouldn't get a special New Year's deal every day, afterall.]


[[Backdated to the appropriate date, of course!]]

Dec. 21st, 2018


at night 🌸 all around

[So the usual arrival is confusing enough - half the time people are learning about new worlds, magic, and the fact that there can be such a thing as a group of near sadistic floating bunny rabbits. Why not make it more fun, right?

Today, as it gets darker and most people are likely heading back to their respective houses, they might pause for a while as the newest addition to the place stops them - wearing a santa hat, matching shorts and... not much else, he's carrying a large bag full of candy canes, some which he'll give away as free samples, others that he can sell you if you plan on adding a lifetime supply of candy canes next to your jars of jam, or something silly like that.

The free candy also has a note attached reminding people that they can take on a quest to give others a present... Maybe it'll remind them to get presents in general, it doesn't always have to be about what the bunnies want, afterall.]

Dec. 14th, 2018


open 🌸 early evening, everywhere

[With temperatures slowly dropping and days turning into night at earlier and earlier hours, it's probably not a surprise when more signs of winter start to manifest in the coming days, not quite fully there but close. Traces of ice that aren't quite snow, chilly winds, and overcast days. Definitely a shift from the sunny opportunities of magical dates and the like.

With all that, of course, there's the need for those warmer clothes to keep the cold at bay, and likewise an increase chance of finding them among the shops and bazaar. Thicker, warmer coats to put on, mittens and hats, supplies to help with the ice, or maybe you're just looking to restock on hot-cocoa for home. Today certainly seems like one of those days for it.

It's not so bad that braving the outside is out of the question, either, of course - if you like this sort of weather, it might even make for a nice walk, with the right attire and maybe a hand to hold to keep warm. For those that might prefer staying in, huddling up instead... it's a perfect excuse too.]

[ooc: general open log + replaying the de-age event with Keith in the comments. Find him below or feel free to use this log for other shenanigans. ♥]

Dec. 1st, 2018


all day 🌸 everywhere

[It's a particularly warm, sunny day, everything about this weekend inviting you to go outside for a while. But before you may plan anything special, you see them. The buttons. Bright, colorful, like an inflated doorbell, placed on all sorts of ridiculous places - random walls, the side of a tree, inside your shops. Normally, you'd probably try to be cautious. But these seem to carry an irresistible charm, and before you know it, you're pressing them.

A loud chime sounds. And then your date begins.

Now accompanied by someone else who also pressed a button, you'll find yourself inside one of the boats by the river, ready for a romantic ride towards the sea. Or seating at the coziest spot in the Cherry Blossom Café. Or about to have a picnic by the beach. And so on.

But what if you don't want this obvious date with someone else? Well, the more you struggle, the more you'll be stuck there. If you two have a good time and share a happy moment, you'll be able to go your own way sooner. If you get too cranky, maybe you just need some motivation - like being unable to leave! Or a little magical intervention - maybe the lights dim for no reason. Maybe a romantic song starts to play, trying to inspire you to dance for a while. Perhaps mistletoe shows up above you? The Usyagi can be pretty creative, afterall.

But surely, one way or another, you'll be free, and hopefully you'll make it home before you run into any new buttons, trying to tempt you yet again.]


Nov. 13th, 2018


all day 🌸 everywhere

[It starts slowly. You might not even notice much of anything, at first. Nothing too remarkable - a joke you don't find amusing anymore. A gesture that doesn't seem as endearing today. A little touch that feels more unwelcome.

Little by little, it starts to add up. It slips away. Your interest in this person fades away. You don't want them close to you. They're not amusing anymore, they don't make you feel as comfortable. Chatting with them, a hug, a kiss, you don't long for these anymore. Old memories don't shine as much, don't seem as precious to you... you'll even start to have trouble remembering them too clearly. Were they ever that important? Were those something you truly held close that dearly?

Little by little, your most important feelings fade away. It might leave you feeling empty, it might leave you feeling relieved, it might confuse you - did you really stop caring entirely? Is it time for a difficult talk? Are you worried about the memories that keep washing away?

But maybe something helps. A place you two shared. A photograph that reminds you of an important moment. A song you once danced to. The food you prepared for them. A broken-hearted face you can't bear to look at, even like this. And then, just as they left, the memories and those feelings will start to flood back - slowly, perhaps, or rushing back to where they belong before they can be forgotten about again.

Nothing lasts forever here, afterall.]


Nov. 2nd, 2018


at night 🌸 the park

[While many major celebrations get ignored by Miracle Country, there's a few you can always count on. Valentine's Day, for example. And Halloween, of course! You could say what truly matters is candy. In any case, it's time for some Halloween style shenanigans.

