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July 4th, 2013

[info]likely_evil in [info]mandalus

[private to Red]

[Sam hasn't announced yet that he had returned to Mandalus to the general public. In fact, he had barely left the bunker since Dean had made him realize where he was again. nearly two years of his life was trying to merge itself with the returning memories of Mandalus, and it was hard to process it all.

Especially when he looked at Max, and all he saw was Riot and that kept bringing up thoughts about Amelia and Red and it was just too much for him to deal with. So he kept himself hidden in his room. But he knew that he was being an asshole if he didn't at least tell her what was going on, and he already screwed up one healthy relationship this year, he didn't need to ruin another. So he set his phone on his knees and punched in a message to Red]

I'm back in Mandalus. We need to talk. Can you come to the yard?

[info]emchanted in [info]mandalus

1 broken curse - Voice (open to action)

Ok, so I’m still not willing to rule out that this is yet another realm with yet another portal but I swear to God I am getting really sick of the tourist thing.

Mandalus, is it? Ok, well let’s get to know each other real quick and get some things straight.

I want out, I want to go home, and I want to get back to my family. If you intend to stand in my way, make me jump through hoops or otherwise give me trouble you may as well just come at me right now and let’s get this over with.
My parents did subtlety and graciousness; I think it skipped a generation.

On the other hand if you have something useful, call me.

If you don’t fall under either of those just stay hell out of my way.

[With that short and very pointed message Emma sets off still straightening her jacket from her friends at the bizzaro world welcome center.]