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August 2nd, 2013

[info]mandalusnpcs in [info]mandalus

MES'KLOU - The Strike

[ The C'Meni had been working long hours to prepare the weapon that was said to destroy Mes'Klou. Once all eight pieces of technology or artifacts had been gathered, the C'Meni moved their newly created weapon to the remaining roof of the Spaceport. There, they waited.

And waited.

Finally, they managed to find Mes'Klou. The embodiment of the Serpent stood in the Business District, eagerly watching on as another victim fell to the hands of the Cult.

The weapon began to power up. It was a hum that filled the surrounding area. Then it grew brighter. A success so far. Aiming the weapon was the most difficult part. It took three men to move to aim it, and one to stabilize it. It was something built to be a powerhouse and to destroy, not to last.

A bright beam - much like the one from the weapon that the System created - extended from the weapon. It shot at the speed of light, giving no chance for Mes'Klou or the Cult members around him to even run. They were vaporized in an instant. Screams were not heard as a large beam made contact with the ground. A small crater formed where the targets once stood. Glass in the surrounding buildings shattered, shards going in all directions. Frames of buildings were charred and melted from the intense heat of the weapon.

Then the sound happened. The sound that no one would be unable to ignore or ever, ever forget. It echoed around the whole city. It did not matter how far underground the person was or if they were asleep. The sound was that of shattered glass, as if someone had gone through and pushed over the cabinet that contained all the fine china.

If one turned their head skyward, they would see what shattered.

It was the sky.

It cracked. Fine lines spread across the sky until eventually, the early morning sky gave way to pure blackness. Then fine white lines appeared in the widened cracks. They formed like tree roots, intertwining and spreading out as far as the eye could see. Almost as if the root like figures encompassed the entire planet.

Silence fell briefly before sirens wailed. Car alarms, the city warning system, the Mandalus Network. Everything at once became noisy and chaotic as the scene in the Business District came to life in panic and joy. At the time, no one asked what the price was. They had won. ]

[info]inflynnwetrust in [info]mandalus

First Login

[ When the video post starts up on the network, the face appearing on the recording should be familiar to some of the older residents of Mandalus. With eyebrows a little high and half a grin on his lips, Sam Flynn manages a slight wave at the camera. ]

Apparently you just couldn't stand not having me around. Can't say I really missed you folks running the place, but I know there are those I'd be happier to see after being stuck in meetings all day long.

[ Because, seriously, screw Dillinger Jr and the other guys trying to run his dad's company. ]

So... I'm guessing it's been awhile. If there's anyone who remembers me that's still around, mind giving me a ring? It'd be easier to catch up on what I missed that way. [ There was a pause before he added with a small chuckle. ] Preferably over a meal because I have no eaten all day. They're pretty stingy when it comes to snacking during conference calls and stuff.