Added to the recently carved pumpkins, more and more decorations start to show up throughout the days (you might've even seen a bunny here and there hanging little plastic bats around the place). The bazaar is now holding more themed items, like decorations for your own house, materials that could be used for costumes, some spookier movies and books, and of course, plenty of candy. You might be tempted to get swept up in the holiday spirit, but by the time the actual date arrives, you won't be able to pay for these the usual way. A new negative week has begun, and so for a while all the Usyagi will accept is the more rare, dark konpeito from your jars.

To help a little with this, there's a special holiday-themed quest! Play a prank of some sort on anyone else, and earn a few dark candy to use. And what better time for this than during the celebrations that night! Not quite such a formal scenario as the ballroom held the last time, it's more an assortment of little booths by the park, with all kinds of candy and drinks, even more items to dress up. No need to only be a jerk to others, you can show off your own costume, admire the carved pumpkins set out all over the place, or ignore the themed items and simply enjoy the abundance of candy. And even the Usyagi will join in!

You might get a visit from one of these little creepers, knocking at your door or seeking you out around the islands to try and get some candy as a gift. Should you not pay attention to them, or choose to deny them their request, well, expect a little "trick" in return. Just keep in mind that they're capable of doing much more than throwing eggs at your dome!]


[[Obviously backdated to the fitting date! Take advantage of the Usyagi's candy-deprived revenge to do event replays!]]

Oct. 24th, 2018


open 🌸 daytime at the park

[The return to 'normal' in the days following the fog is, as always when something happens, kind of jarring as expected. Just a fact that can't quite be helped. The weather today is crisp, a some of the usual chill in the air, but not unpleasant with the sun back out in an ironic contrast of atmosphere, a break in the steady shift into the much colder later weeks of Fall. What else is there to do but to settle into it?

At least that's the idea today -- with several pumpkins of varying shapes and sizes taking up a wide open area and a simple task at hand. Carving! Two nerds in particular in the middle of it all together, who may have gone a little overachieving on the number of pumpkins they ended up taking on from the Usyagi. Whatever, it’s for decorations, or so the quest note claims. Keith figures it's fine if others end up joining in anyway and doesn't seem too worried about it. Shiro doesn’t seem too worried, either… that is, when he’s paying attention to things around him and not the pumpkin he’s trying to carve.

There are some pumpkins pre-hollowed out already, for those who are squeamish about all the pulp. Lots of different types of pumpkins, there’s no way these two will get through them all, probably. So why not help out and also get some konpeito for your troubles?]

[ooc: Tiny pumpkin log! Backdated slightly to yesterday for Keith's birthday, see the comments for individual threads with them and open for all else :>]

Oct. 17th, 2018


open 🌸 all day

[When the night sweeps in, it seems a simple enough evening. Another evening just like any other. The moon hangs heavy in the sky and there’s perhaps, if anything, an unnatural stillness in the air. Perhaps it’s easy to dismiss that as the eeriness that permeates this island, that unsettling whisper that always prickles at the back of the neck, that one little thread that keeps you from fully relaxing.

Still, it isn’t necessarily a cause for alarm when night falls. It isn’t necessarily a cause for alarm when the fog rolls in, banking down all around. But it stays. It lingers. It grows thick and oppressive, almost suffocating in its unrelenting presence. It seems to follow you. It seems to close in around you. There could be a person walking right beside you and you’d never know—

And perhaps that’s the thing that’s most unsettling. Out of the corner of your eye, occasionally, there is the flicker of movement. As if someone is walking beside you, chasing you, reaching for you, trying to speak and unable. That distinctive, unnerving feeling that you are not alone.

You see a face, turn and— nothing. A trick of your mind, lost out in the fog? Or something else?

But that’s what it is. Eventually, they materialize fully: ghosts. Incorporeal faces of those you once knew, long gone from you now. They almost seem exactly as you remember them, except that your hand passes right through when you reach out. They cannot speak to you, no matter how hard they might try. They shift and flicker and disappear with the fog, as if fully entwined with it, unable to break free.

You’re surrounded by them. The question remains: do they mean you harm or are they longing for you as you do for them?]


[ooc: Ghosts of the past event begins; go here for details/questions.]

Oct. 5th, 2018


open 🌸 all day

[Autumn keeps making its way in, and so do the colder temperatures. Skipping obligations and routines to instead spend the day inside is getting more and more tempting, and this weekend it'll be even more so. Why? Because two nerds got together and set up their earnings from the recent baking contest and have set up a movie night. Or a couple of movie days, more like.

