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November 22nd, 2013

[info]redvest in [info]mandalus

1er drapeau

[ Hello, Mandalus Network. The figure greeting you is an unfamiliar one, with a tumble of blonde hair and a slightly distraught face. His lips are pulled tight, not so much nervous as focused, and his gaze turns upwards with mild surprise as he realizes it's recording. He's in what looks like some kind of old, cafe-type bar, and he's still wet from the ocean. ]

I am told this is how to introduce yourself, though it seems strange to be talking to a small box with no one within earshot. [ Granted, there are a lot of strange things here, so Enjolras simply nods. ]

I am Enjolras, and I wish to know two things. If you should be so kind as to answer, I would be grateful. I wish to know if there is anyone from France here, to begin with.

[ He nods at the screen a second time, pauses, and then decides to ask the next question anyway: ] Also, whomever has a moment of time and would be willing to help me out with this strange box I am holding, please notify me as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time.

[info]flipsalltables in [info]mandalus


[Thor had been on his knees, overwhelmed with emotion, stuck in a world he didn't have the power to escape, with his plan and his life crumbling around him piece by piece. He hadn't the chance to even get to his feet properly when he'd all but stumbled into another world -- Mandalus. He staggered a few steps, bleeding from scratches to his face and trembling a little with the shock of everything. He didn't know how to respond and the sting of tears in his eyes was hard to bite back, but a C'Meni guard of some kind had come to his side, resting a hand on his arm. Thor smacked it off without thought and stepped a few more paces away, breathing hard.

It took a long few minutes for him to calm down enough to be given his phone again and he looked to his wrist, aware of there being no bangle and blinking blearily around the beach he'd somehow appeared on. It wasn't where he needed to be and even knowing that he would return exactly to where he'd been whisked away from didn't make it any easier to stomach the situation he was in.

Finally, Thor started the phone up, deciding only to send a voice message. It was too much for him to show himself on screen just that moment, but his voice and the way it shook and broke just so betrayed his emotions anyway.]

I-- I have returned. [He breathes a shaky breath and there's a long pause before he speaks again.] I need time, but should anyone need me, I am here.

[Without anything else to say, and no heart to say much more, Thor hangs up the phone, deciding that he'll seek out somewhere quiet to patch up wounds and rest.]

((OOC: There WILL be spoilers for Thor: The Dark World in this post. If you would like to avoid spoilers in a thread, let me know in the subject!))