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Oct. 27th, 2010



Yep. I bet you thought I was dead, didn't you?

Well actually, you'd be right. I just got through four weeks of midterms... with what looks like three more to come. Working three to four hours overtime every day for the past two weeks. And I did it all..... without my computer.

Yes, that's right, my laptop committed suicide.

Being the poor college student that I am there was no new laptop to be had. Luckily a family member had an old one... so here I am. Alive again.

That doesn't excuse the fact that I didn't notify anyone, I know.. I'm sorry... but I get paranoid about what I do on the monitored school computers.

So yeah. Here's the DL, I'm not going to be amazing active. Like no five threads a week. But, one or two, yes, that's manageable. And I probably don't know a bunch of you now. So hi, I'm Kate. This is Terence, he may or may not like you. Check out his profile... or ask me if he'd like you and I'll check out your characters' and let you know..

That's all.

Sorry Sorry Sorry

And I love you all!


Oct. 26th, 2010


If it's good enough for Rain, then it's good enough for me: ooc posting about my challenges here! ;) I have Penelope and Justin (in progress), and then Parvati/Laura and Pace/Andy. If you have any ideas, let me know! Lena, I was thinking of having Pace go for a flight and get stuck in rain, and Parvati and Laura, I have no idea...

Oct. 24th, 2010


Look at me, being all up-to-date. Now's the time to tell me I missed something.

Oct. 20th, 2010


(Doing this here because I am lazy/it's easier to keep track of than firing off emails to everyone)

MIKELL and ELLE and PATRICIA and LENA! I want to log blonde!Penelope with your characters, please and thank you! So Elle, we're doing Justin getting interviewed, Lena: tactless Ron somewhere, Mikell: Marcus somewhere, and Patricia: Su and/or a certain NPC of yours? :D

Oct. 19th, 2010


Dear Ryan,
Tags: ,

Oct. 18th, 2010


Hey guys!

I am so sorry that I have been complete and utter fail. RL has hit me hard and I think I am going to have to pull out. I was so excited to join your game and thank you so much for the opportunity. Sadly RL says I'm not allowed to have fun :( I hope I get a chance to play with you lot properly in the future!


Oct. 17th, 2010


Bee's Back!

I'm sure you've all missed me ;P But I am back home now, and working on catching up with things. However, in case I have missed things, I wholly apologise. Having said that, I've got loads of time on my hands atm, so if anyone want Theo, Mandy, Sophie or Melinda, please let me know, they needs threads!

P.S. Welcome to any new people!

Oct. 16th, 2010


Hey guys! Um, okay, so this has been a long time coming - many apologies. The last two weeks have been too busy for me.

So my name is Lucy, and this is Draco Malfoy. His (hideously long) profile is in his journal, but to keep it short: he's on probation, his father is in jail, and he's redoing his seventh year at Hogwarts. He's a bullying asshole, but he's also a pretty amusing friend to have. He grew up a lot in the last year, and he's more subdued than he used to be, but he's still full of ridiculous plans, can be hideous to people he doesn't like, and stupidly melodramatic, although he doesn't mean that quite as much as he used to.

any/all storylines/interaction would be amazing! my aim is flamesplummet; I may not be on there for the next couple of weeks, but I'll do my best :) again, very sorry to have not been around, but I am VERY EXCITED to be here now.

Oct. 14th, 2010


Because I haven't spammed your flists quite enough lately: PROPS MEME!!!

Here are the ones I can think of at this very moment; I am likely missing quite a few!

Here there be props )

And this is more of a general one, but I think the dynamics in this game between all characters are very realistic. The fifteen year olds act like fifteen year olds instead of five (or twenty five) year olds, the adults have their own drama that seems well played and thought out, the relationships of the 30 and 40 somethings are different to what those a year or so out of Hogwarts have, and you guys are awesome to play with.

Oct. 13th, 2010


FYI. Penelope got hexed blonde as part of the St. Mungo's fiasco. Just in case you're wondering at the change in hair colour.

AND since I love embarrassing my more together characters, who wants to log with her while this lasts? So far I have Marcus and Ron lined up. (And if you want to log with any of my others, that's cool too)

Oct. 12th, 2010


I desperately don't want to quit this game, but I really just don't have the time to devote to it right now. :( Maybe if Zach's still available by my next break I'll come back? I can't say for sure.

So, Zach's officially handing over his title of King of the Assholes to Wesley Harper. I'd say he has big shoes to fill, but... :I His shoes were probably bigger in the first place. DATING LAURA MADLEY DOESN'T AUTOMATICALLY MAKE YOU A GOOD BOY. ;P

♥ you guys. I'll still be keeping up with you guys via [info]bachtopus (because this game's too fucking awesome to ignore). Friend me there if you haven't already. ^^ OH. And these are late, but better now than never. )

Oct. 11th, 2010


If anyone at home is still playing and not regularly checking back to the epic secrets post (for shame!), all but a few secrets have been guessed.

See the six five two that are left here

Or find out who belonged to which secret here.

That is all.

