May 31st, 2010

[info]indeand in [info]may_ooc

Hey guys! Alison here with a second character: Dean Thomas! Dean's a pretty solid guy, mostly cheerful but still a tad upset about Ginny dumping him and, obviously, people dying and everything. He spent the last year first on the run from snatchers, then was caught and held in Malfoy Manor, then hid out in Shell Cottage (Bill and Fleur's place) with Luna. He fought in the Battle of Hogwarts and was injured (dislocated shoulder and burns down one side of his body). He's out of St. Mungo's now but he still has scarring. He wants friends and stuff! His bio is here if you want to read. As always, the best way to reach me for plotting purposes is email at :-)

[info]theweaslette in [info]may_ooc

I want to rp with Ginny and I have a few specific requests:

-Other Weasley's?

Now that she is starting to be less mopey and depressed like I want to rp with her!!  Also now that the holidays are coming to a close I can actually have quality time to rp!