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July 21st, 2013

[info]patrona in [info]mandalus

011 rose; video // you've got the ocean blue

[ When the phone is switched on, the phone has been knocked as it hits the ground. About her chaos, the patrol she'd ridden out with under a full attack by the cult, the men pour around them, killing her own. Not that she takes it lightly, Gabriel's blade is unsheathed and she's turning it in her hand as she brought it down onto a man's head, the bright light flaring as he died. Behind her is Selina, fighting just the same, smooth cat like grace and far better at it than Elizabeth. Dismounting by swinging a kick at the closest man's head. ]

Fall back! Now! [ the order was too late. Too many of them, far too many of them. The feed ended as one of the cult members found the phone. Picking it up and turning it off as somewhere behind all that Elizabeth's screams could be heard, cursing them at the top of her lungs. ]

just don't try and fight the angels (cut for length & violence) )

[info]desertsflower in [info]mandalus

[ open broadcast ]

Hello to the City of Mandalus and Honored Guests.

[ Like the News Broadcasts, the Mandalus Network comes alive in the early hours of the morning. Standing in front of the camera is a woman with a strong expression on her face. Proud, noble, and yet hardened by war. She nods her head respectfully towards the camera. ]

You know my people by the name of C'Meni. The group that several of you helped out of the crater? Those are my people. I am Princess Iafara. My people come from beyond the barrier. There are several things we wish to share with you, out of gratitude for aiding us and being so generous. While I understand that you have no reason to trust us, I hope that our willingness to co-operate will be enough to build that trust.

My people long have celebrated the Ancient Gods and know of the texts and stories of our world. Our priests, while they are few, believe they can return those you have lost from beyond. The ceremony is not without its risks. However, we hear that the Toni Kdara - those you call the System - bring the departed back frequently.

[ From Iafara's left, another woman steps into the shot and turns her head to speak quietly to the Princess. Her words cannot be heard by anyone else. Finally she turns her attention to the screen with an equally serious expression. ]

As z'moni said, there are risks. Unlike the... System, we are not able to play with life and death so easily. We will return the dead to you only with express permission from those nearest the deceased.

[ The other woman falls quiet. Iafara raises her hand and gently places it on the woman's shoulder. ] This is P'Tyara. In your system of royalty, she would be known as my lady-in-waiting. If I cannot answer your questions, then P'Tyara can.

[ Iafara then moves to the side, gesturing to the small group of C'Meni. Who are already at work building something. ] We have advanced technology, as many of you saw in the Home. I believe you refer to it as the Facility? We believe that we can construct a device that will destroy the ghoul known as Mes'Klou. We require your help in its construction. If you would like to help us, then please. Contact us on this message.

[info]wouldbequeen in [info]mandalus


[in her bid to remove what she has just witnessed of her own daughter as quickly as possible she has switched the video on herself. She is openly sobbing]

No. No!

[But the moment she realises she has broadcasted that she cuts the feed]