[Video | Open - Life was fun while it lasted]
04 March 2010 at 08:18 pm
[While shifting in his sleep, he has somehow turned on the video option of his headset. So take a gander at the sleeping Kyon and the noticeable trace of drool lingering at the corner of his mouth.

Brown eyes open slowly, very much like they do every morning when his alarm clock or cell phone blares in his ears. His lids open and close several times before sheer laziness isn't enough to ignore the unfamiliar ceiling looming above his head. Even as he blinks and makes a face at it. Yup. Still unfamiliar.

Oh brother. What did Haruhi do now?

Wincing, he sits up, his hand lifting to his head as he does.

What's this?

Some sort of headset. And a message. As Kyon reads his welcome letter, it quickly becomes apparent by the sour expression on his face that he is not amused. In fact--

Wait! WHAT?!]

llegal Use of Firearms? And LUST?! What does that even--? Oh, come on, Haruhi. What kind of messed up scenario has your boredom dragged me into this time?

[He stands up quickly, trying to figure out how to get the damn thing off his head.

I really need to have a word with that girl about her twisted sense of humor and the fact that I'm tired of waking up in foreign, not to mention highly irrelevent, places. It's creepy!]
[Accidental Voice | Video | Action]
04 March 2010 at 11:39 am
[Groggy, an incredibly beautiful young girl moans slightly, pushing up from her spot on the ground. She appears dazed and confused, her hair a little messy.]

W...What...just...happened? [She rubs her eyes, and her words might seem a bit disjointed.] K-Kyon-kun...? Ah-- [She starts to appear alarmed, but her movements are slow and wobbly, almost as though she's drunk. She tries to push herself up and stumbles several times.] No---I...I have to call. [She's urgent now but her words are slightly slurred as tears form in her eyes before she abruptly pauses....and then  weakly begins patting her body as though in search for something.]

TPDD....TP..DD...no...n-no...where is the TPDD...!

[OOC: OKAY. So. I drew Mikuru from the chapter in which she was drugged to fall asleep and kidnapped. So she's still groggy and coming to while here...and obviously thinking that oh gawd...she's just been kidnapped. Her TPDD is what allows her to travel and communicate with the future.]
25 February 2010 at 09:36 am
So now that I've been here long enough. [She arrived pretty much RIGHT before the date auction yesterday, if that can be considered long.] I thought it might be important to introduce myself.

My name is Haruhi Suzumiya and I have won dates with several of you.

What I am interested in, is people who are not normal humans. Everyone here is apparently from different dimensions and home worlds, which in itself is interesting but I am wanting to know a little more about each of you.



The most interesting thing about you!

Please provide them now!
[anonymous note]
24 February 2010 at 10:56 am
[In the shelter, in the hallway between the dining hall and the common room, you may notice a notecard on a board. Paper and different-colored pens are available.

In a neat, slanted print, the notecard reads:]

What does it mean to be in love?

[There is no one around.]

((Since these are notes, almost all communication will be anonymous unless otherwise noted, e.g. if you sign your comment or say something obvious, but please do it logged-in. Feel free to leave your thoughts, respond to other people's thoughts, etc.))
[action] Event: Valentine's Auction
19 February 2010 at 03:05 pm
[A podium and stage, decorated with pink and red, has been set up outside the shelter. Here's where the action happens...!]

[Everyone who wants to RP out their auction should make a comment here, describing what they're wearing and how they're feeling/acting in the comment. Don't say anything. You may optionally add context relative to the timing of the bidding, like mention that he's impatient for character X to go up, or is weirded out because character Y just bought someone else and she was supposed to buy him, or is anxious because she's the first one up there, etc.

[Then Minako responds with patter commentary, attempting to sell your character based on what she knows/has been told. She will put [Bidding] in the subject line. Respond to Minako's comments to bid. Just like in a real auction, the bid that is the highest or the fastest will be the one accepted!

[Please go up in increments of no more than 300 sentis at a time, and remember that 1500 sentis is a reasonable price for a date. Indicate in bold in brackets if you have OOC plans, like, "[He was confident he would win]" or "[She was starting to worry she didn't have enough cash]" or "[The thought of losing didn't even cross his mind]". It is common courtesy not to interfere with established plans; if you want to do something else, talk to the mun whose intentions interfere with yours.

[But try not to choreograph things too extensively. You have the right to decide what you want to happen to your character, but it's fun to let these things be spontaneous, and you don't have the right to tell other people their characters aren't allowed to do something IC just because it interferes with your extensively scripted plans.

