Oct. 31st, 2010



Oct. 12th, 2010


I desperately don't want to quit this game, but I really just don't have the time to devote to it right now. :( Maybe if Zach's still available by my next break I'll come back? I can't say for sure.

So, Zach's officially handing over his title of King of the Assholes to Wesley Harper. I'd say he has big shoes to fill, but... :I His shoes were probably bigger in the first place. DATING LAURA MADLEY DOESN'T AUTOMATICALLY MAKE YOU A GOOD BOY. ;P

♥ you guys. I'll still be keeping up with you guys via [info]bachtopus (because this game's too fucking awesome to ignore). Friend me there if you haven't already. ^^ OH. And these are late, but better now than never. )

Sep. 16th, 2010


I'm going to be MIA for the next couple of days. I have a few journalism assignments due before the weekend and I'll possibly be headed for New Orleans for FUNCRAZYTIMES.

Just assume that Zach is being his usual, grumpy self. And ignoring people. Save Sally. He's going to take her to look at the new apartment and surprise her by paying her security deposit and first month's rent. COULD SHE ASK FOR A BETTER BIRTHDAY PRESENT LOL? He's so pleasantly thoughtful.

- McKenzie

Sep. 5th, 2010



i know you already have like.. several open threads. so just take your time!


Aug. 16th, 2010



sorry if your inbox is spammed with comments to the thread. it took like 6 tries to get it to post my reply for some reason.

Aug. 9th, 2010


sorry i've been dead lately. a friend came in from baton rouge who i haven't seen in a while. and i'm job hunting. unsuccessfully. so far, the only people looking to hire is the store i quit in july (just in a different location). :|


- mckenzie (zach/morag)

Aug. 6th, 2010


in response to angelina's entry, inner!zach says:

.. open invite? Ü this will be fun.

Jul. 29th, 2010



i posted a quick thread-starter if you're interested. i would've run it by you first, but we're both apparently not big aim fans. if you're busy with other threads or want to put it off for a while, that's fine. :]

Jul. 27th, 2010


it's mckenzie again. :D this time with hufflepuff's resident ray of sunshine. you know, zacharias smith. the guy who was last seen gently maneuvering himself through the mass of underage witches and wizards to save himself. that guy.

he's at a really weird, irrational place in his mind right now. ernie's gone, and he's not sure if he's about to lose the 'friends' he had for skipping out on the battle. so he's trying to be at least mildly pleasant (as nice as he CAN be, anyway). unless your name is justin finch-fletchley. because logically, it's your fault he's dead (OBVIOUSLY). he would've gone to ernie's funeral, but that's the most he's gone out since the battle. anything else important would be here.

zacharias needs lots of enemies. a few friends too, but. mostly enemies. emotionally abused ex-girlfriends (only pure-bloods need apply). people that he made cry as children. stuff like that.

i'm still laughing octopi on aim if anyone wants to talk plot! i haven't come up with any specific ideas yet but i'm definitely working on it.

ALSO MIKELL: just to avoid confusion, would zacharias be allowed to read entries charmed private to the da? or does his desertion exclude him? he might actually come to a meeting at this point. not because he's an advocate for wizard's rights, but because ernie's dead, and he's feeling pretty vengeful.

Jul. 18th, 2010


HI. :D ♥ I'm McKenzie, and I've actually been stalking this game for a while. Because I creep. Professionally. Get over it.

I'm bringing Morag MacDougal to the game (who I've never played before, so bear with me). In a nutshell -

• Proud pure-blood Scot with relations to the MacFustys and Macmillans.
• Nine siblings. They put the Weasley's to shame. Out of ten children, Morag and her older brother Torrey are the only ones to attend Hogwarts.
• Animal lover and agricultural enthusiast.
• Raised to be self-sufficient. The MacDougals live in a family-operated commune that relies on subsistence farming and fishing.
• Stubborn tomboy with no designs on an arranged marriage or becoming the next MacDougal breeding machine.
• Hebridean Blacks are ♥.

The rest of her profile is here, and I'm reeeeally excited to finally be playing. Friends? Enemies? I suspect she'll be closer with her house mates than other pure-bloods, as she's dirty and tends to dress like a boy. :I

I'm up for any and all plotting. Bug me here or on AIM (laughing octopi).