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August 8th, 2013

[info]flipsalltables in [info]mandalus

[When the video feed starts up, Thor is in just a black tank top and jogging pants, his hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. His skin shines with a light sweat that is cooling on his skin with the breeze that runs through the forest. His attention is briefly on something unseen - someone, in fact - and a frown creases his brow.]

Faster. I will not be lenient. [The sound of movement gets a little louder and Thor returns his gaze down to the phone as he walks away from the noise, the sounds quietening with the distance.]

With the cracks in the sky, I felt it wise to investigate up close. The problem is that the barrier does not allow for me to get as close as I would like to. [He glances up at the sky briefly with a look that shows just how much he dislikes being hindered in any task.]

The System showing us their tree before their departure and the aftermath visible in the sky lend to the theory that this tree is the Worlds Tree, known to my people as Yggdrasil.

[He reaches a hand up to scratch absently at his beard as he thinks.] Should anyone wish to know more of the Worlds Tree, I would share what personal knowledge I have of it.

[With that, he cuts the feed, heading back to the source of his earlier focus.]

[info]goddamnitjim in [info]mandalus

006 ᠉ Video

[The irritation is so clear on Leonard's face as the video begins but he isn't holding the phone himself and that should worry anyone who knows him. Still clad in the ceremonial robes, Bones makes an angry huff of a sound as he glances away and then back to the phone.]

Enterprise, one of you better come to this damn forest and help me get back to the ship. [His face contorts to a bitter false smile.] Whatever these... people did to bring me back, it went wrong, of course.

[McCoy raises his hands, both of which are a little pallid in colour.] My damn hands don't work. Who ever heard of a doctor - a surgeon no less - whose hands don't work?

[Dropping his hands angrily to his lap, he sighs.] Damn it, someone just come and pick me up. I need to get out of these stupid robes.

[He nods once to the person holding his phone and the video ends.]

[info]makingitupasigo in [info]mandalus

[Video] [Accidental]

[The video function is turned on the new phone while Castiel was trying to turn on the flashlight function of his phone. You can see the angel's face, frowning, before an 'ah!' expression comes on. Then he turns the light towards what is in front of him -- which from what you can tell in the background is the street where Rumplestilskin's shop was.]

[Yes, you did read that correctly. Was. And since this was the last place the angel felt that kind of power, that is where he is right now.]

[The camera tracks as Castiel goes beneath where the shop was, into a broad cavern. Whoever is on the screen cannot see it, but Castiel can see the root and the stream, flowing items coming in from ... elsewhere.]

[And the look on his face simply says shock.] Oh. Assbutt.