Nov. 10th, 2010


Just wanted to let you all know that going on semi-hiatus for time being. I'll definitely still finish off threads and be around for plot and stuff. But at the moment (though not able to go to the doctor yet) looks like I've got the same pneumonia thing I had a couple months ago... or like the bronchitis thing I had earlier this year (not fun at all)... and basically my energy (and general wheeziness and crackleiness of my chest) is just bleh, especially with going to school. so yeah concentration levels are just pbbfffftt atm.

So as for my kiddlywinks:
  • Miles has training and he's still o.O at Tamsin doing complete tidy of the kitchen. So yes more training for him, out drinking .... and yeah fun flat times.
  • Parvati has school. She's like yay. Will likely hang out with Dean and Lisa... ...a lot.
  • Astoria has her prefect duties and school work... I imagine Wesley will no doubt have riled her up about something else in the mean time... and yeah... (she needs to get a boyfriend cause THAT would be HILARIOUS).

    So yeah... will still be around for the threads I have and can still contact me at for plot or whatever.
  • Nov. 2nd, 2010


    so with a week to go, and trying to kick my brain into gear... this is me checking in for my log challenges.

    Parvati|Laura - I think we sort of said something about Laura in a prefectly capacity catching Parvati out or something. I personally vote for Laura catching her snogging someone, cause yay for awkwardness. Any volunteers who want to snog Parvati?
    Astoria|Wayne - Just needs to be started/completed. Alison, still cool with using the Arithmancy assignment/library for the setting? Am cool with doing it in gdocs if that's easier for you.
    Miles|Mary - This is the only one where i still haven't even figured out how they run into each other o.O

    Also anyone have any ideas for what the job or career might be for two purebloods (Morag's parents)? I was thinking at least one for something Ministry, though don't know what. Except that it wouldn't be Magical Games and Sports Dept, cause Morag is like 'yeah not working with my mum/dad kthx'. Hmm... magical books publisher mebbe?

    Sep. 21st, 2010


    So Hayley pointed out that I should probably ask this here, since it'd likely get more response then.

    I've been thinking that Miles needs a bit more plottiness happening and I've been trying to think of stuff. Then I remembered the dude lives in a pretty decent two bedroom flat... only y'know he lives there totally alone.

    So basically looking for a flatmate. As for preferences I'm not entirely certain. Though Miles says he isn't opposed to pretty girls... Uh, he prolly wouldn't hold your House against you so uh yeah. Although with Quidditch, if you happen to be a Cannons fan... well, he won't even bother with you. as you can tell this hasn't been completely thought out. But yeah... if you're interested I guess comment and we'll see how it goes?

    Sep. 1st, 2010


    So feeling as crappy as I have been I haven't been nearly as active as I ought to (i know, i should really just worry about getting better... but can't help myself). Anyways... in between my sporadic commenting I've been making some quote icons of the longer quotes... so I've kind of been active? >.>

    here there be words... words on icons... )

    These quotes have only come from the gdocs (they're highlighted in blue)... well except the last one which comes from a Zach comment from that placeholder entry for Laura (I liked it too much).

    Please credit [info]crackers if you take any. :D

    And remember if you have any ideas for quotes be sure to add them to the end of the gdocs which you can find here!

    - Julie

    ps: i'm going to stop looking at the icons now, as they're starting to make my eyes go bit wonky :/
    Tags: ,

    Aug. 26th, 2010


    If anyone's seen my last CDJ entry they know I'm not exactly 100% at the moment. Now on top of the sore throat and chest cough, I've gone and gotten a headache/migraine from all the coughing (ugh my head getting all shook about). So I don't know if I'll be posting much in the next couple days, unless some miraculous recovery happens soon. But I'll try and keep up with commenting at least.

    Sorry again that this seems to be happening lately. Never usually get this sick :/

    - Julie (Parvati, Astoria & Miles)

    Aug. 6th, 2010


    Ahaha don't worry no hiatuses from me.... But I just thought I'd let you all know that on Friday's now I'm available from about 12:30pm to 3pm now. Since I go to Computing class to help out, but inbetween helping out I don't really have anything to do... so yeah.

    Only downside is unfortunately can't access the web version of AIM, since these computers don't have the right version of flash :/

    Aug. 2nd, 2010


    Hi all!

    So here's my third character (and first boy, yay!) Miles Bletchley.

    • Slytherin, finished Hogwarts in 1997 so he wasn't around for the whole battle or anything
    • Mostly because his Mum has this (what Miles calls her delusions of grandeur) idea of him being Minister or something like it, despite Miles' repeated nay-saying.... which apparently at the time mean 'go and make nice with the big bad death eaters'... Cause apparently the Flourishes [flourishs?] are Pro Purists without actually publicly supporting Voldemort...
    • Which is the complete opposite to the Bletchley's, since with the company they'd be stupid to only rely on properly magical folk for the work. Thus making for an absolutely looooovely homelife for Miles... only you know, not.
    • He has two siblings, fraternal twins, Gwendolen Mair and Jolyon Amadeus... soon to be Slytherin 6th Years.
    • Currently the Reserve Keeper for the Caerphilly Catapults... and I'm sure you're thinking '...wait, he's not welsh!' The way I figured it is that his 'hometown' of Ludlow is only about 10-15 miles from the Welsh border... so yeah. Though obviously if ever comes the day of playing in the world cup obviously he'd be playing for England. Well, that and I kind of had the feeling that he has some Welsh ancestry, hence the naming practices...
    • Has his own flat.... even if it is too big just for him alone with no roommate.
    • ... Oh yeah he was the Chaser* Keeper for Slytherin from 1991-1997... except obviously when the triwizard tournament was on. lol

    You can find his profile HERE.