[Minako will declare the winner of each auction, largely at her discretion, and then the bidding will be over.

[People may also start their own threads off the original comment with the biddee with subject lines like [Before the Bidding] or [After the Bidding] to interact with the person up for auction. Try not to do post-bidding threads until after the bidding is concluded -- for obvious reasons!]
[voice | video | action | open]
18 February 2010 at 05:49 am
There’s the sound of someone playing around with the communicator, pressing buttons, completely unaware that he’s turning the video feed on and off, as well as the audio.]

What is this thing? What is this place?

[He’s reminded of when he first found Christmas town, only this confuses him even more. He didn’t go through a door, and this didn’t seem to be a place for holidays.]

Is there anyone else here? Can somebody please tell me what’s going on?

[Finally, he takes the time to stop playing with the device on his head and read the message it displays.]

This is amazing! It’s like a little world down here, underneath the ocean!

[He’s too fascinated with the fact that something like this actually exists to even realize he was in a jail, as a criminal.]
[Video | Open Action is possible]
17 February 2010 at 10:52 pm
W-W-What?! [After what seems to be a bunch of playing around with the communicator in her ear, a young girl, wearing a beautiful frilly dress, appeared on the screen. She in much surprised, amazement, and confused all at once right now.]

A-Ah! Woah, what is this? There is nothing like this back home. [Tilts her head slighty, before looking around.]

Am....I really at the bottom of the ocean? I know it's pretty, but there must be a mistake. [Frowning a bit, wiping her eyes a bit. Until, she got to her crimes list. She fretting right now.]

Wait.....Accessory to murder? B-But, I didn't kill anyone!
17 February 2010 at 09:50 pm
So! I'm in a brand new place with brand new people and I've heard some interesting things about everyone so far.

That being said, I really would like a chance to meet everyone and get to know them on a personal level. So in order to do this...


This will allow me to both meet each of you as you donate to me and allow me to meet everyone later. It's a foolproof idea that is best for all, don't you think?
[VOLUNTEER IC; fear the tl;dr - voice/video]
17 February 2010 at 06:33 pm
[a rustle, a snap then-] HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!~ [the sparkles may not be your imagination and Minako beams into the camera]

Hey everyone!~ As all you cuties might very well know, and if you don't well now you do, today is the date auction! Sentience has given me and C.C. the authority to run this fantastical event and - of course - what's a fantastical event without some fantastical people to be there?

IN OTHER WORDS - [whips out a rather formidable LIST and waves it just long enough for you to glimpse at some of the names already written.] It's sign up time! Everyone who would like to be biddee please respond to this message, and your name will be added to the list.

Remember, for those who sign up there are some requirements. 1! You must come in costume or dress or something just very pretty. 2! Biddees are allowed to become bidders if they so choose to. 3! THE DATE MUST BE DONE.

[and here she gives a rather devious smile]
Those on the list that are...less than enthused will get a friendly nudge from our very own captain of the defense force, Gino Weinberg~ And of course, anyone who would like to...volunteer others are welcome to do so! The event will be announced by Sentience later today!

Hope to see everyone there!~

17 February 2010 at 09:28 am
[It's a very simple question!]

What's a date? Why's it such a big deal?

[He knows the concept of one, but not really the word for it. Poor kid just doesn't know how the outside world works.]
12 February 2010 at 08:54 am
[You may hear the sounds of someone tapping on the communicator.]

[The screen is black for a moment and you can hear fabric rustling on the other end.]

Ugh! How does this thing even work?

[Hey, now there's a little light to the picture but mostly the color blue...but it's slowly panning out. Slowly...Slowly...until. Yes. There is a girl. And a face. A very large face filling the screen of your video.]

Is this someone's idea of a joke?

Jail? REALLY? I'm not even sixteen yet! You seriously think I'd believe I've done something deserving of jail? Are you stupid?

These charges are absolutely hilarious though! Who came up with these?

Extortion? Blackmail? When have I ever? What would I need to extort anyway?

Ignoring the laws of nature? How can I ignore them? Sure, it would be cool to make some changes to how things work but ignoring them isn't going to do anything!

Altering timelines? Do I really even need to address this? Really? Ah! If only! I'd totally go back to last week when I got that stomach ache from eating too much of Miruku's cookies and not eat them. I couldn't move for like two hours that night!

Destruction and Recreation of Earth. [Dissolves into giggles] You would think I'd remember that.

Okay! Really. Joke's over. You can come out now, it was fun for like the first five minutes. I have some very important things to get done today.