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August 27th, 2013

[info]catchallthecats in [info]mandalus

4th Cat // [Accidental Video/Action]

[The communication device blinks on to a nauseatingly spinning view of overhead lights, tiled ceilings, as if someone had kicked it, sent it skidding across the floor. Which, even as it stopped the movement, the sounds of a girl shrieking in anger, the sounds of a scuffle seemed to lend weight to the theory. Anyone who paid attention might recognize the inside of one of the rooms one usually woke in when first arriving to the city.]

Let go of me let go! I have to go back!

Please try and calm down miss-!

You have to send me back, I can't be here now! [The video was obscured as someone picked the device up, coming back into view as it was pressed into smaller hands, liberally streaked with mud. She didn't waste any time, kicking at the door as it was closed, shrieking desperate threats and cursing at the people on the other side of the door.]

[Anyone near the station might see when the muddy child stalks from the building, all but steaming she was so mad. Sadly, it's doubtful there's any civil conversation to be had from her, if the way she elbows through a crowd as she storms away is any hint.]

((ooc: She's been pulled from during the Red Wedding, anyone that doesn't want spoilers for it please note it in the subject and I'll be sure to keep replies spoiler free for you 83))

[info]fewscrewsloose in [info]mandalus

1st Focus | Video

[Rough breathing rumbles up, with growling resonating through the voice. When the image finally rests on the source of the noise, a beast of humanoid features, she remains on her hands and knees, a long red and black spear beside her. The beast trembles with each breath, letting out a wailing howl, her head thrown back, before her body glows in a golden white light, leaving behind Fang, collapsed on the ground.

With that over, the person holding the phone approaches her, a gloved hand feeling for a pulse. A moment passes before the hand draws away from her.]
Alive. Get her up.

[The feed cuts for a few minutes but when it returns the image is blurred and the phone is being gripped tight as Fang pounds her fists on the door she's been shut out from.]

You can't just leave me here! I have to get back! Vanille needs me! [She finally stops banging the phone against the door and rests her forehead against the door, the side of her face visible.] You have to send me back... they need me. I have to... I have-- [Fang sighs and looks down at the phone in her hand before just stuffing it in a pouch on her waist.]

[info]fully_synthetic in [info]mandalus

1st Reboot; Video Message

[The video feed is switched on. She’s back. And yet again, reduced to using these hand-held communication devices. The updates she preformed to meld her systems to that of the communications network here have clearly been reversed. If they even existed at all. How was it possible? How could she go, and come back, and be herself changed so much? How could she go away and have no memories of this place, now only to have them flood back?

Someone was hacking her system, and that was not something she was happy with. The unhappy expression was frankly all too obvious. But there’s no panic on the streets, no screaming or smoke blackened sky, as far as she can see. This must be a period of relative peace.]

Mandalus Security Forces: this is Major Motoko Kusanagi requesting Status report. Requesting confirmation of current presence and threat level of Serpent Army. Requesting confirmation of current presence and threat level to City proper.

[It’s all back to business, and she’s right back in soldier mode, no longer a police officer of Section 9. Personal meet and greets will wait until, if at all, she hears back from whoever, if anyone, is running the city resistance.]

[info]awol_angel in [info]mandalus

[Look who it is. he looks positively delighted to be back. Who can blame him, considering what he went back to? Then again, it feels like no time at all has passed. He was on the floor, that same floor again, and now he's back here, to a place he's useful. A place he was appreciated and adored. Where his siblings weren't trying to maim each other with every chance they got. Dad, he freakin' loves this town.]

Mandalus! Long time no see. You all look just as awful as I remember you, so it's good nothing much has changed! I won't lie, there are some of you that I missed far more than others, but if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have to go see my wife!

[He winks, suggestive. The smug look on his face only gets worse.]

I think she might have missed me, if you get my drift.