Sep. 14th, 2017


open 🌸 all day

[The day has finally arrived. Those of you visiting have likely noticed the steady change of color in your mokona pins – and it’s clear to see that only a few hours remain before you’ll be returning to your home.

But don’t worry, Miracle Country is letting you go in style! There’s a party set up on the beach – many tables with a small feast set out, with different types of delicious food and drinks. The sea is sparkling, looking inviting and the perfect temperature for a swim. There are cushions set out along the beach and in the bungalows, inviting everyone to sit out and relax, to chat and spend the remaining hours together.

That good energy still lingers in the air – the remnants of clearing out the shrine. You’ve all done well, and now it’s time to celebrate.

At the same time, it’s undeniable – time is running out and soon your new friends, old friends, and loved ones will be returning home. Don’t forget to say goodbye to them. And don’t worry – it’s alright to be sad. After all, happiness and sadness exist in a balance, and this world is all about balance.

But don’t despair too much. Yes, there’s a bittersweet feeling with partings, but you’ve spent all this time together and you’ve helped all the worlds.

So sit back, relax, and spend the evening with the people you love – who knows when you’ll see them again next?]


[[And with that, our fourth wall event comes to an end! Thank you everyone for playing with us and remember that all info regarding potential apps & good/bad energy can be found HERE. Go here for a list of visitors, too!]]

Sep. 3rd, 2017


open 🌸 afternoon

[The last few days have been trying. With that dark energy permeating from the shrine, at times it must have felt hard to breathe, hard to see anything beyond that negativity. But you did it – you found that balance again, the abundance of good energy pouring into the shrine enough to tip those scales.

Where it was once all gloom and darkness, now the world bursts into sunshine and color. It seems that the world itself is responding to your efforts – joyful that you were successful, happy that you’ve helped. The islands clear out and the forest entrance looks beautiful – full of blooming flowers, the water from the river and the ponds and lakes sparkling and inviting.

You can feel that positive energy all around. Vines and flowers climb and bloom across all the buildings, not engulfing, only accenting. There are hammocks weaving between the trees all around the islands, inviting you to relax. There are flowers everywhere, each tree blooming into a burst of pink flowers. Even the grass beneath your feet feels fluffier, bursting with flowers and an inviting softness – go on and relax, roll around in the grass or nap the day away. The worst seems to have passed.

Even you’re affected by the positive energy, it seems. All day, you feel a little lighter. Whenever you experience a positive feeling towards someone else (things like love, care, amusement, pride, pleased, etc) you’ll feel inclined to touch them – hand-holding, hugging, cuddling, simple touches, anything like that. It's an uncontrollable, magic-fueled urge so you'll find yourself responding even if you wouldn't normally initiate touch.

The intensity of said feelings would determine for how long this lasts, too; if what your character felt wasn't that strong, it should be a lot easier to stop the effect and quit the physical contact. Same if they try to focus, or if they got distracted.

But why would you want to stop it? Today is a beautiful day and you’ve done something good. The world around you is responding and so are you.]


[[4TH WALL EVENT CONTINUES!! All info & the place to report good and bad actions HERE. Go here for a list of visitors!]]

Aug. 25th, 2017


open 🌸 evening

[The black-outs have been coming and going over the last few days. What at first could easily be dismissed as a simple fluke is quickly becoming a pattern. For those who are sensitive to such things, the fluctuating of power and magic is clear: the black-outs are caused by some sort of imbalance. Can you sense where this power is radiating from? Where are the negative energies in the air concentrating?

The Shrine in the forests for example – a pure, beautiful place – is now flooded with that negativity in its attempt to counterbalance the negative energy. The darkness is shifting ever closer towards it, corrupting it. Covered in shadows and looking more and more sinister by the moment, the forest is slowly transforming into something dark and cruel. The shrine is the epicenter, and if you’re not careful, the entire forest – and possibly the entire island – will be engulfed. There are still stray monsters escaping, taking advantage of the weakened barriers. All around, it’s dangerous. The dragons that stay near the shrine are particularly agitated. They won’t attack – but they’re influenced by the darkness, too, seeming weaker and pained.

What will you do? Will you stand by and do nothing? Or will you help? Anyone with positive konpeito in their jar, upon coming closer to the shrine, will notice that the konpeito is absorbing this bad energy. It seems the shrine, and the world itself, is desperate to return to its balanced state – clinging and grasping at any hope it might be able to find. Of course, one person’s konpeito alone won’t be enough to tip the scales – you’ll need a massive force of good energy. Will you team up to combat this power imbalance? Thankfully, there are still people appearing in this world... You’ll need as many people as you can.]