In each of the two lounging areas near the cafeteria, down in the tunnels, there’re TVs and a varied collection of movies all set out for people to choose from. Each room has been designated for a theme, so certain sacred child residents don't have to be worrying about spooky films, and the rest can enjoy those if they want. That's about as considerate as they're getting, because if you don't really feel like sitting through a movie marathon, well, enjoy the very loud noises coming from underground, and half the residents missing, probably. The wonders of everything being connected!

Of course, there's also plenty of snacks and drinks because what is a movie day without tons of junk food? Granted, there isn't as much regular junk food as they would've liked, but they made a grand effort - maybe even recruited you for help in providing enough food, if you work at the bakery or café. There's even leftovers from the aforementioned baking contests, although thankfully nothing that shouldn't be looks green.]

Sep. 21st, 2018


daytime 🌸 cherry blossom café

[The months pass, the seasons change, time goes on, and yet, here we are, baking too many cookies. Or pies. Or whatever you may think of! What's going on? A little friendly challenge of sorts.

To celebrate the arrival of fall, the Cherry Blossom café has been temporarily taken over by Miracle Country itself. Long tables outside, lots of extra ingredients, tools and aprons. What's the idea? To bake, of course. Aren't pies autumn-themed, afterall? It all adds up, of course. Or maybe the Usyagi are hungry? They're surely staring at the people as they work as though they are.

Who's working, you may ask? You'd think the answer would be "everyone", given how these things usually go. But no. There's a randomly selected designated chef for each house. They're in charge of doing all the actual work, though the others may help them as long as they don't do everything for them. Chefs need assistants, afterall. What's the incentive, then, if you're not the type to find the whole thing entertaining and want to join in just because? Everyone who produces decent enough food will be given special bazaar tickets - and it will look extra enticing today. Is that your favorite blend of coffee you see among the stands? A brand-new camera? The perfect warm sweater for the upcoming cold months? A Blu-Ray boxset of your favorite movie franchise? You might be reaching for your candy jars, but they won't be any good. So get to work at the café, and try to please the Usyagi enough to earn your tickets!

Alternatively, you could create a very wholesome game where you use Usyagi as targets for pies. But you really shouldn't waste food, you know?]


Sep. 6th, 2018


at night 🌸 ballroom

[It's been a long few weeks. The apparent peace brought by the flood's end did not allow for much rest or comfort, in the end. It's been dark, and cold, and miserable... until, finally, the sun comes up. The words written across the place fade away. And even when the evening falls, the world lights up.

Rather than creepy, looming messages that play with your head, this time there's lots and lots of different candles, glowing in different colors, their warm lights showing the way towards the ballroom at the south of the island. Should you follow the trail, (and really, it's near impossible to resist its charms, you'll find this soon enough) you'll find the whole place ready for a much more relaxing night.

Long tables bursting with food and drinks, soft music playing, and, of course, more and more of these candles everywhere, feeling almost alive here, like they want to join in and dance with everybody. You'll find yourselves in beautiful clothes for the day, and even any remaining injuries will feel less painful or bothersome for the time being. Even if you don't feel like abusing the food, or dancing with the others (the usual notes that appear at the Sakura tree will be hanging here on certain corners, however, so you might have a little extra motivation!) you could still head towards the balcony and enjoy the view of the island, looking almost like a city in the distance with all its colorful lights.

... or you could be paranoid and wonder if this isn't heading towards a massive fire you'll all have to survive. Who could blame you at this point, honestly?]


Aug. 28th, 2018


open 🌸 all week

[It’s been days since there’s been any sign of the creatures that attacked, days since the rain stopped. And you can tell that the water is receding. It drains away until it’s easy enough to come down from the trees. Once you leave the treehouses, they seem to be swallowed up into the forest, as if they were never there at all.

Night falls and it’s almost peaceful, almost a sigh of relief— the end is in sight, isn’t it?

The water drains away and you might even be able to return to your homes— although waterlogged and water-damaged. Once morning comes, it should be fine. You’ll be able to rest. You’ll be able to take care of those still recovering from the attacks.

Except, the sun doesn’t come back again.

At first, perhaps you can tell yourself it’s a long night only because you’re waiting for it to end. Perhaps you wake up in the morning and assume it’s still the middle of the night because of the darkness. But the hours tick away and still the sun does not rise. And slowly, all other sources of light go out. The fire you’ve built to keep warm still burns, but produces no light. Fire magic illuminates for a brief time until it, too, starts to fade. Any new sources of light you try to create, even large ones, glow very faintly, dimly. Like they're struggling to stay there at all. And there’s no moon in the sky. Slowly, even the stars blink away.

You are not completely without light, of course. Miracle Country doesn’t expect you all to stumble into the dark never to be found again.

