[Action | Open][Slightly backdated to late afternoon]
11 November 2010 at 01:23 am
Maya Fey
[The morning brought an empty bed to Maya & Pearl's room. Maya's young cousin had simply vanished, and sure enough the departures post said she was missing too.

It's a bittersweet thing to Maya. Pearl never belonged here in the first place, no matter what Sentience claimed, but Maya's room will feel empty again. Living with Jennifer & Co. certainly helps, but as far as Maya knows, she might be the only one from her Earth. It's a little lonely to have that feeling, but she's done well covering it so far.

Maya's bundled up in weather clothing as she walks through the light snowfall along with Missile, the Ditto. Missile has taken on the form of a kitten, copied from a real one at the pet café where the two were not long ago. She runs along ahead of Maya, batting at snowflakes as they hit the ground and melt.]

((OOC: If you have telepathy or that sort of thing, feel free to pick up on her bittersweet feelings, but otherwise it'll be pretty well hidden.))
Location: Sector 4 - Park / Late afternoon
11 November 2010 at 04:27 pm
Zelman Clock
Private )

Saki )

I've noticed that there's a significant lack of animal life around here. The few animals we do have are either fellow inmates, domestic, or rabid. What a shame. I've always liked bird song. Fish are poignant and charming, but unfortunately silent.

At the risk of sounding terribly mundane -- what's your favorite animal? [♥] If you don't have one, then go ahead and complain about the ones you hate instead.

[ooc: you can find Zelman sitting on a park bench. so normal. except for the fact that he's virtually untouched by the light snowfall. if you venture close enough, you'll realize that the snow never had a chance, because all of it is melting before it can get close.]
[Video|Action|Open] Meet-and-Greet!
11 November 2010 at 05:39 pm
Miranda Lotto
[Have a very nervous-looking Miranda who is trying to hide just how terrified she is of screwing this up.]

Umm...W-Welcome to everyone who just arrived today! [handwave] I know that it can be a little confusing and maybe scary, but Marina isn't a bad place to stay, really.

[Monsters and evil people not withstanding.]

If you would like to maybe m-meet some of the other new inmates, or get to know some of the people who are already here...there will be treats, tea, and hot cocoa in M-Meeting Hall 1 of the Education Center.

Y-You don't have to come if you don't want to! [doesn't want to pressure anyone] But you're not alone here, and you can make some really wonderful friends. And anyone who wants to meet the n-new arrivals is more than welcome to come! If you don't know how to get to the Education Center, I can try to give you directions?

[Miranda will be there with a table that is covered with cookies, cupcakes, brownies, strudels, and hot tea and cocoa just like she promised. She really wishes she had found someone much better suited for this. She's not a spokeswoman or even that confident of a speaker one-on-one. Hopefully they can avoid the robots and not get into trouble for coming?

And she still had one other call to make...]


Umm...K-Kanda? Are you b-busy tomorrow morning?

{OOC: Event-style, threadjacking encouraged. Mingle, mingle!}
[action | closed]
11 November 2010 at 06:33 pm
Axel || viii
[...He's finally home now, though he's not sure on if that's a good thing or not. It feels out of place being at home, because, well, it's missing something. Something important, like a memory or a part of his body, really. Axel tries not to get too caught up in those thoughts, though, as he enters the house, not bothering to open the door--he just teleports through--and makes a beeline for his room.]
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[ voice ]
11 November 2010 at 09:17 pm
Eh, this thing is pretty weird…

[The feed starts with the sound of a fairly ambiguous voice, slightly monotone from the extent heard. The woman (or man?) who’s voice this belongs to, lets out a sigh, and there’s a few scratches heard on the microphone, before it is situated properly on her head. ]

I talk in here? [ There’s a pause. ] Hello. My name is Haruhi, from class 1-A I guess that doesn’t make much difference right now…

I read through the pamphlet, but I had a question. I thought someone might be able to help. [ There’s a pause before she begins talking again. ] Where do we work here? We have to make a living somehow, after all.

... Ah, that’s it. This was pretty meaningless… [ And, soon enough, the feed cuts after a bit a fumbling around. ]