Aug. 15th, 2010


Jennee again with her second character-who-has-never-actually-been-in-the-books, Blair Waldorf's "evil" twin Heidi McAvoy who would already like to request MORE HUFFLEPUFFS. No, they are not a brand of marshmallows or just particularly good finders (one internet for anyone who gets that reference). They don't even have to play Quidditch and Heidi will just be happy to have them around.

And Heidi, the condensed version but still rambly. )

And you can read all about her here if you'd like. She's up for about anything in terms of friends, enemies, people she wants to go toss into the lake to have fun with the squid who she is kind of afraid of (the squid that is)...

Jul. 23rd, 2010



Sooo... I meant to toss this up before I left then I was expecting steady internet this weekend but if anyone's trying to catch me on AIM or anything I might have nothing for internet service (or sparse) until I get home on Sunday night and even then I'm supposed to be entertaining some out of town visitors until Monday afternoon. Currently the only thing I have at the moment I know is with Niaomi who can feel free to beat me with hopefully only small objects.

But hopefully they'll fix the issue tomorrow so I can BE ONLINE REPLYING or PLOTTING or something.