Sep. 24th, 2010



OKAY. In case I'm only around sporadically over the weekend (because we all know that my immune system is the laziest thing in the world), I thought I'd get this up now. In brief:

  • Team Phoenix (red) versus Team Dragon (blue) [list of players]
  • Scoreline: 350-240 to Team Phoenix. Krum gets the Snitch.
  • Game starts at 11:00 am; goes for a reasonable amount of time.
  • People can arrive from 9:30 am onwards; pre-match performances start at 10.


Questions? Queries? Want to say what your character was doing? Let me know. And in case anyone is curious, I figured out who would get the Snitch and scorelines through a combination of flipping a coin, then using two twenty sided dice to roll two numbers for each team, then multiplying the dice by ten.

Sep. 21st, 2010


Hufflepuff Quidditch

So admittedly I suck at life (and meant to do this over the weekend), but Hufflepuff try-outs were last Saturday (18th). And I'll likely do a Slytherin and fill it with other NPCs/characters who can be switched out as anyone tried out/wants a sibling in Hufflepuff on the team?

So far I have:
Seeker - Available
Keeper - Kevin Whitby
Beater - Anthony Rickett
Beater - Available
Chaser - Heidi McAvoy (Captain)
Chaser - Available
Chaser - Available

Sep. 5th, 2010


Operation: Get Wesley :P


Can we? Can we please?

Aug. 26th, 2010


Hi guys,

I wasn't really sure if anyone wanted to play out the Ravenclaw picnic, since people seem fairly busy. Either way, I wanted to check who all went, so Mandy can complain if need be XD All former 7th years were invited and I'm hoping they managed to all show, cause I think most of them are going back? I keep forgetting.

May. 31st, 2010


I want to rp with Ginny and I have a few specific requests:

-Other Weasley's?

Now that she is starting to be less mopey and depressed like I want to rp with her!!  Also now that the holidays are coming to a close I can actually have quality time to rp!

May. 26th, 2010


Hi guys, It's Mel here with Morag. Basically I just wanted to apologize for being absent and/or slow with anything. I just started up school again (I know, weird time for that) and I've been trying to get school, work, and rp into a good balance here. Basically Morag desperately needs plot. She has almost nothing beyond her BFF being dead and looking for a place to live and a job and trying to avoid her parents. I can only fake it so much. lol. So if anyone is looking for plot I'd be happy to brainstorm.

Commenting here would work, or you can IM me at hello eurydice. If I'm on, I'm available to talk. :)

May. 25th, 2010


once upon a... some sort of storyline or something

So I've been figuring my girl Parvati here might be in need of a few storylines, either future or forming some backstory for her. My mind's been blanking, so the only thing I've thought up so far is that there's at least one ex-boyfriend sometime from 5th year on, give or take.
Definitely looking for more friends, hopefuly not only from Gryffindor.
And everyone needs an enemy/archnemesis-type person... though ideas for that department are sorely lacking.

And in case you haven't checked out the contact list you can find me over at [info]crackers or on AIM at ph34r teh crack.


ps: if anyone else needs to they can jump in asking for storylines here as well