[[4TH WALL EVENT CONTINUES!! All info & the place to report good and bad actions HERE (for this log especially, let us know what your character is up to!). Go here for a list of visitors!]]

Aug. 19th, 2017


open 🌸 all day

[It's been a few days since visitors have started to arrive. It's been a social few days, hasn't it? Perhaps you came here the first day, perhaps a few days later, or perhaps today is the first day you're appearing in Miracle Country and receiving your jar. Aside from the new influx of people, it's been relatively quiet and peaceful - letting you relax, get to know one another, and explore this new world. Have you been doing the good (or bad!) deeds in order to earn that konpeito?

The multiverse, after all, is relying on you. It's a heavy burden.

And housing all of you is a heavy burden for Miracle Country, as well. With so much magic and energy, the world seems to be struggling to sustain itself. The creatures that lurk in the forest are getting restless, and the magic of this world seems to be fluctuating.

It'll be clear that there's a strain once the blackouts start happening. During the day, certain things will cease to function - the trains, the underground lanterns, lights, just to name a few. It's only temporary, sometimes just a flicker of energy, sometimes for longer periods of time.

More unsettling, perhaps, is the magical barriers that hold the creatures back within the forest, mountains, and underground tunnels are starting to waver. Creatures and monsters can sneak past this magical barrier, and creep towards this new population of people. Are you prepared to fight them back, to defend your new friends? Don't fool yourself - they will attack, and some of these fiends are nastier than others. So it's best to stay on your guard.]


[[4TH WALL EVENT CONTINUES!! All info & the place to report good and bad actions HERE. Go here for a list of visitors!]]

Aug. 14th, 2017


open 🌸 all day

[The world has changed. And with these changes, the magic that runs across the whole land is still unstable - it needs help, and here is where you come into play. You have left your own world, and now find yourself in these new islands, a mysterious location under the name of Miracle Country. Peaceful looking enough, quiet and with the cozy atmosphere of an old fashioned, small town, you might find it quite unremarkable aside from the large WELCOME paper signs now hanging from many buildings and even some trees around... if it weren't for the bunnies.

The winged, silent messengers of this place will meet up with every new visitor and hand over a small, empty jar, which has a letter attached to it. The letter contains a short message explaining your visit - you are here to help this world, and your own, with the actions you take during your stay.

On the back of the note, there's another thing written down - you might've noticed the small, black Mokona-shaped brooch now attached to your clothes (or fur, perhaps?). This brooch will slowly change colors, and once it's fully white, you will go back home. That's right - your arrival is a short-lived one, and you're only here for a brief visit. Better make the best out of it.

You might want to look around for other residents for help - you'll find the ones who live here on a more permanent basis, and those who have just arrived just like you. You'll find that plenty will be busy, as the Usyagi have set out several tasks for people to complete, but perhaps you can manage a chat with someone while they take a break, or simply join in and help. You are here to aid the world, afterall.

Initially, the tasks are quite simple; there are tents to put up for those who haven't found a place to stay, or wish for a more private location: the dome houses and cabins are rather limited, but the old school building has been prepared to be used as a makeshift hotel for the time being, with several beds set up on its various classrooms. You might wish to simply grab a tent and get yourself settled in a more secluded spot, or join in with others at the school, or bug someone to allow you to be their roommate for a while.

Later in the day, there will be large tables set by the lake, as well as several grills and even one very large pot, all ready to be used for meals throughout the day. And what to prepare? You can head to Wooltar Island for crops, eggs, milk and others, or hit up the forest to hunt some game, fish by the lake or even go all the way down to the beach for it. Or pester others to get you ingredients, if that's more your style.

Later in the evening, the grills will magically be replaced by small bonfires, so even if you've been off exploring the place, you might want to come back by the lake and relax for a while, enjoy the sight of fireflies fluttering around and start getting ready for the night - if you didn't bother with any of the preparations earlier, you might want to take this opportunity. It's another good chance for collaboration, another chance to earn some good candy for your jar; unless of course you didn't take the message too seriously, or aren't keen on believing strange flying bunnies about anything.

The jar, at least, does work as it was said - you'll notice candy start to add up if you help others and collaborate. You might want to test it further - the bazaar is open during these days, so you can purchase certain things, maybe get a change of clothes, try and obtain a new weapon if yours is lost - should you wander off too deep into the forest or the sea, or even underground, you'll realize you might need it with you. The different shops and facilities across the land also take the strange magical candy in these jars. You could try and do good deeds on purpose to see its effect... or do bad ones, perhaps. The message never said you had to be good, right?]


[[OUR 4TH WALL EVENT BEGINS!! All info & the place to report good and bad actions HERE. Go here for a list of visitors!]]