all day 🌸 everywhere
[it's a quiet, rather chilly day today. It's to be expected at this time of the year, but it feels particuarly difficult to handle. What starts as a particularly biting cold day seems to get worse as time goes by, making it difficult to be comfortable anywhere. You might long for those (now vanished) hot springs from a few days ago and get a nice long hot bath at home, or seek out the comfort of some hot beverage at the café, or cuddle up under a pile of blankets in your rooms or the underground common areas.
While these provide some temporary relief, as the hours pass it'll be more and more unbearable. No matter how many more layers of clothing you add, or how much you get close to fire, or how immune you normally might be to weather changes, it's likely you'll reach the evening feeling uncomfortably cold, if not a shivering mess.
So what's the answer? Seek out others. The more the cold seeps in, the more that being close to someone else helps. The closer the better, and even if they might feel as cold as you, once you're in each others' arms you'll both feel very warm, clearly the work of some odd magic... maybe it's a set up for the upcoming romantic celebrations? Maybe Miracle Country didn't want anyone to be without a date, and felt like nudging them in the right direction. Or in a cuddly direction. Either way, try to at least find a friend to hold you or hang out with you, or spend a sleepless night trying to regain some body temperature.
And no, cats do not count as 'friends'.]
While these provide some temporary relief, as the hours pass it'll be more and more unbearable. No matter how many more layers of clothing you add, or how much you get close to fire, or how immune you normally might be to weather changes, it's likely you'll reach the evening feeling uncomfortably cold, if not a shivering mess.
So what's the answer? Seek out others. The more the cold seeps in, the more that being close to someone else helps. The closer the better, and even if they might feel as cold as you, once you're in each others' arms you'll both feel very warm, clearly the work of some odd magic... maybe it's a set up for the upcoming romantic celebrations? Maybe Miracle Country didn't want anyone to be without a date, and felt like nudging them in the right direction. Or in a cuddly direction. Either way, try to at least find a friend to hold you or hang out with you, or spend a sleepless night trying to regain some body temperature.
And no, cats do not count as 'friends'.]