Nov. 13th, 2018


all day 🌸 everywhere

[It starts slowly. You might not even notice much of anything, at first. Nothing too remarkable - a joke you don't find amusing anymore. A gesture that doesn't seem as endearing today. A little touch that feels more unwelcome.

Little by little, it starts to add up. It slips away. Your interest in this person fades away. You don't want them close to you. They're not amusing anymore, they don't make you feel as comfortable. Chatting with them, a hug, a kiss, you don't long for these anymore. Old memories don't shine as much, don't seem as precious to you... you'll even start to have trouble remembering them too clearly. Were they ever that important? Were those something you truly held close that dearly?

Little by little, your most important feelings fade away. It might leave you feeling empty, it might leave you feeling relieved, it might confuse you - did you really stop caring entirely? Is it time for a difficult talk? Are you worried about the memories that keep washing away?

But maybe something helps. A place you two shared. A photograph that reminds you of an important moment. A song you once danced to. The food you prepared for them. A broken-hearted face you can't bear to look at, even like this. And then, just as they left, the memories and those feelings will start to flood back - slowly, perhaps, or rushing back to where they belong before they can be forgotten about again.

Nothing lasts forever here, afterall.]
