Nov. 12th, 2010


I am very sad. I've decided I have to quit entirely. Time is not my friend at the moment* and with the increased activity requirements I've started to find keeping up with the game stressful, which kind of defeats the point. I've loved playing here, it's one of the best games ever, and I'll miss it. If anyone wants to do any slow PSLs, just poke me. Sorry to everyone I'm leaving in the lurch here :-( It hurts me more than it hurts you. Let me know if you want to finish off any of the scenes/journal comment threads I'm in. Thanks for all the good times <3

Missing you already,
Alison (Dean, Sally, Jade, formerly Wayne)

*I'm working Monday-Wednesday (leave the house 6.30am, return home 7.30pm), in uni on Thursday-Friday, and doing assignments at the weekend. Add personal shit and RP is my escape.

Nov. 9th, 2010


Ok, before I change my mind... I'm dropping Wayne. I think it will help me concentrate on the other 3 so I might be not so full of fail at activity. Sorry to people I'm in threads with - I'm happy to finish those off. I'll see how it goes with three and then I might drop Jade or Sally.

Oct. 24th, 2010


Look at me, being all up-to-date. Now's the time to tell me I missed something.

Oct. 19th, 2010


Dear Ryan,
Tags: ,

Oct. 9th, 2010


Anyone want to thread with Wayne? He needs plot. He has two girls crushing on him but they have found people who are less clueless. You snooze you lose, Wayne. See, I am a poet too.

Sep. 30th, 2010


Hey guys. Sorry I've not been playing - started a new job/course and it's kicking my arse. I'll get caught up at the weekend. Poke me if there's something needs urgent attention.

Sep. 19th, 2010


I joined the people who added everyone's CDJs, so *waves* if you see [info]fuckyeahbadgers, that'll be me.

Sep. 13th, 2010


Introducing Jade!

Wheee! I'm super-excited to play this character and I hope you will all love (to hate) her too. I'm Alison (Dean, Wayne, Sally) and this is Jade - you can call her Jade or J or JD (pronounced Jadey) or, if you hate her, Jadist. She used to be a nice enough, quietish, Ravenclaw girl, but she was essentially turned to the Dark Side of the Force by the Carrows. If you were at school last year, she probably tortured you and loved it. She's kind of sickened by herself, but she misses it a hell of a lot too. She'll be making nice this year, or trying to, but she'll get defensive real quickly. Her bio is here if you want to read it, but if you can't be bothered (and to be honest I usually can't), just assume she was mean to your character and now they hate her, kay? Unless you're also a Voldemort-sympathiser.

She particularly needs:
people who used to be her friends but were sickened by the relish with which she did as she was told
people she tortured
people who may actually consider being friendly with her
people who may have picked up she had a crush on Alecto Carrow
boys (or girls) who will take advantage of her being kind of desperate to be in someone's good books
the 'Slytherin bitch' who first tortured her and was the subject of Jade's first successful cruciatus
someone to have dragged her away from the battle to the Ravenclaw common room, for whatever reason
someone to have petrificus totallused her to stop her sneaking back

other prefects to look down on her

Oh, and it would be super-awesome if someone picked up Hilary Rice. Jade used to be a prefect, but was understandably stripped of the title this year and HATES the girl who has it instead of her, especially if she's muggle-born.

Sep. 5th, 2010


Operation: Get Wesley :P


Can we? Can we please?

Aug. 29th, 2010


Sorry I've not been around, chaps. Flying back to England on Monday so stuff has been hectic here trying to fit everything in with the in-laws. I'll be playing at full force on Tuesday but spotty till then. Mwah!
Alison (Sally, Wayne, Dean)

Aug. 6th, 2010


Sally wants a thread. Wayne does too. Dean wouldn't mind one either. Any offers?

Jul. 30th, 2010


Ugh. Sort of part hiatus. My internet here is being an ass, cutting out all the time. We're working on it. Sorry. Miss you! I'll be on when I can.

Jul. 28th, 2010


Alison here, with character number three. This is Salome Breeze Harmony Spinks - call her Sal or Sally please. Eldest child of hippies, Sal is the antithesis of her parents - uptight, materialistic, obsessive-compulsive and driven by anxiety. She's actually a nice girl, if shes not lecturing you on how to do something or freaking out. She's Slytherin, year above the trio, but talks to anyone. No-one ever matches up to her standards so she won't hold it against you, whether you're messy, mudblood, stupid - whatever, you know. No-one's perfect - but boy, does Sally want to be! Those of you who've played with me before may recognise her as my Patricia, except black and with a new brother.

In fabulously bad timing I have to go get a trans-atlantic flight now, lol, so I'll be back to reply in a day or so. Check out her bio for more info if you want. She needs friends, enemies, ex-boyfriends, crushes etc. etc.

Jun. 15th, 2010


Okay I'm back and I realised I've not threaded with ANYONE in this game. Hit me up for thread ideas for Wayne or Dean :-D I apologise in advance that I'm often not online when many of you are (I'm on GMT time) so threading with me can be quite slow, but I do stick at them and try and get them finished.

Jun. 1st, 2010


Sorry to do this right after I picked up a new character! I'm going to need to hiatus for a week or so. My doctor's increased my meds and my brain hasn't been working so well these last couple of days. The side effects are meant to wear off within a couple of weeks, but I'm hoping it will be sooner than that because rping is my escape and not being able to do it... blergh. Anyway, I'll try and reply to tags but may be slow. Sorry again!
Alison (Wayne and Dean)

May. 31st, 2010


Hey guys! Alison here with a second character: Dean Thomas! Dean's a pretty solid guy, mostly cheerful but still a tad upset about Ginny dumping him and, obviously, people dying and everything. He spent the last year first on the run from snatchers, then was caught and held in Malfoy Manor, then hid out in Shell Cottage (Bill and Fleur's place) with Luna. He fought in the Battle of Hogwarts and was injured (dislocated shoulder and burns down one side of his body). He's out of St. Mungo's now but he still has scarring. He wants friends and stuff! His bio is here if you want to read. As always, the best way to reach me for plotting purposes is email at :-)

May. 2nd, 2010


Intro me and Wayne!

Hey! I'm Alison and I think I know a couple of you from other games I've been in and more will probably surface, because RP is like that. (My previous HP games are: Fuill Ghlen, Primordium Caligis, Hogwarts Blogs, Contentious, OotP NEWTS, Chronic Resurrection, Snitched, Time Encompasses, Retcon, Remember When, Home Front and Huse of Dust. Anyone from those games say ho!). Me... I work with special needs teenagers, and I live with my wife (who I met doing HP RP) and stepson in Birmingham, England. Here today I bring you Wayne Hopkins - a Welsh Hufflepuff halfblood poet from Harry's year. His mother went to Azkaban for 'stealing magic' (she was muggle-born) and he's been keeping a low profile since then, living in the muggle world with his muggle father and the rest of his family (Wayne's mother claimed she stole magic for her children, thus stopping them from going to Azkaban). He's so glad the war is over but waiting for his mum to come home and to hear if anyone he cares about it dead. Oh, and to get his wand back. He's a nice guy, a bit pretentious and arty but generally kind and hard-working. He's not overly outgoing but he'll talk to pretty much anyone if the mood strikes him. He loves beauty and finds it in the weirdest places.
I look forward to playing with you all!