October 4th, 2010

[info]ghoops in [info]may_ooc

HI EVERYONE. I'm sorry I'm so late with my introduction, but I was in Seattle over the weekend celebrating my grandmother's 75th birthday, so the internet was not a priority. Anyway, hello! My name is Megan and I will be bringing you the oh-so-exuberant Geoffrey Hooper!

Geoffrey is a 7th year Gyrffindor, reserve keeper for his house team and a Very Silly Boy. Life is too short to take it so seriously all of the time, so if something is funny, he's going to laugh and if he can get someone who's feeling down to smile, you know he's going to do it. You can read more about Geoffrey HERE, but the basics are that he's very cheerful, likes to poke at Slytherins/people who take themselves too seriously, and he figured out he wants to be a Healer/Mediwitch after the battle.

I'm open for everything and anything when it comes to plot, so feel free to throw things at Geoffrey and see if they stick!

I'm on AIM pretty much all of the time if I'm online, so you can get a hold of me there at COLORING chalk, or you can email me at hollabackmegg (at) gmail.com. My CDJ is [info]vimes if you want to add me/contact me there, as well. :) I'm excited to start playing!