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September 27th, 2013

[info]canyonsiniowa in [info]mandalus

011 ☄ voice | text | action for enterprise crew;

Attention, Mandalus. While I'm positive you all know who I am by this point, this is Captain James Kirk of the USS Enterprise. We all have plenty of things going on at the moment, so I'll make this short and to the point. Especially since there's no point in re-announcing what the Cult has already shown us.

[ Kirk pauses. ] A few weeks ago we hosted a camping trip. Myself, a member of my crew, and a few others investigated a series of strange readings we picked up on our handheld scanners. We can say for certain now that the small residence we found outs in the forest did belong to the System before they went missing. All evidence points to it being a study - if not residence - to the member of the System known as Praenuntius. You might all know him as the creepy guy in the hood.

Inside his study we found several books. My science officers - the few that we do have - spent the last few days getting reports together. There were plenty of books and items that we believe to have properties that magic users here in Mandalus will be able to identify. However, there were some books that I believe you all will want to have copies of. It seems Praenuntius was reading, if not taking notes, on all of our homeworlds. We've managed to digitize them and upload them to the ship's computer, so if you want a copy of what he had about your world? I'll make sure we send it to you.

He also kept a journal of the current events of the city up until the point they went missing. As well as what my science officers believe to be cook books. Or something like them at least. I suggest you get in contact with us so I know exactly to send to you all.

We've also done some scanning on those cracks in the sky. Anyone who is curious or has a background in science? Get a hold of me. We need more hands on with this study.

Beyond that... this curfew is a real thing. If anyone needs to get to safety before the curfew starts? Call us. I have the transporter room standing by to pick up anyone that needs a place for the night. We can try to transport you from the ship to anywhere you want to stay if you don't like the idea of being on a futuristic spaceship.

Kirk out.

[ Private Encoded to Tony Stark ] )

[ Private Encoded to Dean & Sam Winchester ] )

[ Private Encoded to Thor Odinson ] )

[ Private Encoded Snow White, Queen Elizabeth I, Prince Charming ] )

[info]makingitupasigo in [info]mandalus

[Video] [Public]

[The camera is set up deliberately, so it can be clearly seen what the angel is doing. He is in fact facing the camera, his blue eyes tight and his jaw lifted up in what his friends would know as 'Pure Angel Stubborn'. He lifts a dagger, carved carefully with the appropriate runes in Enochian, and slices it open. Then he turns, facing the gate around Singer's Salvage, and writes something in his ancient language upon the metal. Then, he lifts his hand, and slaps his bloody hand upon the metal.]

[There is a bright flash of light, and the symbols are gone. And Castiel's hand is healed. He looks back at the camera.] This place is secured, for the safety of the innocent. And there will be more to come.

[Yes, that's right. The angel is declaring Singer's Salvage a safe zone against the Cult. And that was an open invitation to anyone in the city to have the same protection.]

[info]finalhaven in [info]mandalus

001 ❥ accidental voice -> video;

[ The phone's audio kicks on far faster than the video. Which might be a good thing, considering all that can be heard is Tifa arguing with one of the guards. ]--You can't just expect people to fight for you explaining anything! Do you really expect us to just go along without questioning it?!

Please, ma'am, we understand that you are upset. This is perfectly normal--

--Being taken from your home and shoved into a war is not normal! [ The sound of shuffling comes over the speakers before the line goes quiet. ]

[ A few minutes later, the video function turns on. The woman with brown-red eyes looks incredibly angry, determined, and just might hurt the next person that tries to give her an answer that isn't really an answer at all. ]

They told me that there's people I can contact that are like me - taken from their homes and expected to fight in a war. [ The anger fades just slightly, worry filling her eyes. ] There are people back home who need me. Two children and--[ Tifa cuts herself off and looks away. She's not even sure Cloud survived the explosion. ]--Just, tell me what is going on. These guys aren't the most helpful in giving out information.

My name is Tifa... and, thanks for the help. Whoever might be on the other side of this call.