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July 28th, 2013

[info]alwaysfindshim in [info]mandalus

Seventh Snowfall | Video

[When the footage starts up, Snow's phone is beside her, being held by one of the priests as she comes round. Her dark eyelashes flutter against her pale skin and, for a moment, it looks like it'll be a peaceful revival. Everyone is at ease, her breathing is steady and soft... until it isn't. A sharp gasp cuts through the air and Mary Margaret screams, thrashing as she wakes, her eyes opened wide when she sits up, scrambling away from them all until she has her back against a tree. She can't quite stand yet so she huddles there, her knees pulled up to her chest, the black leather robes swamped around her.

Another priestess comes over to her, reaching out, and Snow flinches away, her hand grasping around the ground for anything to defend herself with, a rock gripped in her hand tightly.]

No, no, don't touch me! [She whimpers a little, pushing up her sleeves to show burns up her arms and over the backs of her hands. Snow lets go of her sleeves and drops her head back against the tree, tears welling in her eyes. Every time she closes her eyes, all she can see is the Burning Room and her heart is pounding so hard she can't stop her hands from shaking.]

If someone would like to come and collect Ms. Blanchard, she seems to be in some distress.

[The source of the voice moves the phone closer to Mary Margaret and she takes it - snatches it, if anything - keeping it close to her as she shuts off the video.]

[info]canyonsiniowa in [info]mandalus

010 ☄ accidential audio -> video;


The sound echos through on the network. There is the sound of metal hitting the floor, then a large thud following it. A warning beep follows and the voices of a man and a woman come through, mumbled but still present. Then the sound cuts out.

Not long after, the video feature turns on. James Kirk is staring into the feed, his eyes set, a frown on his face. The expression is hard to read on the pale face, but it's clear he is angry, terrified, and worried all at once. Maybe a few other emotions thrown in that Kirk can't even properly describe himself. He's leaning up against the bed in Sickbay, holding the device in one hand as the male nurse holds him up period. ]

Someone tell me what the hell is going on! [ He barks it out like an order, not a request. He's shaking, but not disorientated. In fact he looks far more alert than he should.

His crew is dead. He has seen Kaylee and McCoy's accidental posts on the network. He's seen the news announcements. His crew is dead. After everything--how is he even back--what is going on? ]

Captain, you're not--

I want answers! Get off me. I'm fine! [ And right as he says that, his legs give out and the nurse has to catch him. Another walks over and uses a hypospray right in his neck. His favorite! ] I said get off me, that's an order! Will someone tell me why they're dea--[ the nurse cuts the feed. ]