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August 21st, 2013

[info]daddysknife in [info]mandalus

Eleventh Cut | Accidental Video | Backdated to August 14th

[The video comes on discreetly at first, and the view of a worn wooden floor comes into sight. Beyond that, the most noticeable sound is a guitar being strummed slowly. Eventually, the random strumming finally sorts itself into a clear song. A quiet bark from off-camera results in the camera being moved to a bulldog puppy barking at the bare feet of the person apparently taking the video.]

Ash wants to sing. [The camera person laughs, a sleepy laugh that some may recognize as Jo’s laugh. A deeper laugh comes right after and the video shows Dean sitting on a bar stool with a beaten down old guitar.]

Kinda hope she sings better than human Ash probably would. [Dean flashes Jo a smirk.] You recordin’ this?

No, I’ve just got my phone out so it looks like I’m textin’ people and you’ll ignore me. [She laughs again, moving around the bar counter to get a better shot of Dean on a bar stool.] ...I’ll keep it around for the next time I’m hungover.

[Dean shakes his head at her with a little roll of his eyes and just looks down at the guitar in his hands.] Been a while since I even picked one of these things up. I was probably like… nineteen, twenty, somethin’ like that.

[He looks back up at her briefly before deciding to sing a few of the words, his voice a rough and low sound when he’s not actually wailing at the top of his voice in the car.] She’s got a smile that it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories, where everything was as fresh as a bright blue sky…

[Unseen on camera, Jo opens her mouth with a retort prepared about how long ago that must have been. When Dean begins singing, she shushes herself and sets the camera down on the counter off to her side, propping it up against an empty bottle and making sure that they were both in the shot.

Dean keeps singing, his voice sometimes a little too quiet and a little too deep to be made out clearly on the audio but when he gets to the chorus he picks up a little, his fingers moving the strings more firmly.]
Oh, oh, oh, ohhh, sweet child o’ mine…

[Jo shakes her head as he reaches the chorus, turning back to make sure the camera is still on with a broad smile before she joins in for the last part of the chorus and the second verse.] Oh, oh, oh, ohhh, sweet love o’ mine. She's got eyes of the bluest skies, as if they thought of rain. [Jo turns away from Dean and the camera, watching her dog run around the bar as the verse continues.] I hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain.

[Dean flashes another grin at her.] Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place where, as a child, I’d hide and pray for the thunder and the rain to quietly pass me by.

[It’s then that Dean hits a bum note and laughs, stopping playing and giving Jo a playful smirk.] You’re pretty good. Didn’t make my eardrums bleed or nothin’.

Oh, come on. I don’t do anything bad. [She shakes her head with a quiet laugh before reaching out to grab her phone, zooming in on Dean’s face with another laugh.] At least you didn’t make my hangover worse. I’ll give you points for that.

I can think of like… ten different things you suck at. Now, gimme that, I’m deleting this. [He snatches up the phone, then pauses as he realizes it’s recording to the network, not Jo’s phone.] Jo! What the Hell? It’s broadcasting!

Shit. You’re kidding, right? [She grabs the phone back, turning it over once to investigate, accidentally revealing a flash of legs barely covered by the shorts she’s wearing, before cursing again.] Well, that’s that. ...Hey, everyone.

Yeah, hey. Jo’s an idiot. [He flashes a big false grin and gets up, moving around the bar to grab a drink for himself.] Oh, hey, since we’re here, tell ‘em about the range. [He pops the top off a bottle of beer and slides it across to her before he grabs another for himself.]

Shut up, Mr. “I’m going to take the guitar in Jo’s living room and play sappy songs all morning”. [She rolls her eyes and ignores the beer for the time being.] What Dean’s talking about is the gun range we’re opening. Bill and John’s Shooting Range. It’s outside of town, on the desert.

[Dean rolls his eyes right back and takes a sip from his beer.] Basically, this place needs to learn real gun control and, between us, me and Jo know pretty much all there is to know about firearms. So, yeah, we’re openin’ and you can come learn not to shoot yourself in the face.

...We’ve got guns you can buy too, if you don’t have one yet. Just come out and practice so you don’t kill someone you don’t wanna when the time comes for you to protect yourself. [Dean looks over at Jo, then shrugs and cuts the video. That’s all they need to say on that matter.]