Oct. 8th, 2010


I have not threaded Ron in quite some time. This needs to be remedied ASAP. WHO WANTS TO PLAY WITH RON?

Bonus points if you are willing to start, because I am lazy.

Oct. 6th, 2010


hiatus :/

It seems like I just came off of hiatus, but I am about to go on a long needed vacation to visit the BFF and while I will have internet access, I will be focusing on quality BFF time much more than RP. I'll still try to check in and read the flist and stuff and you might see me on AIM (macgirl50) and you're free to poke me there or via email (lenabee@me.com) if you want to discuss, etc, but for the most part I'm not going to be around until about the 22nd.

♥ Lena (+ Ron/Katie/Chelsea/Andy)
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Sep. 23rd, 2010


I'm officially back and ready to play things!! If you want to do something with Ron, Katie, Chelsea or Andy, feel free to toss something up of poke me so we can discuss just what we're going to do. I think things that were vaguely discussed were
Katie & Marcus → setting/premise?
Ron/Trioish things → backdated something for Hermione's bday, perhaps?
Chelsea/IDEK → I forget who wanted Chelsea time. Kevin?
Andy/Soph → he's sulking about quidditch, so I can probably start that one

If anyone wants anything else, feel free to let me know! I think I'll probably stick with on thread per character to start with so I don't get overwhelmed, but I have a bit more free time than usual over the next few days.

♥ Lena

Sep. 18th, 2010



I am most likely going to be able to return from this annoying hiatusy thing around Thursday or Friday, so if you want to plan things for us to log upon my return, please let me know! ♥

This applies to

Ron Weasley // [info]hiswheezy - BAMF 1998 Gryffindor and Auror trainee.
Chelsea Montgomery // [info]littlechels - 5th Year Ravenclaw
Katie Bell // [info]bellchases - 1997 Gryffindor who needs a job like whoa
Andy Summerby // [info]puffseeker - 1998 Hufflepuff, back to re-do his 7th year

If you're new and I missed your intro, hiiiii, plot with me! If you're not new, but you see possible plot between yours and mine, hiiiii, plot with me. Basically? Plot with me! Let's play something.

To those I left hanging in threads because of real life's extreme fail, please let me know if you want to continue them or just move on to something new and less.. old.

♥ Lena

ETA: Elle, please assume that Ron got Hermione a gift and posted it on time. He definitely got her something awesome -- I just don't have the time to go shopping for him right now. ♥

Sep. 7th, 2010


Does anybody want to play with Ron? I want to play with Ron. He's not at Hogwarts, obvs, and while he would LOVE to do something with his BAMF BFF Harry, I was thinking I should get him out and, you know, scening with someone else for a change. :P

Any takers? Toss us a comment/im/pm/email.

ALSO, Niaomi! I know she's currently at Hogwarts (yes?), but can we please, please say that Luna found Ron's instrument before she left and gave it back to him, because he thinks that would be brilliant and he promises to make a giant update proclaiming his love for her.

♥ Lena

PS Things with Chelsea, Andy and Katie are also most welcome, of course. Ron was just particularly vocal (when isn't he?) about wanting some playtime.

Sep. 4th, 2010


Hai guise!

Becuase of the hilarity, we need someone to suggest to Chelsea that her seekrit owl of chocolates may have come from Wayne.

Please and thank you. :D

Sep. 2nd, 2010



This isn't really a full hiatus so much as a work is kicking my ass and so are my sinuses and I'm going to be slow for the next little while. I have a feeling I've probably missed things on the flist, so if there is anything I need to respond to and haven't, please let me know.

I'm really hoping things will calm down in a few weeks and I'll be able to get back to being more active. ♥
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Aug. 22nd, 2010


Hi guys! I want to apologize for being so quiet this week. Work has been a little bit crazy and I've barely had time to touch my computer. I promise to those I owe tags that I will be getting to those by tomorrow, at least, and if anyone wants anything from any of my kids, just let me know. <3

Lena (Ron, Katie, Andy, Chelsea)

Aug. 14th, 2010


moar intros!

I'm introing my new pups from Ron's account, because I am waaay too impatient to wait for their access to the comms to come through. :P


Andrew Summerby - [info]puffseeker
Andy is a 1998 Hufflepuff and was seeker for the Puff Quidditch team after Cedric died. He'll be returning to Hogwarts this term to finish up his classes/NEWTs, because last year definitely didn't prepare him to take them. He really just wants to trial for one of the pro teams, but pressure from family + some of his friends going back = back to school. Andy is friendly and energetic and he has this quirky little love affair with numbers. He's also a bit of a flirt, though he's more of a serial monogamist when it comes to actually doing more than just flirting.

Andy needs friends, past/current/future dating possibilities, cousins, enemies, etc, so hit me up for whatever. I'm open to anything!

Chelsea Montgomery - [info]littlechels
Chelsea is a fifth year Ravenclaw and TOMORROW is actually her 15th birthday :o! Exciting, right? Ryan Stebbins is her older half-brother and she would LOVELOVELOVE if someone were to app for her older sister. Just saying. Anyway, Chels is a people watcher. She's fascinated by muggle psychology and how things and people work. She's a little on the quiet/responsible side, but that doesn't mean she doesn't know how to have fun or get into trouble. She just tends to keep her "trouble" well hidden, because she's a bit of a people pleaser when it comes to her parents, so she likes to come across as the good girl. She HATES werewolves after what happened to her little brother, but she was a lot quieter about her werewolf/Voldy hate while the Carrows and Snape were in charge, because she didn't want anything to happen to what was LEFT of her family.

Chelsea needs just about everything -- her sister, friends, enemies, frenemies, romantic potential both past/current/future -- anything you want to throw at her.

As always, I'm macgirl50 on AIM, lenabee@me.com by email and I am ready and willing to play or plot anything, so hit me up if you want to do anything at all!

♥ Lena
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Aug. 8th, 2010


introductions are shiny!


I'm Lena and I'm bringing in Ron Weasley and Katie Bell. :D

I see a few familiar faces, but for those of you who don't know me, I'm 36, I live in Florida, I work for Apple and have awesomely weird retail hours, so most of my best logging tends to be on my days off and I have an adorable siamese cat named Narcissa. I'm also slightly addicted to RP and don't be surprised if I end up at the character max at some point, because I can't resist new shiny headvoices.

As for Ron and Katie, this is my first time playing Ron and I'm really looking forward to him. I'm happy to keep any old plot and start up new stuff, so just poke at me and I'm sure we can work something out.

I'm open to the same with Katie, so if there's any old plot or new plot that needs making/keeping, hit me up. I'm generally open to anything when it comes to plot and my Katie is pretty friendly until you've crossed her, so I'd say there's lots of potential for interaction as long as you never played Quidditch for Slytherin.

This here is Ron's journal and you can find Katie at [info]bellchases and they both have their apps up in their journals if you want to read up on them.

I've heard awesome things about this game from all over my flist and I'm so excited to be finally joining up. You can find me on AIM at macgirl50, which is always signed on mobile if nothing else, or comments here work perfectly fine, too, and my email is lenabee@me.com if you'd rather reach me that way.

♥ Lena

PS Also! I like to use handwriting fonts in my characters' entries, so if you want to see their entries in their fonts on your system, you'll want to download Pea Zobrist for Ron and Pea Dolce Bello for Katie.
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