Aug. 25th, 2010


I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to be dropping Hermione. I've been trying to get her to fit/click for a while and kept her on the thought that eventually I'd get comfortable with her but it hasn't happened and I feel guilty keeping her if I can't play her like she deserves to be played and Ron and Harry can have someone reliable. I'm still going to be around with Mary so I'm not leaving completely but I just wanted to give everyone the heads up.



Jul. 23rd, 2010



Hey guys I hate to do this but I've got a bunch of stuff going on and I need to take a hiatus probably about a week or so. I will try to keep an eye on things but won't be planning any serious interactions until I get done with a bunch of RL stuff and killing off a character in my other game.

So <3

May. 21st, 2010


So I'm going to be out of town for the weekend (and next weekend too but! I'll be around during the week). Going to get my Mickey on. And.. if you need anything email me but I might not get back to you for a few days.
