Nov. 10th, 2010


Just wanted to let you all know that going on semi-hiatus for time being. I'll definitely still finish off threads and be around for plot and stuff. But at the moment (though not able to go to the doctor yet) looks like I've got the same pneumonia thing I had a couple months ago... or like the bronchitis thing I had earlier this year (not fun at all)... and basically my energy (and general wheeziness and crackleiness of my chest) is just bleh, especially with going to school. so yeah concentration levels are just pbbfffftt atm.

So as for my kiddlywinks:
  • Miles has training and he's still o.O at Tamsin doing complete tidy of the kitchen. So yes more training for him, out drinking .... and yeah fun flat times.
  • Parvati has school. She's like yay. Will likely hang out with Dean and Lisa... ...a lot.
  • Astoria has her prefect duties and school work... I imagine Wesley will no doubt have riled her up about something else in the mean time... and yeah... (she needs to get a boyfriend cause THAT would be HILARIOUS).

    So yeah... will still be around for the threads I have and can still contact me at for plot or whatever.
  • Oct. 6th, 2010


    hiatus :/

    It seems like I just came off of hiatus, but I am about to go on a long needed vacation to visit the BFF and while I will have internet access, I will be focusing on quality BFF time much more than RP. I'll still try to check in and read the flist and stuff and you might see me on AIM (macgirl50) and you're free to poke me there or via email ( if you want to discuss, etc, but for the most part I'm not going to be around until about the 22nd.

    ♥ Lena (+ Ron/Katie/Chelsea/Andy)
    Tags: ,

    Sep. 2nd, 2010



    This isn't really a full hiatus so much as a work is kicking my ass and so are my sinuses and I'm going to be slow for the next little while. I have a feeling I've probably missed things on the flist, so if there is anything I need to respond to and haven't, please let me know.

    I'm really hoping things will calm down in a few weeks and I'll be able to get back to being more active. ♥
    Tags: ,

    Aug. 26th, 2010


    If anyone's seen my last CDJ entry they know I'm not exactly 100% at the moment. Now on top of the sore throat and chest cough, I've gone and gotten a headache/migraine from all the coughing (ugh my head getting all shook about). So I don't know if I'll be posting much in the next couple days, unless some miraculous recovery happens soon. But I'll try and keep up with commenting at least.

    Sorry again that this seems to be happening lately. Never usually get this sick :/

    - Julie (Parvati, Astoria & Miles)

    Jul. 30th, 2010


    Ugh. Sort of part hiatus. My internet here is being an ass, cutting out all the time. We're working on it. Sorry. Miss you! I'll be on when I can.

    Jul. 26th, 2010


    i'm soooo tired of my life right now.

    HIATUS! ME! AGAIN! Until after this weekend cause of the 48hr film festival. So, like ... I'll be back for sure Wednesday-ish August 4th. I know I said I'd be back this last thursday then I got offered a management position and got thrown into work....a lot more for training. FAILURE! But...I still love you guys?

    Assume for my kids that: If you care this is what my three brats will be doing in my absence )

    Okay... done. Boo real life.
    - Amber (Creevey, Cadwallader, Pansy)

    Jul. 24th, 2010


    Hey look, another person with a hiatus! I have a lot going on at the moment, so I'm going to just take a week to get it all in order. I'll try to comment, but threading is probably a no go. Anyway, that is alll!

    Jul. 23rd, 2010



    Hey guys I hate to do this but I've got a bunch of stuff going on and I need to take a hiatus probably about a week or so. I will try to keep an eye on things but won't be planning any serious interactions until I get done with a bunch of RL stuff and killing off a character in my other game.

    So <3



    Sooo... I meant to toss this up before I left then I was expecting steady internet this weekend but if anyone's trying to catch me on AIM or anything I might have nothing for internet service (or sparse) until I get home on Sunday night and even then I'm supposed to be entertaining some out of town visitors until Monday afternoon. Currently the only thing I have at the moment I know is with Niaomi who can feel free to beat me with hopefully only small objects.

    But hopefully they'll fix the issue tomorrow so I can BE ONLINE REPLYING or PLOTTING or something.

    Jul. 19th, 2010



    Okay, now that I am back, is there any posts I should reply to? Any rps I have to do, etc?

    Please let me know.

    I also see we got  A BUNCH of new charries! I am Ana and I have Ginny Weasley and Amanda Burke here. I am happy to have all the  new charries around. 



    Jun. 1st, 2010


    Sorry to do this right after I picked up a new character! I'm going to need to hiatus for a week or so. My doctor's increased my meds and my brain hasn't been working so well these last couple of days. The side effects are meant to wear off within a couple of weeks, but I'm hoping it will be sooner than that because rping is my escape and not being able to do it... blergh. Anyway, I'll try and reply to tags but may be slow. Sorry again!
    Alison (Wayne and Dean)


    Just wanted to apologise to you all for disappearing this weekend. Been having to take care of a few other things and didn't have the energy for roleplaying. But never fear I'll totally be around this week. :D

    - Julie (Parvati)

    ps: i totally have it in the right place now. lol

    May. 25th, 2010


    HI, I'M BACK. I didn't get as much internet as I thought I would. For some reason, the internet in the hostel wouldn't connect to my computer. :( It's cool though, for I have RETURNED! Good to see you all survived without me. ;P

    ♥ Alex/Lee/Charlie

    May. 21st, 2010


    So I'm going to be out of town for the weekend (and next weekend too but! I'll be around during the week). Going to get my Mickey on. And.. if you need anything email me but I might not get back to you for a few days.
