[Mail Post | Day 88]
12 November 2010 at 11:33 am
PM ♕ Prospitian Monarch
  • Allen: a letter from Ryu.
  • Sasha: a letter from the Peregrine Mendicant.
  • Alucard: a letter from Terezi.
  • Hikaru: a letter from Jeanne.
  • Peregrine Mendicant: a letter from Ribbons.
  • Alma: a letter from Red.

  • From Leopard : to all new arrivals.

  • Spike: a package from Howard Link!

[anthropomorphic chess piece says hello. PM offers a friendly little smile, one Safe For Humans and not full of teeth at all.] Good evening, new Marina inmates! I am the Peregrine Mendicant, also known as the Parcel Mistress and postmaster of the Marina Asylum Postal Service, located in Sector 1. Everyone is welcome to stop in for orientation on rules and usage! You may then also sign up for the pen pal matching service.

Thank you for your time!

[Click here for pen pal signups. Mail submissions for Day 89 go here!]
[voice | open]
12 November 2010 at 07:37 pm
Well! So many new people today! I must say that this is quite the opportunity to pose a question.

Do any of you have any specific wishes? How many of you are expecting a birthday soon? Or perhaps over the holiday season you'll be wanting something? I simply can't just sit here without granting some things for you. Do tell me. Come, now, don't be shy, tell me all that you want. Princess Nunnally, perhaps? Or Ms. Kurosu? [A light laugh.]

Mm...oh, yes. [And now she will add with a touch of sympathy,] Xion, darling, I'm afraid I was unable to find your friend. I hope you had better luck than I.
[ class! / BACKDATED]
12 November 2010 at 11:11 pm
Lelouch vi Britannia
[This is Lelouch's literature class! It's the second class but the first one I'm logging out so if your character showed up for the first one, they will be expected to have read Gulliver's Travels Gallagher's Travails! Lelouch has extra books and will be handing out worksheets he wrote up to discuss the book: most notably he'll be explaining the satirizing of politics, the underlying questioning of whether humans are innately corrupt, and the warning against scientific progress.

[But mostly he wants to ask a dry]

So, does Gallagher's situation sound familiar to anyone? What does it say to you? That's what literature is really all about, after all.

[Are we not all strangers in a strange land, victims of too-advanced science, and forced to question our own morality?]

((ooc: No categories; just indicate "After", "Before", "During", in your subject header. This is going to be eventy, so students are encouraged to interact with each other, but Lelouch will also be tagging around. Class is from 10:30-11:30.))