The light is unpredictable but illuminates the spaces around it. They’re made up of phrases and words— across walls, on the tree trunks, across the ground, anywhere you look. They glow brighter than fire, shining for a while before slowly fading.

They’re confessions. Yours, perhaps, or someone near you. Or maybe not related to you at all—and opportunity for misunderstanding. But they seem to follow you, guide you, goad you or comfort you. Perhaps they’re words you’ve never said aloud before, words you wanted to tell someone, something you’ve been swallowing down and know you have to say it. Perhaps the magic here is trying to help you. Perhaps the magic here is trying to taunt you.

Regardless, the words can’t be made to disappear and they can’t be predicted. But they’re what keep you all from being plunged into the darkness.

Can you find your way home again? The endless darkness will remain for several days, so make the best of this— who knows what might be lurking in the dark?]


[Secrets in the Dark event starts; go here for a list of secrets (or make up your own as you go, of course) or for any questions/concerns.]

Aug. 18th, 2018


open 🌸 all week

[You never knew the water could be so still.

It’s been days and while the water has stopped rising, it hasn’t gone away, either. Most days, it’s eerie in its stillness, almost looking calm— but there’s no denying the strength of the riptides beneath, the way one wrong move and you could be dragged out into the sea. The water is so clear, it looks both fathomless and shallow, looking at the world down below and maybe able to recognize what the island is supposed to look like.

Still, the treehouses have been holding up, the trees strong and sturdy. Since the storm has cleared, the weather has been clear. But it’s almost too calm, isn’t it? It’s been like this before— where everything seems peaceful, just before something bad happens.

The water is still full of those colorful fish, and have likely been your main source of food now that the supplies are threatening to run low. But something seems different today— the fish are scarcer, as if they’re hiding, as if they’re running away.

Soon, the reason is clear. From the depths of the still water, the monsters are rising. Looking almost shark-like, these creatures want only one thing: blood. And the little fish aren’t big enough to satisfy them. They attack without mercy, seem to seek you out, almost. In fact, if you sit too close to the edge of your treehouse, you’re in danger. They weren’t design to withstand attack, after all. These creatures range in size, but are frenzied, desperate for food— and there’s nothing more dangerous than a desperate monster.

Even if you manage to avoid their attacks, be careful of their bite. Powerful and deadly, these bites seep out venom, invite infection and illness, can leave you fevered or hallucinating. Ah, if only there was some medicine to help… maybe you can wait it out? Or maybe you’ll brave the waters to find something to help your suffering friends?

Regardless of your choice, be careful out there… the water can be dangerous, after all.]


Aug. 8th, 2018


open 🌸 all week

[It’s been over a week since the storm started and, somehow, it hasn’t stopped. It hasn’t abated. Perhaps it’s held steady, slow in its steady increase of power and destruction. That rippling of thunder throughout the day, the flash of lightning, the onslaught of rain— maybe it’s becoming background noise.

Or maybe you’re concerned. After all, there can only be so much rain before things become difficult to navigate. There’s that insistent dripping in the underground tunnels, growing steadily as the week progresses. The river and lake looks so full, the ocean so turbulent. The skies are an endless stretch of dark clouds.

Until one day, the storm gets even worse, so much worse than you thought it could possibly become. The ocean, the river, the lake, it all slowly starts to rise and overflow, flooding the surrounding areas more and more every second. The tunnels are filling up, flooding into the common rooms and quickly submerging them. The water rises and rises and rises— until even your home is getting flooded. Grab what you can, because once it starts, it happens quickly— everything on the islands are flooding, submerging beneath the water.

The water level will continue to rise until the buildings, forests, even a huge chunk of the mountain is submerged. The trees will seem to expand underwater, making makeshift bridges from tangled growth of branches, surprisingly sturdy. The regular places to go are gone, but the tops of the trees poking defiantly out of the water now have treehouses to stay in.

Food will be available in the varied amount of fish and other animals to be caught in the water. For those who frequent the river or beach, it'll be clear there's a much higher amount of them, of all sorts of colors and sizes. One thing that doesn't change is the rising danger the closer one gets to the area of the forests, and deeper waters may hold even more frightening enemies, even monsters. More rare fish and other creatures live around these areas, as well. Careful where you fish. For those that can get around, there are a few islands here and there. They’re a smattering around the island, barely enough room to stand and be comfortable on, but holding little magical parcels of basic supplies— blankets, drinkable water, some food. These are rare, and the message is clear: You'll need to survive. You'll need to help each other.

Once everything settles, the storm, finally, starts to die down. It’ll continue raining well through the afternoon, but eventually the clouds will roll away and the ocean will settle.

Well… hope you’re okay with swimming.]


[Flood event begins-- go here for any information or questions!]

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