Feb. 6th, 2019


all day 🌸 everywhere

[it's a quiet, rather chilly day today. It's to be expected at this time of the year, but it feels particuarly difficult to handle. What starts as a particularly biting cold day seems to get worse as time goes by, making it difficult to be comfortable anywhere. You might long for those (now vanished) hot springs from a few days ago and get a nice long hot bath at home, or seek out the comfort of some hot beverage at the café, or cuddle up under a pile of blankets in your rooms or the underground common areas.

While these provide some temporary relief, as the hours pass it'll be more and more unbearable. No matter how many more layers of clothing you add, or how much you get close to fire, or how immune you normally might be to weather changes, it's likely you'll reach the evening feeling uncomfortably cold, if not a shivering mess.

So what's the answer? Seek out others. The more the cold seeps in, the more that being close to someone else helps. The closer the better, and even if they might feel as cold as you, once you're in each others' arms you'll both feel very warm, clearly the work of some odd magic... maybe it's a set up for the upcoming romantic celebrations? Maybe Miracle Country didn't want anyone to be without a date, and felt like nudging them in the right direction. Or in a cuddly direction. Either way, try to at least find a friend to hold you or hang out with you, or spend a sleepless night trying to regain some body temperature.

And no, cats do not count as 'friends'.]


Jan. 25th, 2019


all day 🌸 by the forest

[Forget the cold! Forget the awkward mistletoe! Forget the-- Okay, you get the point. It's time for hot springs! And what better way for Miracle Country to deliver anything than out of the blue and for no reason? Exactly!!

For the duration of the day, the special path to the forests will reappear, and for those who were around early last year, they'll remember what it means. The path takes you directly to a quiet location where natural hot springs are, along with special cabins for changing clothes, washing up before the springs, and relaxing afterwards with some drinks and a meal if you'd like - you could even stay the night if you'd like, or earn a few konpeito by taking on some tasks and help others around.

So time to grab some robes and a towel and enjoy yourselves! And maybe wonder how come the springs seem to all have sakura petals scattered over the water... Well, considering where everyone is, it's not that much of a surprise, is it?]


Jan. 19th, 2019


all day 🌸 everywhere

[It's been a calm beginning of the new year, perhaps too calm, for those accustomed to the world's shenanigans. Today it might seem like Miracle Country's up to its usual ridiculousness, since the snow has piled up and up overnight and created many odd snow sculptures along the way.

Snow Mokona here and there, a snow nine-tailed fox, a snow winged lion, even a snow banana are a few of the odd shapes that can be found all over the place during the day. A few snow forts and an abundance of premade snowballs seem to call for a dumb fight on this weekend, and you might be tempted to go out and be silly for a while...

Until you notice the mistletoe, that is. Showing up fashionably late, our usual festive friends are to be found at all sorts of odd places throughout the islands, trapping people under them until they kiss, or hug, or punch each other, or maybe sing a song? These mistletoe seem to be particularly nitpicky and will come up with creative ways to challenge its prisoners.

Ah, well. At least you can always kick down one of the snow Usyagi after an unpleasant encounter, if you feel like it!]


Jan. 4th, 2019


at night 🌸 the park

[It's finally time to say goodbye to the year, an even more memorable occasion than usual when you're experiencing the clock ticking down to midnight while trapped in a strange world away from home.

Still, Miracle Country likes to celebrate, and so the occasion should be cheerful enough. While it's still rather cold and snowy overall, the day will be clear and tolerable enough. The pavillion by the park will have some heavy curtains set up to protect people from the chill, on top of its already set-out holiday decorations, with the obvious invitation to hang out and share a meal with others as the night falls... Although for once, the Usyagi won't provide the food. Instead, they sent out notes earlier to ask people to collaborate with that as they saw fit, with the addition that everyone should bring something - either food or drinks! Surely with certain skilled coughgodmodscough people around, there'll be enough for everyone involved.

Why bother hanging around if there's no free meals, though? Well, if the company isn't enough of a bonus for you, you might not want to miss out on the massive fireworks display by the time midnight strikes! Or you might be too bothered by the noise and lights, and might as well join in, sure.

On top of that, the Sakura tree by the middle of the park will start to glow, a little after midnight, and hand out not the usual quest options that you'd expect by the time the month changes, but instead special, bright pink cards that read:

One Wish

And, as they say, they're valid for exactly one new year's wish - you could request a photograph from home, for your beloved pet to join your side, a new gadget or toy, some candy for your jar if you're entirely running out, for your home to be magically cleaned up for you, for good luck the next time you go into the forests to explore and so meet less dangerous monsters, and so on. Each person gets a single card, so make sure your wish is a good one! You wouldn't get a special New Year's deal every day, afterall.]


[[Backdated to the appropriate date, of course!]]

Dec. 21st, 2018


at night 🌸 all around

[So the usual arrival is confusing enough - half the time people are learning about new worlds, magic, and the fact that there can be such a thing as a group of near sadistic floating bunny rabbits. Why not make it more fun, right?

Today, as it gets darker and most people are likely heading back to their respective houses, they might pause for a while as the newest addition to the place stops them - wearing a santa hat, matching shorts and... not much else, he's carrying a large bag full of candy canes, some which he'll give away as free samples, others that he can sell you if you plan on adding a lifetime supply of candy canes next to your jars of jam, or something silly like that.

The free candy also has a note attached reminding people that they can take on a quest to give others a present... Maybe it'll remind them to get presents in general, it doesn't always have to be about what the bunnies want, afterall.]