Nov. 27th, 2010


Okiez! This weekend I will have to wrestle the internet away from my cricket mad father (and cricket is a sport that goes on all damn day as well as being incredibly boring...why), but hopefully I will get some time! If anyone wants to log/plot, hit me up!

Hayley (Laura, Penelope and Pace)

Nov. 12th, 2010


Okiez lovely ladies! Come tomorrow I will need your best tearstain graphics/resources, as for some reason I haven't accumulated any myself. ANNNDDDD guess for which character? Come on, you know the answer to this one.

Nov. 6th, 2010


Just so you know, Laura got an owl from her father on Friday afternoon and is now at home. I've been busy with university applications and other fun stuff and haven't quite finished my log with Julie, but details will soon be coming here.

Edit: And she did hex her sister, so if anyone who was about wants to comment on that, feel free.

Oct. 31st, 2010


Halloween costumes! What is your character going as?

Laura will be Wendy Darling, Pace is following through on Su's suggestion and going as Agent J, and as Penelope's pretty good with these sorts of things, she's charming her costume to alternate between an angel and a devil.

Oct. 26th, 2010


If it's good enough for Rain, then it's good enough for me: ooc posting about my challenges here! ;) I have Penelope and Justin (in progress), and then Parvati/Laura and Pace/Andy. If you have any ideas, let me know! Lena, I was thinking of having Pace go for a flight and get stuck in rain, and Parvati and Laura, I have no idea...

Oct. 20th, 2010


(Doing this here because I am lazy/it's easier to keep track of than firing off emails to everyone)

MIKELL and ELLE and PATRICIA and LENA! I want to log blonde!Penelope with your characters, please and thank you! So Elle, we're doing Justin getting interviewed, Lena: tactless Ron somewhere, Mikell: Marcus somewhere, and Patricia: Su and/or a certain NPC of yours? :D

Oct. 13th, 2010


FYI. Penelope got hexed blonde as part of the St. Mungo's fiasco. Just in case you're wondering at the change in hair colour.

AND since I love embarrassing my more together characters, who wants to log with her while this lasts? So far I have Marcus and Ron lined up. (And if you want to log with any of my others, that's cool too)

Sep. 24th, 2010



OKAY. In case I'm only around sporadically over the weekend (because we all know that my immune system is the laziest thing in the world), I thought I'd get this up now. In brief:

  • Team Phoenix (red) versus Team Dragon (blue) [list of players]
  • Scoreline: 350-240 to Team Phoenix. Krum gets the Snitch.
  • Game starts at 11:00 am; goes for a reasonable amount of time.
  • People can arrive from 9:30 am onwards; pre-match performances start at 10.


Questions? Queries? Want to say what your character was doing? Let me know. And in case anyone is curious, I figured out who would get the Snitch and scorelines through a combination of flipping a coin, then using two twenty sided dice to roll two numbers for each team, then multiplying the dice by ten.

Sep. 5th, 2010


Operation: Get Wesley :P


Can we? Can we please?

Aug. 22nd, 2010


Sorry for spamming, but I noticed there's not been an OOC thread put up for the Saturday Diagon Alley outing. So have at it folks!