    Also still looking for friends, enemies (Amber, still upfor that school yard rivalry storyline of Madoc's?), frenemies?, ex-girlfriends etc

    Actually I really need to come up with some storylines for all of my characters...

    - Julie (Parvati, Astoria & Miles)

    ps: and lol, because i always have trouble with character intros this is actually all 'pre-recorded' from yesterday...

    *this'll teach me to fact check before posting. omg

    Jul. 31st, 2010


    I apologise for my sort-of absence for last week and this week. School started up again for me and just trying to get back in the swing of things... Mostly trying to get a decent sleep pattern going again :/

    Anyway everything seems to be back in order now, thank goodness. Also if anyone is up for threads with either of my girls (Parvati and Astoria) comment here, email me or catch me on AIM @ ph34r teh crack.

    - Julie (Parvati & Astoria)

    ps: and so very sorry again to Mikell for being slow with Miles, but I'm fairly sure I can finish him this weekend.

    EDIT: Actually speaking of Miles... if anyone wanted to work out any storylines before he's finished, feel free to comment. Definitely open to anything... although Miles says there better not be anything involving kissing guys or anything like that

    Jul. 12th, 2010


    Hi all! This is Julie with her second character, Astoria Greengrass. And going to blatantly copy Katie and how she introduced Terence (hope you don't mind, hee). Because I suck at writing paragraphy intros, and pointers and much easier.

    §Slytherin. Soon to be Sixth Year.
    §Loves being centre of attention
    §Has a thing against people thinking all Slytherins are the spawn of Satan
    §During the battle she hid with her sister and other Slytherins
    §Can be rather spoilt and bratty.
    §Family owns a number of businesses
    §Has a somewhat 'selective' work ethic. In that she usually seems to have one if there's something in it for her.
    §LOVES SUGAR QUILLS AND CHOCOLATE PUDDING (...not necessarily together.)
    §Her username is the Italian equivalent of Greengrass... kind of. Verde=Green Erba=Grass... um yeah.
    §the future mrs malfoy!

    Uh for anything else you can check out her PROFILE*.

    As always you can catch me at my cdj, [info]crackers; on aim at ph34rtehcrack; or by email at

    *The profile is a bit image heavy, so it's prolly best to avoid (or be patient for a bit) if you have low bandwidth.

    Jun. 30th, 2010


    Just wanted to let you all know I won't be around this weekend much (if at all). But I'll definitely be back in the new week, and the best part of that is this week is the last week of school before holidays for 3 weeks (mostly cause our first week back next semester we only have 2 days thanks to the staff taking development days or whatever).

    Hopefully might have part of the DA Shoppes list done for when I get back.

    - Julie (Parvati)

    Jun. 27th, 2010


    Potions and wands and owls, oh my!

    So I had the idea that it could be a good thing if we had some sort of list cataloguing any miscellaneous shops/cafes/what-have-yous that are in Diagon Alley (and well Knockturn Alley... cause it'd be unfair if we didn't). I put forth the idea to our wonderful mod (...does flattery work at all? LOL) who agreed (and still remembers the last time i went all crazy over making a list).

    So what I want from any of you is any suggestions you have for a shop, or a cafe, restaurant or whatever; and give me a name (or if you're stuck for a name we can prolly bounce some ideas back and forth) and as much info on it as you can think of or at the least a short blurb about the place and what's for sale or stuff like that. And obviously (er I think?) Mikell will have to prolly put her modly approval to the places we come up with as we go.

    ps: I hope that all made sense...

    Jun. 1st, 2010


    Just wanted to apologise to you all for disappearing this weekend. Been having to take care of a few other things and didn't have the energy for roleplaying. But never fear I'll totally be around this week. :D

    - Julie (Parvati)

    ps: i totally have it in the right place now. lol

    May. 25th, 2010


    once upon a... some sort of storyline or something

    So I've been figuring my girl Parvati here might be in need of a few storylines, either future or forming some backstory for her. My mind's been blanking, so the only thing I've thought up so far is that there's at least one ex-boyfriend sometime from 5th year on, give or take.
    Definitely looking for more friends, hopefuly not only from Gryffindor.
    And everyone needs an enemy/archnemesis-type person... though ideas for that department are sorely lacking.

    And in case you haven't checked out the contact list you can find me over at [info]crackers or on AIM at ph34r teh crack.


    ps: if anyone else needs to they can jump in asking for storylines here as well

    May. 7th, 2010



    Sigh of relief and all that.

    Hi all, I'm Julie and I'm bringing to the game Miss Parvati Patil. So I think I know a few of the folk here already from previous games, which I think is always handy in helping you to fit into new games and stuff.

    At the moment Parvati is currently holed up in some room at St Mungos still, I think she's had a few visitors so far (so if you want to be one of them feel free to speak up). Still recovering from her injuries and the loss of her twin, Padma, and her best friend, Lavender. The injuries are something I need to figure out, that is what they are and whether any will have a lasting effect in terms of scarring or even psychological.

    Anyway, if you look at Parvati's profile you'll notice that the history part is considerably vague and mostly about personal or canon events. Two reasons for this are: 1) I was reusing an old app and 2) I didn't want to end up putting stuff in there that conflicted with something any of you had put in your own characters' histories.

    Heh, so naturally this brings me to say that if any of you have any ideas for backstory, friends, enemies, future storylines and/or anything else that pops into mind comment here. Or alternatively you can catch me on aim at ph34r teh crack, email me at or really alternatively comment on any recent post of mine at [info]crackers.

    So yep... that's me. *waves* Hopefully will have some parvaticons up 'tomorrow' yay got icons. mayhaveboughtapaidaccountcauseididn'twanttogetridofsome >_>