Oct. 10th, 2010



Unfortunately, I got bogged down with midterms and a migraine, so I am a bit behind. I'll be catching up tonight and tomorrow.

(Ginny, Pansy)

Oct. 9th, 2010


Anyone want to thread with Wayne? He needs plot. He has two girls crushing on him but they have found people who are less clueless. You snooze you lose, Wayne. See, I am a poet too.

Oct. 8th, 2010


Hey guys!

I'm Dea and I'm bringing you Maxine O'Flaherty! Basic rundown:

*Hufflepuff pureblood in the twin's year
*Former chaser for the qudditch team
*Older brother who was a DE, she doesn't like to talk about it
*Activity Director for St. Mungo’s Psych Ward where her other brother is a patient
*Can be a bit thick but means well and is always there for whoever needs it

Everything else is here! She needs ALL kinds of plot. Friends, enemies, old flames, anything!


I have not threaded Ron in quite some time. This needs to be remedied ASAP. WHO WANTS TO PLAY WITH RON?

Bonus points if you are willing to start, because I am lazy.

Oct. 7th, 2010



Hey guys,

I'm heading off to Israel late tomorrow evening and won't be back until Sunday the 17th of October. I have no idea how much time I'll have to be online, as I intend to make the most of my trip and I'll be at work most of the day anyway. So! I have to take a hiatus. In the meantime, I think we can be safe with having Melinda be her usual bouncy/annoying self and harassing Jason and Pace, just off the journals. Sophia's probably going to class, that sort of thing, and the rest of mine don't have anything going on anyway.


Oct. 6th, 2010


hiatus :/

It seems like I just came off of hiatus, but I am about to go on a long needed vacation to visit the BFF and while I will have internet access, I will be focusing on quality BFF time much more than RP. I'll still try to check in and read the flist and stuff and you might see me on AIM (macgirl50) and you're free to poke me there or via email ( if you want to discuss, etc, but for the most part I'm not going to be around until about the 22nd.

♥ Lena (+ Ron/Katie/Chelsea/Andy)
Tags: ,

Oct. 4th, 2010


HI EVERYONE. I'm sorry I'm so late with my introduction, but I was in Seattle over the weekend celebrating my grandmother's 75th birthday, so the internet was not a priority. Anyway, hello! My name is Megan and I will be bringing you the oh-so-exuberant Geoffrey Hooper!

Geoffrey is a 7th year Gyrffindor, reserve keeper for his house team and a Very Silly Boy. Life is too short to take it so seriously all of the time, so if something is funny, he's going to laugh and if he can get someone who's feeling down to smile, you know he's going to do it. You can read more about Geoffrey HERE, but the basics are that he's very cheerful, likes to poke at Slytherins/people who take themselves too seriously, and he figured out he wants to be a Healer/Mediwitch after the battle.

I'm open for everything and anything when it comes to plot, so feel free to throw things at Geoffrey and see if they stick!

I'm on AIM pretty much all of the time if I'm online, so you can get a hold of me there at COLORING chalk, or you can email me at hollabackmegg (at) My CDJ is [info]vimes if you want to add me/contact me there, as well. :) I'm excited to start playing!

Oct. 3rd, 2010



Hey everyone! My name is Nell, I'm in my mid 20s and live outside Seattle. All my contact info is here, so please don't be shy.

My character is Charlotte Rosier (née Runcorn). She's kind of an amalgamation of two characters I've played in the past with her own unique bits as well, and I need.... um, yes, pretty much any interaction opportunities I can get.
  • She's a Ravenclaw from the class of '96, and was a Prefect.
  • Her Pureblood family is big on tradition, not so big on genocide and torture, so they wound up siding with the Death Eaters, though no one in her family was actually branded.
  • She was married to Rigel Rosier, who then took a Dark Mark, and died in the Battle.
  • Her mother-in-law has been keeping them in mourning for the last six months.
  • Potions and Herbology are her things, and while she didn't really plan on having a career, she's now wondering if this could translate into one.
  • She is a nerd. She's bad at sport, she was in Chess Club, she loves libraries and bookstores, she likes puzzles and riddles, she keeps a journal that contains a little bit of personal stuff and a lot of doodles and stories.
  • She's filled with secrets, some of them her own and some not, as she's a good listener, good advisor, and good at keeping confidences.
Since she's my first character and I didn't have the opportunity to set up backstory, friends, enemies, former romantic interests, I NEED YOUR PLOTS! I'm open to whatever people have to offer, and I also posted a small storylines post, in case anyone finds inspiration there. If I can be greedy right from the beginning, I would love to have her older brother or younger sister in play (though especially her older brother :P). I've tentatively named them Edward and Elizabeth, but I'm also not at all opposed to changing this, or the other small tidbits of info I put in her profile.

Also, I want to say thanks, because everyone was so overwhelmingly welcoming and encouraging right from my first comment asking about backstory. It was completely what won me over, as a group of players as awesome as you ladies - do we have guys?! - were could never be a bad thing. I'm excited to catch up on what I've missed, and get to playing!

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